Sang Le felt tight in his heart, and even felt a chill behind him. He could clearly feel that it was a killing opportunity, which was hidden deeply, but it was also very sharp. He quickly said: "no, my Lord, sang Le doesn't think so!"

"Well, what do you think?"

"My Lord, sang Le once heard that excellent people are often envied by the world. The outstanding trees make the sky uneasy, but the real dragon is bound to soar above the nine heavens, and no one can stop it. The crimes committed by those stupid people to you today can not cover up your glory, but also prove your greatness. And in the future, they will have to repent for the rest of their lives for their sins today, just like your servant sang le I am now, otherwise the Lord of eternal life will not be able to let them sleep and go underground. " Sang Le said more and more excitedly. At last, he even raised his head involuntarily, and his eyes were full of hot brilliance.

Damn, this expression is too good, this guy can go to the earth world, the movie king has nothing else to do.

However, although Zhao Chengfeng praised in his heart, he said with a smile on his face: "well, what you said is very good. But even so, you still haven't mentioned the way to make me feel at ease? "

"This..." Sang Le suddenly a little tongue tied, immediately gritted his teeth and said: "we are willing to give our oath to the Lord of eternal life, and ask the great him to prove our sincerity."

"Well, almost, but not enough!" Zhao Chengfeng nodded slightly. As a person on earth, especially a Chinese, people with brains would scoff at swearing.

What is the oath in the current interest?

Shameless people can not hesitate to take their ancestors ten thousand generations to swear, and then turn around and forget. Then he sneered in his heart, "they are all descendants of the Chinese and the Yellow River. The ancestors of ten thousand generations are not special. They are a family. How do you like to do it and how to do it?"

Although he also knows that this kind of people who always talk about the Lord of anything is not so casual, he has seen many people who betray their faith.

Sang Le saw that Zhao Chengfeng didn't even accept the oath of the Lord of eternal life. For a moment, he couldn't think of it. He couldn't help sweating down his face. He didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng didn't get any oil and salt.

At this time, he really hopes to give Zhao Chengfeng a handle, but this kind of thing is not just what he wants.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly changed his words and sighed: "well, I'll give you an opportunity for you to be sincere, but for the time being, I'd rather believe in a stakeholder than a wronged follower."

"Ah?" Sang le was stunned, a little unbelievable, "don't let them be servants, but let them be collaborators?"

"This... Sir, you are..." he wanted to ask, are you serious, but he didn't dare to ask.

"Stand up!" Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and looked at the two people who were still lying on the ground. He said in a cold voice, "and you, I know you're awake. Roll up, or you'll never get up!"

The two people lying motionless on the ground, hearing this, got up and quickly nodded to Zhao Chengfeng without any embarrassment.

"Thank you for your kindness, my Lord."

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand, "it's too early to say benevolence. Although I promise to give you an opportunity, whether I can grasp it depends on you."

"Yes, don't worry. We'll hold it. Please do as you please, my Lord Sang Le hurriedly promised.

"I hope so." Zhao Chengfeng noncommittal smile, "as for what I want you to do, also simple, is a choice."

"Choice?" Sang le and others were all in a daze when they heard the words. They could not help but feel uneasy when they just put down their heart.

"Yes, a choice." Zhao Chengfeng nodded, then looked at sang le and others, and said, "this choice depends on how ambitious you are and whether you are smart enough!"

After that, without waiting for a few people to ask, he continued: "there are three options for this choice. The first option is that you will come here to see me in three days. If you come, it means that the cooperation between you and me officially begins. At that time, I will arrange tasks for you, and you will complete them for me. When it's done, I will reward you; The second option, if you don't use it in three days, then I will treat it as if it didn't happen. From then on, you go your way and I go my way. As long as you don't offend me again, I won't pursue you. "

Hearing this choice, sang le and others were surprised, some incredible, will there be such a good thing?

But I don't dare to ask.

Zhao Chengfeng ignored them and continued with a smile: "the third choice, you can consider going to those people to report my trace and bring them together, so that you can earn 30000 beads!"

Hearing this, they shook their heads and waved their hands. "No, sir, we absolutely dare not."

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand, motioned them to be quiet, and then said with a smile: "dare you now, needless to say, it's your choice, but if you make a choice, you will bear the consequences! All right, now you can get out of here! "

A few people smell speech a Leng, for a moment still some startled uncertain, don't know Zhao Chengfeng this is the truth or test them, because this is really too relaxed.

Zhao Chengfeng glared and cheered: "if you don't leave, do you still want me to invite you to dinner?"

Several people confirmed that Zhao Chengfeng was really going to let them go. They nodded and bowed, "thank you, thank you ~"

As soon as he started, he suddenly heard Zhao Chengfeng say, "wait a minute, come back!"

A few people were almost scared of heart disease by this voice. For a moment, they hesitated, but they still didn't have the courage to run. They came back again, and Zhao Chengfeng flashed a teasing smile.

Then he reached into his pocket, took out the brocade bag with three colored beads, took out five red moon beads from it, and threw them to sangle.

If you want to say something else, sang Le is not sensitive, but Yue Zhu is absolutely sensitive. Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng threw Yue Zhu to him, she almost instinctively reached out and quickly caught all the five Yue Zhu.

After catching it, I felt a little uneasy, "my Lord, this is..."

Isn't it good not only to let them go, but also to get money? It's unbelievable.

In addition, five moon pearls, 150 sun pearls and nearly 4000 Chen pearls, were used.

Although it is not a huge sum of money, it is also a windfall.

Is there such a good thing?

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