"Damn, it's really bad luck. I've been tracking all the way here, and I've come across this kind of natural fire disaster. I don't think that boy will be burned to death, will he?" Looking at the wasteland that has spread into a sea of fire, one of the few people looks like a young monkey, showing his teeth in chagrin, and even looks like a monkey.

Another person smell speech not good spirit of white this person one eye, "Figo, your kid is not an idiot, this kind of weather, neither cool day, also no thunder and lightning, how can there be the disaster of natural fire?"

"It's not a natural disaster, so tell me what's going on?"

"Idiot, do you still need to ask this kind of question? It's not the disaster of natural fire. Of course, someone set the fire?"

"Arson, who is it? Dori, you look like an idiot to me. Is there anyone else in this wilderness besides us? Or did you set the fire FIGO the monkey laughed.

In his heart, he was very angry that Duoli had been calling himself an idiot, but he had to admit that his brain was not smart enough. Today, he finally realized that this annoying guy was not smarter than himself, which made FIGO very happy.

But it turns out that Duoli is much smarter than him. He just sneers at his ridicule, "or you are an idiot. If there is no one else in this wilderness, why do we come here to see the scenery?"

FIGO's smile suddenly froze, but he still argued unconvinced: "do you mean that the boy set the fire? It's impossible. He didn't mean to tell us that he had been here. Why did he do it?"

Duoli sniffed, shrugged and said, "how do I know that? Maybe he thought we were all idiots like you. When he saw the sea of fire, he thought he had been burned to death?"

"Ha ha, you don't know. Damn, I thought you were so smart. In this case, how can you be sure that he was not burned to death?"

Duoli a sneer, "ha ha, what do you say to do, now go home to sleep, idiot?"

"Asshole, don't say" idiot "to me any more. People who say" other people are idiots "are actually the biggest idiots



"Come on, don't quarrel, such a quarrel can't bring us even a Chen bead." Sangle, the leader of this group, saw that they were quarreling endlessly, and impatiently interrupted them. Then he coldly said, "search around the sea of fire, maybe you can find some traces."

"So big a sea of fire, search around?" The others are in a bit of a dilemma.

The spreading speed of the sea of fire is too fast. It's twice as big as before, and people don't dare to get too close to each other. In this way, we have to go around a very big circle. Even if there are many people in this group, it will take a lot of effort.

"Otherwise, what should we do? Don't forget that it's a reward offered by 30000 beads. We happen to meet some of them. This opportunity doesn't always exist." Sang Le's eyes swept all humanity.

Others had been a bit of a retreat, but when they heard of 30000 rizhu, they showed their teeth one by one, and finally they were reluctant to give up.

The monkey FIGO spat hard on the ground, "if I can really earn the 30000 day pearl, I must go to the fire dance building and have a good time!"

Hearing this, they laughed and scolded: "look at your promise!"

But everyone was motivated.

The attraction of 30000 beads to them is still huge. Even if five or six people share equally, one person can have a lot.

You can even put together a set of equipment to hunt and kill undead species. It's not necessarily that you have a chance to become a baron.

These people are also vigorous, get the order, immediately began to search along the sea of fire around.

"Hey guys, look here. What did I find?" Before long, someone on one side of the sea of fire let out a cry of excitement. Others quickly gathered around and found that the monkey FIGO raised his hands high, and there was a white fiber between his fingers. It was the material left on the boy's clothes.

Other people see this, the eyes are bright.

"Ha ha, FIGO, you idiot did a good job sometimes. It's good. The fiber is definitely from the boy. It's still very new, and even has the boy's smell. I smell the boy, ha ha... "

Then a few people along the trail to search forward, and found a few obvious traces, but soon people feel wrong.

The traces and clues that could be found continuously before completely disappeared.

It's as if the target they're tracking just disappeared.

"Damn it, that boy must have done it on purpose. He left us these marks on purpose and let us run about in this damned wilderness. All the results are deception!"

"Don't make any noise, Duoli. Is the smell still there?" Sang Le stopped the noise and asked Duoli, who was lying on the ground and smelling everywhere. But the latter didn't answer him immediately. Instead, he smelled for a long time on the ground. Then he stood up and shrugged his shoulders and said, "except for the direction of the sea of fire, all his smells have disappeared. However, I smell a strange smell."

"Strange smell?" Sangle was surprised. "What kind of smell did you find before?"

"There should be some, but I didn't notice that the smell was so light that I couldn't find it if I wasn't careful. If the boy's smell hadn't disappeared, I couldn't find it either."


While these people were searching the wasteland, Zhao Chengfeng had been observing these people from a distance.

In fact, he didn't go far after setting the fire. Although he had killed the unfortunate guy, he couldn't help knowing who was chasing him.

At the very least, he should understand the strength of these people. At the same time, he also wants to know more about the world through these people.

"Look at the movements of these people, they seem to have the ability to track the smell, but they don't seem to track me. It seems that this ability to track odors is probably limited

For the next two days, he followed these people around the wilderness.

It has to be said that these people are really patient. They have been holding on for two days before finally losing patience.

A group of people began to scold anxiously.

In two days, because Zhao Chengfeng had taken Tongyu pill, he began to understand most of their conversation.

Vaguely, I heard that these people seemed to come from a very strange city named May 9.

The identity is about a group of vagrants, or people similar to the local ruffians and hooligans in the city. The status is not high, but it is better than ordinary people. They usually make a living by doing some shady things.

And from their words, Zhao Chengfeng also knows that those beads are indeed the world's currency, but the name is a little special.

The white beads are called Chen beads, the green ones are called sun beads, and the red ones are called moon beads. In words, it seems that there is a better one named Zai beads.

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