The old man with moustache, of course, was made up by Zhao Chengfeng.

Although he intends to accept the three people to act for himself, he doesn't want to give them all to others. Moreover, if he wants to know more about the world, he must contact more people.

Fortunately, so far, it has been smooth.

For the next two days, Zhao either wandered around the city every day, or chatted with his boss in the bookstore and read books.

Although the boss is a businessman with a little accomplishments, he is easy-going and knowledgeable.

By talking with him, Zhao Chengfeng knows more about this world.

First of all, we know that this world is called the eternal world, which is said to be governed by the existence of an immortal Lord.

The whole world is divided into twelve continents.

Every week there are 30 cities, and each city has 24 clans, named after 24 hours a day.

According to different rankings, they have different permissions.

This authority is not only for the common people, or for the allocation of resources, but also for the use of the power of heaven and earth.

As long as it is in the sphere of influence, the high-level clan has absolute power to suppress ordinary people or the lower level clan.

This authority comes from the city protection array of each city.

What makes Zhao Chengfeng even more astonished is that the city protection array between these cities is not completely independent, but interrelated.

In other words, the cities of all people in the world are connected with each other, and the states are connected with each other. The whole world is a complete array.

Even more than that, because outside the clan, once all warriors are tested and recognized, they will be canonized as nobles by heaven and earth.

The rank of nobility is the lowest, and the rank of nobility is divided into three levels: the strong, the brave and the brave, and then the Baron, the Viscount, the count, the Marquis, the Duke and the highest king.

Only those who have the title and the descendants of those who have the title can settle down in the city. Those who do not have the title can only live in the city and become non nobility savages. People who live in the city and have no title are called descendants of the nobility.

Although the descendants of the nobility can live in the city, they can't let their children continue to live in the city.

In other words, if the descendants of the nobility can not become the nobility all their lives, then the descendants of the descendants will be expelled from the city and become the wild people. Even if the wild people have the strength, they will pay ten times more than the descendants of the nobility.

When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he was surprised and puzzled. "I didn't expect that there were such rules in the world. No wonder when I went into the city, I found that there were no guards or any inspection at the gate. If there is such a rule, then there is no need at all. "

"But why am I able to live in the city without any titles, and without the descendants of those who have titles? Is it because I took the place of wuchenqianzhi, but the rule is not to look at the face? "

Or, I'm an outsider, so I have privileges.

At the same time, he thought of Tang Wei and Xiaogui. They didn't know if they could enter the city smoothly?

In addition, there are two huge gaps between those who have nobility and those who have no nobility.

One of them is that those who have nobility can feel their own Shouyuan scale through the rules of heaven and earth, and they can feel how much Shouyuan is consumed every day. This is why there is no change of sun and moon in this world, but everyone can clearly feel the change of time.

Of course, this is not a good thing, because you feel that the loss can not be changed. Moreover, those who have nobility have to pay homage to heaven and earth every day. That is to say, in addition to daily consumption and normal life changes, those who have nobility have to pay a certain amount of longevity yuan to heaven and earth as tax.

But there is a great advantage for those with nobility, that is, those with nobility can add longevity. The so-called "adding longevity" is to supplement longevity by absorbing foreign things.

This kind of foreign object is the so-called Shouzhu, which is the three color beads that Zhao Chengfeng found from Wuchen Qianzhi. Shouzhu is the general name of them. In addition, from their respective names, we can see the amount of Shouyuan they can supplement.

"It turns out that this kind of bead has this effect." He has always regarded it as currency. Although it does have the property of currency, knowing its real function, Zhao Chengfeng can no longer treat it as a simple currency.

"No wonder people always feel that people in this world are more hungry for money than people in the earth world. As the saying goes, money is like life. Money in this world is really life.

Of course, this kind of longevity is not unlimited, it can only supplement abnormal damage and additional consumption.

It's like this. It's really powerful.

For the earth world, according to some scientists, the maximum life expectancy of earth people should be about 150 years old, but how many people in the whole earth world can live over 100 years old.

Most of people's lives are spent on extra injuries, diseases, work, even slapping, dusting machine, and so on.

In fact, not only ordinary people, but also practitioners can't avoid it. Although practicing martial arts will sublimate, it will also hurt.

Therefore, Chuang Tzu, an ancient Chinese health expert, wrote a Book of the same name called health preserving master. One of his conceptualized pursuits is "to protect the body, to have a whole life, to raise relatives, and to live as long as possible."

The so-called end of the year, that is, to live to the natural rules you can live to the age.

If the maximum human life expectancy is 150 years, then all people should be able to live to this age.

If the highest life expectancy of a person in Lingwu realm is 200 years old, then he should live to 200 years old, which is called Jinnian.

But it's not easy to do that.

In Zhuangzi, Zhuangzi also put forward a realm that can be achieved to this extent in theory, which is called "the shape is like a withered wood".

Let alone whether this theoretical realm can be achieved.

Even if it can be done, it can be achieved after it is done.

But what's the point of living when a person is as haggard as a tree?

However, in this world, you don't have to be so resolute at all. As long as you have a title, you can have enough birthday pearls every day, and basically everyone can do their best.

Zhao Chengfeng and his boss are chatting here. In fact, they really want to ask where Shouzhu comes from.

But I'm afraid the boss will suspect him. He's so old that he doesn't even know his common sense. Fortunately, this is a bookstore, and he has the right to look at it casually, so

With books, we are not afraid!

Not afraid, not afraid!

As soon as I looked, I found the relevant content immediately.

It turns out that this world has a corresponding plane, or hostile plane, called the Black Death world.

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