Ironically, all creatures in the Black Death world are immortal.

Even if you are killed, you can be reborn in a period of time.

For this creature, the name of the immortal world is "undead species".

No matter Shouzhu or nobility, they all come from the immortal species.

One of the more simple but dangerous ways to kill the undead is to sneak into the Black Death world through the gate of time and space, which every city has.

As long as you want to go and have the courage to go, you can go at any time.

But it's also dangerous to enter the enemy's base camp directly.

In the second way, just as the immortals of the eternal world often sneak into the Black Death world, the undead species of the Black Death world often invade the eternal world.

So every city may have an undead invasion every once in a while.

This is also one of the threats faced by the wild people living in the countryside, and even the biggest threat.

Often after a large-scale invasion, the wild people outside the city will be killed and injured.

Although theoretically speaking, during the invasion war, the 24 clans in each city had the right to apply to heaven and earth for mercy for the wild people and allow them to enter the city temporarily.

But in the words of the bookstore owner, the clan is the group that doesn't take life seriously in the world. Even the low rank barons in the city don't care about their death, not to mention the wild people.

So the savages have a saying: "everything you see in the city is false. Only outside the city is the essence of the world. Only at this time can you know that the world is a dirty and cursed world!"

Those who say this are the few wild people in the history of the world who are remembered by history.

"He was the patron, preacher and king of the wild people of the world!"

"But he is also the Betrayer and disobedient of the world. He is the incarnation of the evil of the Eternal Lord, and the underground sinner who is doomed not to sleep. His soul is nailed to the sword of the Eternal Lord and will live forever!"

This is what Zhao Chengfeng saw in a book about the hero of the wild people.

But even so, there is no record of his name in this piece of history. There is no concrete story of him. There are no feats or crimes.

Wild people don't deserve names, just like all the people except the 24 clans have only names!


In addition to longevity, the nobility has another privilege. Theoretically, this privilege belongs to all the nobility, but in fact, it has nothing to do with most of them.

This right is the right to take part in clan war.

Every 12 years.

Three months later, before the first night of the year on May 9, this round of clan war began.


Three days passed in a flash.

Three days later, sang le and others gathered together again. Although they have not yet made their own decisions, they have obviously made their decisions in their hearts.

"Brothers, I have decided that, in my opinion, it is a good way to cooperate with him, but we are brothers and should advance and retreat together, so I must know your opinions." As the boss, sang Le first expressed his own ideas, but he didn't make an arbitrary decision. He had to listen to other people's ideas. After all, if something goes wrong, it's a big trouble.

Hearing his question, the others looked at each other.

"My idea is the same as that of sangle boss. I also think that one is very good. He has strength and credibility. He is also generous. Although he is dangerous, he can win in the danger of wealth. Compared with that, he is much better than cooperating with those clans."

"I'm the same. Damn it, I'm not willing to be a rubbish all my life."

Monkey FIGO and black bear Duoli quarrel as soon as they meet, but their opinions and choices are often very similar.

"Well, good." Sang le was very happy to hear that the two men had made their stand, and then he turned his eyes to the other three.

But see three people low head didn't speak.

Sang Le sighed in his heart. He probably knew the three people's decision.

Sure enough, they hesitated for a while, and then hesitated: "boss, we, if we don't participate, can we? Don't worry, we will never betray you. "

"Yes, boss, don't worry. We won't participate, but we won't betray you either. We've had enough of that last time. I don't want to experience that kind of danger again!"

"Mr. sangle, please forgive me. Anyway, that one said he didn't want to go. Can he not go?"

Sang Le sighed, but he didn't want to be forced.

But the monkey and the black bear were very angry. Before sang Le spoke, they wanted to scold. Fortunately, sang Le knew their personality, so they stopped them in time.

Then he said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. Everyone has his own ambition, but in the future, we're afraid we'll have to have as little contact as possible. After all, in case of an accident, we don't want to doubt you or involve you. "

Three people smell speech the facial expression is also a dark, but finally forced to nod.

Sangle also nodded and patted three people on the shoulder, "take care!"

Then he said to FIGO and dolly, "let's go!"

Then led two and three people sideways.

A moment later, I got off the restaurant and went outside the city.

The three stayed in the same place, feeling a little lost for a moment, then looked at each other and said to each other, "take care!"

With that, they didn't want to stay here any longer.

So they all went downstairs.

But three people just went to the stairs, but two people came up from downstairs.

It was the fourth and ninth of Wuchen's that they met last time.

I didn't expect to meet you here again.

Three people also didn't think much, backed back a step, plan to let two people go first.

Although the stairs are not too big for both sides to pass by, the other side is a clan, and it seems that they don't intend to pull over. It's better to do more than less.

But what surprised the three was that they didn't move forward when they saw them get out of the way. Instead, they turned and looked at them with a smile.

"Ha ha, what a coincidence. Where are your other three friends?"

It was Wu Chen's old four who spoke.

The three didn't care, but when they saw their style, they were all shocked. When they heard this man ask sang le and others for no reason, they were a little flustered.



The three of them almost spoke in unison. After that, they were all stunned. They subconsciously looked at each other. Seeing that the other side was not talking, they thought that the other side was letting themselves speak.

So they opened their mouths together.

But the content is no longer the same, one of which is: "there's something wrong with going."

The other said, "I didn't see it today!"

"Ha ha..." old four see three people look flustered, words and deeds, can't help laughing, at the same time to old nine handed a look, way: "see, I say these guys have a problem!"

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