Looking at the back of these people, uncle moustache's eyes narrowed slightly, and a sneer flashed across the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, the second child also bowed back from Yajian. He turned his head and changed his face. He said to Uncle moustache, "old man, you are so old that some people can't be provoked. Drink your wine well, don't say those who don't have it."

"Ah? What did you say? " The old man closed his ears and yelled to the little two.

Small two one Zheng, small voice scolds a way: "Damn, originally is a deaf."

Then he raised the volume and yelled, "I mean, old man, don't talk about what you have or don't have."

"Ah, what, nothing, you have nothing?"

"I'll go. Is the old man sincere?" Small two quickly ran Kui, mercilessly scolded a, "don't have your uncle."

But the old man didn't know what was wrong. He was furious and patted the table, "son of a bitch, I'm your ancestor!"

"Ah, old man, you still swear!"

"Who cursed? I'm your taizuzong!"

"Ah, you're not dead, are you looking for a fight?"

The second child was really impatient this time. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the old man's skirt. But before he touched it, the old man cried out, "hit someone, hit someone, kill someone!"

Small two is not earth people, where saw this touch porcelain technique, immediately startled, angry way: "Damn, don't shout, when I hit you!"

But the more anxious he was, the more the old man yelled. The whole restaurant heard the noise.

Of course, there are also a few people in Yajian. They can't help frowning when they hear the shouting outside.

"What's the matter? It seems that it's the old thing. Why is it noisy?"

But as soon as the old man called out to kill someone, he thought that the old man had been beaten. Several people immediately laughed. Wuchen Qianhe sneered and said, "this old man deserves to be beaten. Well, if you don't talk about him, it's best to kill him and save the trouble. "

The other two also laughed and said, "this kind of old fool likes to talk nonsense. Sooner or later, he will be killed!"

With that, one of them frowned slightly and said: "the reward offered by the clan has been so many days, but there is no news. Can't it really let him run away?"

Five Chen thousand crane smell speech a sneer, "run, where can he run?"? And even if you run away, it's no big deal. It's just a piece of trash with a complete stigma on its back. Can it turn the world upside down? "

Another man, however, shook his head and said, "no, brother crane, your words are a little bad. Wuchen Qianzhi is not enough, but it is a hidden danger after all. There are still some people in the clan who think about him. What's more, although there is no news from the adult now, if he comes back in the future, unless he is completely dead, a stigma is not enough. "

This person said, Qianhe also silent, some thin eyebrows tightly wrinkled into a ball, "that really can come back?"

"It's hard to say that there should be little hope, but there are always some people in the clan who have hope!" One of them is humanity.

"Hum, a group of bastards, they know that they are delusional. They can't come back because they haven't heard from each other for so long. Instead of pinning their hopes on such a slim hope, they should give the clan resources to support my father and second uncle." Five Chen thousand crane hears that the hope that that person comes back is not big, immediately a sneer, the way of full face disdain.

"Brother crane is right." Two people ha ha a smile, in the mouth agrees, in the heart actually does not agree.

Xin said, "if your father and second uncle can attack the count, why wait until today? That adult gave his full support at the beginning. Now, without the help of that adult, the count would be worthless if it could be piled up with resources. "

But this kind of words, they know definitely can't say to five Chen thousand crane listen to, otherwise this person turns to tell now clan of the strongest of those two people, the consequence is not they two can bear.

In fact, Wuchen Qianhe didn't know that he didn't have much hope in his heart. However, compared with that, he would rather let the clan rank back than let that one come back.

That one made up for it, and the clan ranked back. That is to say, the overall resources and rights are less. What's the loss to him.

As long as his father and second uncle are the strongest in the family, he will take whatever he wants.

On the contrary, his father and second uncle will be tied up as soon as he comes back, let alone him.

Even the now uninformed trash may come back and step on his head again, which he can't bear anyway.

Once again, he didn't want to be a foil.

However, if one of the second uncle and father can rush into the count, it's better to be the father. That is, of course, the best result.

"If I could get a piece of Earl level equipment, my father's hope of attacking the Earl would be even greater." Five Chen thousand cranes murmured to themselves.

Suddenly, he thought of something and asked, "by the way, the clan announced to the public that Wuchen Qianzhi had taken away a clan treasure. Is it true or false?"

Hearing his question, one of them said, "it's true, it's true, but it's not all true."

Five Chen thousand crane one Zheng, "what meaning?"

"Wuchen Qianzhi did take away a treasure. No, to be exact, if the legend is true, it's no longer a treasure to describe. It should be said that it's the treasure of Qingzhou, or even higher!"

"Higher?" The five Chen crane was shocked.

What can be higher than the treasure of Qingzhou.

There are 12 states in the world of eternal life, with three states in spring, summer, autumn and winter. There is only one treasure worthy of the name of "the most precious treasure of the state" every week. Isn't it God's weapon?

"Ha ha, that's just a legend of course, and there are rumors about similar things in every state and city, but most of them are useless things for pranks."

"It's the same with my clan. It's been in the clan for hundreds of years. It was brought back by the former patriarch and put in the clan. Even the adult has been in charge for hundreds of years, but he didn't find anything. In the end, it was determined that it was a common thing, which had been put in the clan treasure house, and no one paid attention to it. Until this time, the boy didn't know what to think, but he stole it before he ran away. Maybe there is a glimmer of hope? "

The man shook his head and laughed, feeling that Wuchen Qianzhi was also in a hurry to go to the doctor.

Another person also said: "in my opinion, it's a good thing that the thing has been taken away. It's useless to stay in the clan. It's known to outsiders that it's still the source of disaster."

Hear here, five Chen thousand crane also lost interest in that thing, although slightly disappointed, but also relieved at the same time, at least not by that bastard to walk what really treasure.

Immediately also smile to nod a way: "nine elder brother's words are reasonable, this kind of cause trouble root, had better let that idiot waste take away."

Suddenly his eyes lit up and he thought of an idea: "in that case, why don't we let the news out?"

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