Although he can see that Zhao Chengfeng doesn't seem to be planning to kill people, and FIGO and Duoli haven't received any substantial damage, they just fainted temporarily.

However, he was not sure whether the other party had other purposes or intended to play with mice. If he didn't kill now, it didn't mean that he would not kill later.

And sometimes not killing is not necessarily a good thing. On the mainland, there are more cruel means than killing.

What made him even more puzzled was why the guy who had been avoiding their pursuit suddenly appeared in front of them, and even concealed such terrible strength.

Judging from intelligence and their previous contacts, although Wuchen Qianzhi's strength is relatively strong, most of them may not be able to beat each other alone.

But it can't be so understated. With one finger, FIGO and Dori can be smoothed out.

Otherwise, it's impossible, not even a baron.

"Isn't this person five Chen thousand childish?" Sang Le suddenly came up with such an idea, but then he shook his head, "that's impossible."

In front of this person how to see is five Chen thousand childish, no doubt, oh, in addition to the strange accent a little strange. But that doesn't mean anything. Unless Wuchen Qianzhi has twins, there can't be such a similar person.

Moreover, they are tracking Wuchen Qianzhi all the way. In the wasteland where the birds don't shit, it's unlikely that anyone else will come except them and Wuchen Qianzhi.

Even less likely, as like as two peas, five people are coming to the same place.

Even so, where did Wuchen Qianzhi go?

With all these things, this person must be five Chen thousand childish.

But the question is, why is Wuchen Qianzhi so strong?

However, these aristocrats are used to insidious and cunning, and there are some hidden strengths. It is even possible that this is a conspiracy of Wuchen family, or a strategy to deal with the crisis.

Anyway, they seem to have failed this time. And now what he has to think about is what to do right now?

After a short trade-off, he finally took a few steps forward with his teeth clenched, and the others were immediately on guard.

But sang Le went to Zhao Chengfeng's body, but did not start. Instead, he bent down and knelt on the ground with one knee. "The stupid and humble sang Le has seen adults. May your glory shine forever, and may your kindness forgive the stupid crimes of Sang le and others!"

Seeing this, the other two hesitated for a moment, and then they all knelt down. "Stupid and humble Matthew (Jacques) has seen your Lord. May your glory last forever, and may your kindness forgive us for our stupid crimes!"

"Ha ha..." Zhao Cheng tuyere in a smile, but in the heart secretly belly Fei, "did not expect that people in this world speak a set of, don't say this word, listen very good."

But after laughing, he didn't speak. Instead, he looked down at sang le. He seemed to be examining and thinking of something to do with the person in front of him.

This kind of silence makes the three people feel more and more uneasy. They are all in a cold sweat, and their back clothes will soon be wet.

Fortunately, after a while, Zhao Chengfeng finally said, "if I say I'm not the dandy you're looking for, do you believe me?"

At first, sang le and others were a little relieved when they heard this man speak, but as soon as they heard this question, their hearts hung up.

Although they had doubts before, when Zhao Chengfeng asked such a question, they felt a great crisis. They instinctively thought that the other party had seen their doubts before, so they were angry.

What's more, the other party uses the word "waste dandy", which is the word they used to evaluate the other party before. It's too dangerous.

However, sang Le's reaction was also very quick. Hearing the words, he immediately lowered his head and said in the most humble manner: "for your identity, humble sang Le dare not speculate, but humble sang Le firmly believes that if someone uses such a cynical word to describe you, he must be the stupidest person in the world, just like humble sang le, Because, my Lord, you are brilliant enough to make all the nobles in the city of May 9 pale

"Let the whole city of May 9 be eclipsed. In that case, do I still need to flee?" Zhao Chengfeng deliberately made a slip of the tongue and said with a cold smile.

The three people trembled and did not dare to speak.

But then he heard Zhao Cheng say: "but it doesn't matter, because you're not completely wrong. Although it's not right now, it's just a matter of time."

Hearing his words, the three of them finally breathed a sigh of relief and said in a more humble and flattering way: "no, my Lord, please forgive the stupid and humble sang le for not being able to agree with your point of view. Because after seeing your power, I can't imagine a stronger existence than you with such a stupid head. In sangle's eyes, you are the boundary of glory, such as the dragon in the sky and the incarnation of the Lord of eternal life... "

"Well, flattery is enough." Although Zhao Chengfeng admits that this guy's flattery skill is really good, he still can't accept it for a while. He's too tired of it.

"Yes Sang Le stopped immediately after hearing the words, and did not say a word more. But in my heart, I feel relieved. So far, I have saved half of my life.

Sure enough, after a while, Zhao Chengfeng asked, "well, now we have to say something practical. Although I appreciate your wisdom, you have chased me for so many days. Even if you are kind as me, how can you forgive me so that my glory will not be humiliated?"

To this meeting, Zhao Chengfeng also finally learned this strange way of speaking, although a little disgusting, but I have to say it is still very exciting. It's very compelling.

Hearing this question, sang Le immediately knew that the real critical moment was coming. He did not dare to hesitate. He immediately knelt down on his other knee and said, "Sang le and others do not dare to ask for your forgiveness. Please allow us to be your servants, so as to wash away our sins, so that we can have a good sleep in the underground one day."

And then he quietly banged the two companions.

The other two were stunned. After a moment of hesitation, they immediately knelt down on the ground and said, "please allow us to be your servants to wash our sins!"

"Well, good!" Seeing that sang le was so knowledgeable, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help admiring him. But then he sighed and said with regret: "but, it's a pity, I'm a fugitive now. I want you to be servants of a fugitive. Won't you be too wronged? If you regret it in the future, my heart will be very upset. "

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