As soon as Zhao Chengfeng saw the expressions of several people, he immediately knew that he had given too much, or that he underestimated the value of a moon bead.

He thought that even the waste of Wuchen Qianzhi was worth 30000 sun beads, and a moon bead was only 30 sun beads, which should not be worth anything.

But seeing the reaction of the three, especially sang Le's, he immediately knew that he was wrong. He only considered the strength of Wuchen Qianzhi, but not his added value.

Because of this kind of misunderstanding, so give a little too much.

To drive others, sometimes it's similar to keeping pets. If you feed too much and eat too fat at the beginning, it's not good to drive others.

But at this time, it can't be said to take back. Anyway, this is a time. It's OK to give more. At least it can help them make the right choice.

Immediately pretended to be careless, light way: "take, these three days, you go back to eat good, self-cultivation, no matter what kind of choice you make three days later, cultivate good spirit should be necessary."

After hearing this, several people confirmed their conjecture and nodded busily, "yes, thank you. In three days, we will make the right choice. Let's say goodbye. May your honor last forever!"

"Go away!" Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand in an indifferent manner.

However, they did not dare to neglect them. They still moved backward, nodding and bowing as they walked. This time, they walked hundreds of steps before they dared to turn around slowly. For a long time, they did not hear a cry behind them. They were relieved, but they did not dare to run. Instead, they resisted the impulse and moved forward slowly, but they could not help walking faster and faster, Finally, it turned into a frantic rush.

After running for half an hour, I could see the protective lines above the city from a distance. Then I stopped and gasped.

It took a long time to slow down. When they looked at each other, they felt like they had survived and couldn't believe it. "Damn, it's so easy to come back alive!"

"Yes, I thought I was going to die, ha ha!"

"You think I'm dead, but I really think I'm dead. The finger poked on my forehead. I thought my head would be stabbed. Who knows, who knows, Wuwu ~ ~"

"Fuck, you cry fart, idiot. You'll be lucky if you don't die. What's good to cry about?"

"Yes, there must be a blessing. Ha ha..."

After they were sure of this, they could not help but hold together and burst out laughing. Then they burst into tears. They cried and laughed, laughed and cried, and the passers-by looked puzzled.

"What are these people for?"

"Who knows, a bunch of psychos?"

A few people smell speech burst into a rage, "you are neuropathy, your whole family are neuropathy, damn, how can you idiots know the afterlife of acid cool!"

After scolding, several people cried again.

A middle-aged uncle with two moustaches passed by a few people. He looked at them strangely, shook his head and sighed, "people's hearts are not old, people's hearts are not old. A group of big men are embracing in the street. Ah, the world is declining!"

"Ah, old bangcui, are you looking for death? Are you blind?" Hearing this, several people's tears suddenly disappeared, and the black bear was about to start playing with his arms.

Sang Le quickly pulled, "OK, just escaped a disaster, don't make trouble, advanced city, find a place to eat, these days my mouth almost faded out."

"Yes, I'll have a big meal. Anyway, we are rich now." Monkey FIGO was the first to raise his hand in favor of it, and when it came to eating, by the way, the moon bead rang out, and he burst into tears and laughed excitedly.

"There's a fart money. It's just a few moon beads. It depends on your potential." Duoli used to beat the monkey, but he couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes.

The other two were also happy: "who would have thought that the adult should be so generous and have money without doing anything."

"Shut up Sang Le's face changed when he heard the words. He looked around and saw that no one paid attention to them. He was relieved. Then he stared at them and said, "remember, no matter what choice we make, we must be careful and pay attention to what we say."

After hearing this, they all realized that they were a little too relaxed just now. They immediately shut up and stopped talking.

These days, a few people are sleeping in the wilderness. It's really hard. After entering the city, their first goal is to go to restaurants.

There are five moon beads in the pocket, and several people feel proud. As soon as they enter the door, they go straight upstairs under the surprised gaze of little two.

With a glance, they were really stunned, because they happened to see a familiar man, not someone else, who was the little bearded uncle who mocked them at the gate of the city before.

Moustache also found them, his face immediately showed disgust and disgust, while drinking and shaking his head, "bad luck, bad luck!"

"Ah, special size ~!" Monkey and Duoli saw that this guy didn't play any more, and they were not happy. Sangle three quickly grabbed them again, "OK, don't make trouble."

Then he said to the uncle, "old man, our brother doesn't want to make trouble today. I advise you to live in peace."

At this time, the shopkeeper just led a group of young people with gorgeous clothes to come up. When he heard this, his face changed slightly.

He has been working in this shop for a long time, and knows most of the people on the street. He knows that although these people are not big people, they can't be provoked by local ruffians and other idle people.

Of course, if you can open a restaurant here, you won't be afraid of this character. It's just that you're making a lot of noise.

Fortunately, as soon as sang le and others saw the young people behind Xiao Er, they didn't know why their faces changed slightly, and then they sat back in their seats.

The second child was relieved and said to the young people, "young masters, please come here and wait on me!"

Those childe brothers, also noticed the reaction of Sang le and others, were secretly proud.

In the heart secret way: "all say I five Chen's decadence, see not, prestige is still in, even these ruffians also know good or bad."

But at this moment, uncle moustache shook his head and lamented, "Oh, bad luck, bad luck, bad luck again, how can there be so much bad luck in this world! The world is going down. The world is going down. "

Those childe brothers heard that the elated color on his face was stiff. One of them turned his head and looked coldly at his moustache. He hummed: "old man, who did you say?"

Xiao Er stopped him and comforted him: "master Qianhe, master Qianhe. This kind of old fool is not worth your understanding with him. Please come inside, please come inside."

The other two also advised: "brother crane, it's all right. We're in business!"

The young man named Qianhe's face changed several times. Finally, he gave a cold hum and glared at Uncle moustache. "Today, I'm in a good mood. I don't want to have the same opinion with you

After that, he shakes his sleeves and walks into the elegant room. The other two shook their heads with a smile and followed.

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