After saying that, they ignored the two and drank "go" from the guard waiting outside the door, then left.

Left five Chen's old four and old nine embarrassed to stay in the same place, two people a long sigh, look a little gloomy.

Then old four took out a bead to small two, thought to take out another one, said: "this one reward you, don't let your shopkeeper take away!"

Then he left with Lao Jiu.

Little two didn't expect to turn around, unexpectedly got a bead, in the heart of great joy, to two people back for a while thanks.

In the heart secret way: "this world clan son also is not without good person."

Then he planned to hide the bead quietly. Suddenly he heard someone behind him smile and say, "what do you want to hide? Take it out!"

Turning around, I saw the fat face of the shopkeeper.

In an instant, the weeping heart of the little two was all there.

"How come?"

The shopkeeper stretched out a fat hand, touched the head of the young man, and said with a smile, "don't be sad. I'll take these for you first. When I have enough money in the future, I'll buy you a better skill, so that you can be a warrior. Maybe you can be a marquis in the future. It's better to be a runner all your life."

The second grader turned his eyes and said in his heart, "I believe in your evil. I came here when I was 12 years old. You say that. Every month's salary is collected by you. I'm almost 16 this year. In two years, I'll be 18. I'll be a fart Warrior. I'll seal your grandmother's mouth

But in his heart belly Fei, but still have to reluctantly put day bead plug in shopkeeper son fat hand.

There's no way. Who can make this cupboard not only a cupboard, but also his second eldest brother.

As an orphan who has no parents since childhood, the second eldest brother is his father.

So even if he didn't believe the shopkeeper at all, he still couldn't listen.

However, he didn't find that when he turned and went upstairs, the shopkeeper quietly took out a small jade slip from under the counter. He treasured it and rubbed it again, with a loving smile on his face. "This smelly boy probably thought I was cheating him."

Similarly, the shopkeeper did not find that across the street, a bearded uncle was slowly touching his beard. Looking at this scene, a meaningful smile passed around his mouth. "It turns out that no world is cold, and the law of the jungle is not absolute."

"But it's relative."

The old man murmured to himself, but he felt his beard. He looked around and saw that no one noticed him. He quickly touched it, and instantly restored the image of a master in the game.

Then he stood up and walked into the crowd, followed the crowd to the distance, singing: "Taohua nunnery in Taohua Wu, Taohua nunnery under Taohua fairy.

The Peach Blossom Fairy planted peach trees and picked peach flowers for wine money.

When you wake up, you just sit in front of the flowers. When you are drunk, you still come to sleep. Half drunk and half awake, day after day, flowers fall and bloom year after year.

I wish I would die in the flower and wine room, not bow to the chariots and horses. It's a matter of wine and flowers and hermits.

If you compare the outsider to the hermit, one is on the ground and the other is in the sky. If you compare flowers and wine to chariots and horses, how busy they are, how idle I am.

People laugh at me for being too crazy. I laugh at others for not seeing through. There are no tombs of Wuling heroes, no flowers and no wine to hoe the fields. "

Two people look sideways one after another, think it is madman, avoid one after another, seem to be soiled.

Some people have bright eyes and think they are experts. They want to approach but dare not offend.

After a while, the old man went into a bookstore.

When the bookstore owner saw that he was a crazy uncle, he frowned slightly, but it was not easy to rush. He could only frown and say, "Sir, what book do you want to buy?"

"Don't buy books, just see if it's ok?" Asked the uncle.

The boss said with a smile: "this gentleman, don't make a joke, just read books, don't buy books. What do you want to do for a living?"

"Can I sell books?" Uncle moustache asked again.

"Hehe, if you want to sell books, you should open a bookstore instead of coming to it." The boss's tone is a little bad this time. Obviously, he thinks this madman is playing with himself.

Uncle also didn't care. He shook his head and said, "boss, you probably didn't understand me. I mean I want to make a book by myself. I'll write it. You can help me find craftsmen to print it. Then you can sell it here. Besides the cost, you'll get 30% and 70% of the profit."

When the boss heard this, he was stunned. For the first time, he heard about this proposal.

Most of the books he usually sells are written by people who have contributed money, or they are books left over from the previous generation, which he reprints.

"The world has never heard of people who don't want money to write books and sell them to share accounts. In this case, I have no loss. But what kind of books do you want to write? If it's not easy to sell, I'm not busy? What's more, you can't write a book in one day or two. If you write a book for ten or eight years, we're talking about it in vain. " The boss was obviously moved, but still hesitated.

Moustache said with a smile: "ha ha, it doesn't take ten or eight years. I can write today, print tomorrow, and sell on the same day. If someone likes it, tell him that I can buy the latest content every day. If I feel good, I can subscribe for a long time!"

"Well, there's this way of writing. Will people read such incomplete books?" The boss has never seen or heard what moustache said. He is interested in it, but at the same time, he thinks it's ridiculous.

Moustache, however, seemed to be fully aware of this. He said with a smile, "it's simple. You can send the opening part of the story to restaurants, restaurants, or even brothels, so that people can read it for free. When they read out their interest, you can tell him that the rest can only be bought from you. In addition..." the old man suddenly stopped.

The boss was just hearing something interesting. Seeing that he didn't say it all of a sudden, he couldn't help asking: "it's a good way. It's just a bit immoral. As the saying goes, if you don't finish speaking, such as killing people with a blunt knife, and if you don't finish listening to the story, it must be very hard. By the way, what else? "

After hearing this, mustache said with a smile, "that's very uncomfortable. However, it suddenly occurred to me that I should forget about it. Let's take it as if I have provided you with a way to make money for free. I'd better buy a book and go back to read it. "

"Well, why? I think it's a good way to make a living." The boss was surprised when he suddenly changed his mind.

Mustache sighed: "yes, although it may not really be a good living, it's an interesting one. It's a pity that I suddenly think that I'm afraid I'll stay in this city for a short time. If I want to leave, it's a pity that the story hasn't been finished."

The boss was stunned and nodded, "it's a shame, but the idea is really good. Since I have accepted the business path of my husband, I'll read the books here. If it's inconvenient, I can take them back. Just give them back to me tomorrow and don't damage them."

On hearing this, moustache didn't refuse. He laughed, "so, I'm not respectful!"

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