It turns out that each one is named after a time unit.

Moreover, the division of time is quite similar to that of the earth world. A day is divided into 24 hours, so a sun bead is equal to 24 Chen beads, and January is 30 days, so a moon bead is equal to 30 sun beads. However, there are four seasons here, but there is no change of four seasons.

It's a bit strange to say that in short, the four seasons of the world are not divided by time, but by region.

However, these people didn't mention the specific division, and Zhao Chengfeng didn't know. He could only vaguely guess that some parts of the world should be winter all the year round, some parts of the world should be summer all the year round, and spring and autumn are the same.

In a word, everything in the world seems to be related to time, but the strange thing is that this change of time seems very unclear in a single place.

For example, although Zhao Chengfeng tracked the time of these people for two days, he only judged them through their words and their own physical functions. In fact, the sun above his head has never moved and has always been there.

According to these people's words, it seems that the time at this time is called Yang March by these people, so he judged that if there is Yang March, there must be Yang January, Yang February, and there may also be Yang April, may and June.

Corresponding to it must be Yin 1234 may and June.

In this case, the day and night of the world may be half.

It's just strange that those people seem to be able to clearly feel the loss of time, and they don't know what they are judging by. They can actually grasp the change of time very accurately.

"What a strange world

As like as two peas, he was able to understand the words he had made and who he had almost killed himself.

That guy's name is Qianzhi, a very awkward name, and the surname is more strange, called Wuchen.

In fact, it's not appropriate to say that surname is the only one, because there seems to be no concept of surname in this world.

Moreover, the possessors are all aristocratic. Some of the clans have titles, and only those with titles above Viscount are qualified to start a clan. And each clan is named after a certain day of the twenty-four.

So theoretically, every city has a Wuchen family.

So this Mr. Qianzhi, if he reports his identity, should be Wuchen's Qianzhi on May 9. It's so long.

Here, by the way, there is the concept of nobility in this world, but this nobility does not come from a big figure, or an emperor or a political power, but from the rules of the world itself.

As for the details, these people did not talk about it in detail, and Zhao Chengfeng did not fully grasp the language of the world, so he did not understand it.

In retrospect, the clan of Qianzhi seems to have a good position in the city of May 9, but it is very embarrassing at present.

There was once an ancestor in the family who had won the title of earl. The title of Earl was not too high in the city, but it was not too low. Otherwise, he could not get the fifth birthday as his surname.

However, not long ago, the ancestor of the family suddenly disappeared. It is said that he may have died.

Without this pillar, Wuchen's family naturally became embarrassed on May 9, because according to the rules of the world.

The clans in each city are fixed. Once the strength is not enough, the clan name will not be preserved. Unless a strong substitute can be cultivated in a very short time, it will be challenged by the nobility without clans or the low ranking nobility of other clans.

Once the challenge fails, if only the ranking is reduced, it will be better. If it is pushed to the end, it will be miserable.

After losing the clan, it is equal to losing the corresponding rights and protection. However, once the clan had some resources on hand, it would naturally be attacked by a group.

Today's Wuchen family is in such an awkward position. Although it still keeps its name for the time being because of the rules of the world, the watchers around have already rubbed their hands.

What we are waiting for is the coming of the next clan war.

Within the clan, Wuchen Qianzhi was just as embarrassed as Wuchen himself.

Because Wuchen Qianzhi is the only direct descendant of the disappeared earl. He once had a high status. Although his parents died early, he was raised by the Earl since childhood, so he didn't suffer any injustice. Instead, he became closer to the earl.

It's just that he didn't win himself. Up to now, let alone count and Viscount, he didn't even mix with the lowest baron. In the words of monkey Figo, a dandy is a waste.

It's not that he is not talented or smart enough. In fact, he was once known as Wuchen's child prodigy, so he was favored by the count and finally adopted by him.

But unfortunately, because the count's favor, let him live too comfortable, so that he lost the minimum sense of urgency, and the courage to forge ahead.

Finally, he became a waste dandy.

Even a simple minded idiot monkey disdains him very much.

Although in terms of strength alone, Wuchen Qianzhi must be better than the monkey, not to mention his cultivation, otherwise he could not escape all the way to the wilderness under the condition of being chased and killed by so many people.

Finally met Zhao Chengfeng just unlucky lost his life.

And if according to the normal process, monkey Figo, no matter how jealous and disdainful he is, can only envy and hate in private.

Even if the count disappeared, the monkey FIGO could only envy and hate for a long time, which may be forever.

Because although Wuchen had no count, there were still two viscount. As long as the two Viscount did not die, the risk was not great.

But unfortunately, the danger often comes from within.

Wuchen Qianzhi is just like this. For some unknown reason, he suddenly becomes a traitor of Wuchen's family, and is wanted by Wuchen's family with a reward of 30000 days.

Monkey FIGO and others learned that the reason is that Qianzhi stole a treasure of Wuchen family and defected from the clan.

For the truth of this charge, not only Zhao Chengfeng is deeply suspicious, even monkey FIGO is also constantly turning his lips.

"Wu Chen's family is just too stupid. Can anyone believe such a lame reason? At least they have to add an item to the reward order to hunt for a heavy treasure. As a result, as long as they bring back their heads, these nobles are not only stupid but also shameless!"

That's what FIGO the monkey said.

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