And Duoli, who always doesn't deal with monkey Figo, just says, "so you are stupid. Do you think those idiots of Wuchen don't know what people think? Do you think they are so idiotic that they don't know that this is a stupid lie? "

"But who cares? Even if the whole world knows that they just want to kill him because they don't like him, will anyone stand up and say a word for the poor waste? Just like you, my idiot friend, will you give up the 30000 day pearl because that dandy is unjust? "

Black bear Duoli a sneer, "no, you won't, no one will be like this, this is the reality.". Justice is far less lovely than a Chen bead, not to mention all of this is the waste asked for

"Shut up, you two are idiots. That's the reality. The rubbish you've been talking about has been fooling us for three days, and now we haven't caught a hair. That's the reality." The other members of the team have been a little anxious, three days without harvest, has consumed their patience, the two idiots' noise is also annoying.

As the leader of the team, sangle was also impatient. For the curse of other members, he frowned impatiently, and then issued an order in a cold voice, "all shut up. Today is the last day. If you can't find it, give up."

Other people are silent, although not reconciled, if the fourth day has not been harvested, it really can only give up, who knows if the boy is eighteen thousand miles away.

Although Duoli, the black bear, had lost the smell of a dandy two days ago, he could at least trace a strange smell.

But since two days ago, Duoli has not heard anything. It even makes people wonder if the strange smell is an illusion from the beginning.

One day passed quickly, a group of people collapsed on the ground, exhausted.

"Damn, I'm not willing to, but now I'm afraid I have to admit that the waste may not be so waste." Duoli's powerless way.

"Oh, damn world, I want those 30000 beads!" Monkey FIGO cursed a, unwilling to lie on the ground.

The others were too lazy to pay attention to them.

Someone turned and asked sang Le, "boss, what should we do? Shall we go back to the city?"

"Otherwise, what can you do? If we go on like this, we may starve to death. " Sang Le's powerless way.

At this moment, suddenly, there was a poor accent in the distance, "maybe I have some different ideas!"

"Who?" Hearing this sound, sang Le suddenly alerted, and the whole person jumped up from the ground. But when he saw the speaker, he could not help but grow up in surprise and muttered to himself, "Oh, my God, is it the Lord of eternal life who sympathizes with me, or am I hallucinating?"

"No, boss Sandra, I'm sure you didn't hallucinate, because I saw it too!"

"Oh, asshole, it's the trash. No, 30000 beads!"

All the tiredness seemed to disappear.

The monkey FIGO can't help shouting. Before sangle gives an order, he is the first to rush to Zhao Chengfeng.

Sang is happy to see this and is shocked. Although he is very excited about Zhao Chengfeng's sudden appearance, he is also very excited for a moment.

But as the leader of this group, he should be a little calmer than others, and soon realized that there was something wrong with the situation.

Although he didn't know what the problem was, at least he knew that no one would be so kind as to give his head to others to exchange beads.

Even the Lord of eternal life may not be so kind, or so stupid.

So why does this person show up, and still show up when they are about to give up?

Before he could figure this out, FIGO the monkey rushed out.

Sangle was shocked and cried: "come back, idiot, don't..."

But it's too late.

I saw the uninvited guest, saw the monkey rushed to himself, but he shook his head and laughed.

He still said in that awkward and eccentric accent: "sure enough, I didn't wrongly call you an idiot, but the nickname monkey is not suitable for you, because monkey is much smarter than you!"

Between speaking, raise a finger, poke at will, hit the person's forehead.

Monkey FIGO a Leng, completely did not respond to come over, the other party's fingers is how to poke their own, clearly so slow.

Not only he was stunned, but other people were also puzzled, because in their eyes, Zhao Chengfeng's action was also slow, and the monkey FIGO didn't hide, even shook his head and put it on each other's fingertips.

"Damn, what the hell is monkey doing, this idiot, do you want to commit suicide?"

However, despite the verbal abuse, everyone knows that even if the monkey is an idiot, it should not be so stupid. Therefore, it is not the monkey's own problem, then it must be the problem of the waste dandy.

But what did he do?

Originally, they all planned to rush up, but this strange scene stopped them subconsciously.

But the next second, people were surprised to find that the monkey FIGO seemed to be OK. Even if the finger was put on the monkey's forehead, there was no terrible picture of the monkey's head being punctured.

The monkey himself was also shocked and recovered. He was surprised to find that he had not received any harm. Suddenly excited.

"Ha ha, it's a bluff. I'm fine. Ha ha!"

However, a laugh did not finish, Zhao Chengfeng fingers suddenly a song, and then a play.

The monkey suddenly fell on his back, then glided three or four meters on the ground, and then stopped.

But the whole person was stunned by this finger, lying on the ground, his head was dizzy.

Other people see this, first in a daze, and then in a daze.

"Hello, monkey!" Duoli was the first to rush up and grab the monkey, shaking, "Hey, idiot, are you ok?"

But he didn't shake, it's OK. In a flash, the monkey who was already dizzy was even more dizzy. How could he answer him.

Seeing this, Duoli suddenly looked up and angrily looked at Zhao Chengfeng, "asshole, what did you do to the idiot monkey? What did you do to him?"

Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the boy seemed to be quite righteous. He said jokingly: "what's the matter? Of course, he killed him. As an enemy, what's the problem?"

"What, you, you actually..." Duoli was shocked and angry.

Then he lowered his head and pulled the poor monkey, FIGO, shaking and shouting, "Hey, monkey, you idiot, how are you?"

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help laughing and crying, "is this product intentional?"

On the face, however, he deliberately made a stronger color of banter, and said with a smile: "what's the matter? You look like you have a good relationship with this idiot. Why do you want to die with him? I can help you! "

"Asshole!" Duoli suddenly looks up at Zhao Chengfeng, his eyes are red, his mouth roars, and he really rushes towards Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng was surprised by this move.

At the same time, Sanle and others came back.

"Duoli..." seeing Duoli's action, one of them changed his face and immediately stopped him.

Sang Le reached out to stop him.

That person doesn't understand of see to mulberry music, mulberry music shakes head, low voice way: "don't matter, this adult didn't plan to kill!"

The others were stunned again. Before they spoke, on the other side, Duoli followed FIGO's footsteps. He was also bounced away by a finger and lay on the ground with his eyes spinning.

"These two idiots!" Sang Le clenched his teeth and scolded, but he clenched his fist tightly. He was angry, but because he was nervous.

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