Hearing these words, the other two were so shocked that they said, "brother crane, don't do it, don't do it!"

"Why?" Five Chen thousand crane slightly frowned, "if this news is released, it is guaranteed that there will be countless people to pursue and kill him, and even powerful people will not necessarily come out."

"That's why we can't do it." Two people can't help a wry smile, suddenly some regret to tell this news to this boy, in the heart at the same time secretly sigh, "I five Chen Shi really so unfortunate?"? In the past, a young master was a spoiled dandy, but this one is even worse. Are we all destined to run for such people? "

With a long sigh in their hearts, they had to explain patiently: "brother crane, just think about it. If it's a real treasure, those big people won't pay attention to me. But it's a fake. When someone gets it, what if they think it's my Wuchen family who teases him and turns on my family? "

"Er, this..." five Chen thousand crane facial expression tiny change, "this should not be as, those big people don't speak reason?"

Two people smell speech again a wry smile, in the heart secretly way: "reason, if reason, five Chen thousand childish why want to carry away to escape?"

Of course, this can't be said with Wuchen Qianhe. He can only patiently say: "brother crane, this is a world of the strong. The strong is the truth."

Another person also said: "in addition to anger, it is more likely that the recipient will think that his family has secrets he doesn't know. If we can't answer him, how can we give up. Although our family can be ranked as the fifth day of May 9 in this city, in the eyes of some real strong people, it can be eliminated by backhand, just mole ants. "

"Well, I see." Five Chen thousand crane hear here, impatient a wave of hand, "this also don't work, that also don't work, it seems that I in four elder brother nine elder brother eyes is really nothing, just, this matter I don't talk about is!"

The two men's eyes darkened when they heard the words.

There is something in my heart.

But I dare not say anything more.

At the beginning, they were also the best in the clan. Although the adult doted on his immediate descendant, he was fair to others. At least they didn't need to look up to the dandy to get the resources they deserved.

Now, two viscount in charge of the clan, they have to rely on flattery to get the resources they should get.

It's a pity that even so, they still have to photograph the horse's leg from time to time.

Although they also know that the advice is harsh to the ear, but some words do not say it is not good, do you allow this idiot to fool around?

In the end, they could not avoid the disaster.

After being scolded and ridiculed by Wuchen Qianhe, the two people even said: "I dare not. Brother crane is talented and intelligent. How dare you despise him? It's just..."

"Well, I'm just talking about it casually. The four nine brothers don't have to worry about it." Five Chen thousand crane a wave hand, immediately go to stand up to say: "here stuffy tight, this meal also tasteless, go!"

"Good, good." Two people dare not say much, quickly also follow up to walk out of Ya room, a walk out but see small two full face gloomy.

Five Chen thousand crane is not happy immediately, a grasp him way: "small two, you this is what facial expression, is want to give small also put facial expression to see?"

Little two immediately waved his hand, "don't dare, don't dare, young master Qianhe, you are a noble man. I'm just a runner. How dare I give you face? I'm just angry at that end."

"Old man? Isn't it the old man who talked a lot about Lori before? Isn't that old man beaten by you? "

The second child immediately laughed bitterly, "I dare to beat him. I'm just afraid that he will disturb a noble guest like you, young master Qianhe, so I came out to tell him. Unexpectedly, he pretended to be deaf with me. I thought he was really deaf, so I said a few words."

"Who knows he's a fake deaf. He also deliberately found fault with me. When the shopkeeper came up, he said I scolded him, but I said no, you obviously scolded me. He just asked me if you said I was deaf. Then I have to say that I thought you were deaf. He said, have you ever seen a deaf man with such keen ears? He asked me if you said to go to your uncle. If I didn't, he asked the guest next to me to testify. I couldn't help but admit it. "

"He said that in such a big hotel, the sophomore insulted the old man and had no quality, so he said no money! The shopkeeper sees that he is old, and I did say that he can only count, but this account should be counted on me. "

Little two said that, his face was sad.

Wuchen Qianhe couldn't help laughing. After laughing, Wuchen Qianhe scolded: "the old man is really not a good man. He also said that other people are getting worse."

The second child waved his hand and said, "don't say that the world is declining. I said that at that time, but he slapped the table and scolded. Who is the world? Why should the world be declining? Who is it? Who is it

"And then he cried out, filthy, filthy, sunny day, how can you say such immoral things, filthy, filthy!"

The second child learned the old man's words perfectly.

Five Chen thousand crane three people are stunned, feel refreshed three view, in the world unexpectedly still has such for the old disrespectful person.

Sang le and others, who had never left, could not help laughing even though they had witnessed it with their own eyes.

A group of people at this time also drink some drunk, unexpectedly forgot to avoid five Chen's person, smell speech in the side way: "small two, you are worried, afraid is not for this, but for that bead?"

Small two smell speech full face wry smile, five Chen's three people but was aroused curiosity, that four elder brothers ask a way: "is what day bead?"? Why are you so sad

Xiao Er didn't want to say it, but the monkey next to him said, "the old man was teasing him, but he didn't really want to break the debt, so when he left, he slipped two beads in his hand. He didn't find it. When the old man went far away, he found that there were two sun beads in his hand, which were originally made by blood. But he was so stupid that he yelled, eh, where are the two sun beads? I happened to be heard by the shopkeeper again, and I can imagine the result. "

Hearing this, Wu Chen's old four and old nine couldn't help laughing.

Old four way: "old gentleman should be an expert, but missed."

Old nine smell speech also nod a way: "really regrettable, is we can't discern bead just."

Wuchen Qianhe was also laughing. When they heard that the old man was an expert, he was immediately displeased. He sneered and said, "what kind of an expert? It's just two sun beads. What's worth it? I think he's a madman. He dares to mock my Wuchen family and let me meet him again. I have to deal with him."

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