When the fourth man finished speaking, the old God sat down on the bench beside him and threw his sword on the table. Then he looked up at the three men and said, "come on, I want to know the specific situation!"

His style immediately gave people the feeling that he was sure to eat you.

The three of them were already flustered. Looking at each other's style and what they were doing, they immediately felt that they could not stand still. But after hesitating for a while, they gritted their teeth and said, "I don't know what you mean."

"Ha ha, I don't know what I mean?" Old four smell speech a face of surprised and feel each other funny expression, seems to be three people's clumsiness out of his expectation, and then point to three people, but toward old nine way: "look, like this, also with me pretend to be stupid."

Old nine smell speech also cooperate of shake head smile, a pair of by these three people defeated of appearance.

The other hand was afraid of the sword on the table and the scabbard was touched. The sword jumped out of the scabbard with a clang sound. The cold light stabbed three people could not help but cover their eyes.

But they couldn't stop the chill in their hearts. One of them even shook his legs.

"Say it or not?" Old four took the opportunity to drink.

"I, I, I, my Lord, I, no, I don't know what to say!"

Three people to this meeting have been completely defeated psychological defense line, trembling Putong knelt down.

Old four and old nine see this, the corners of the mouth are floating cold smile.

They know they made it.

Although the three populations are still struggling.

But that's just the fish on the chopping board, dying.

Lao Jiu, who didn't speak much all the time, went up and kicked the three people to the ground one after another. Then, while kicking, he gritted his teeth and repeated: "I don't know what to say, I don't know what to say, I don't know what to say, I don't know what to say? Do you know what to say? "

Three people curled up on the ground, such as the roadside beggars, completely lost the courage and action of resistance, just desperately holding his head, mouth can not help begging, "don't fight, don't fight, we really don't know, really don't know..."

Downstairs, the shopkeeper and the little girl are trembling.

Xiao Er, who has already begun to practice, finds that he is not as brave as he expected, and he can't tell whether the fourth young master of Wuchen family, who once gave him a bead as a reward, is a good man or a bad man?

"Second uncle, will they be killed like this? Aren't those three also nobility The small two suppresses to tremble of voice way.

"Shh The shopkeeper quickly put up a finger on his lips, then looked up, and then whispered: "they are clans."

Although he said that they were not the same as the one he asked, this answer is enough to answer this question.

However, the shopkeeper seemed to be afraid that the young man didn't understand, so he took a look and made sure that he didn't hear or care about their conversation upstairs. Then he whispered: "young man, remember what the second uncle said today. In the eyes of the clan, there is no difference between the nobility and the nobility, and there is no difference between the nobility and the barbarians. They can kill when they are not happy, just as they can reward you when they are happy. So, sophomore, live and don't do anything that the clan is not happy

The little two nodded, but he couldn't help thinking, "if so, what's the purpose of cultivation, and what's the purpose of getting knighthood? Maybe it would be nice to be a clan, but how can we be a clan? "

Upstairs, the storm general beating, almost lasted half an hour.

Seeing that the three people on the ground had only air left, no air in.

But the three people, who had collapsed, were silent in the end.

Five Chen's old nine some are in a daze, saw a four elder brothers, "four elder brothers, am I method wrong?"

Five Chen's old four also same facial expression is gloomy, brow tight wrinkly. He also had some accidents. These three people are so timid, so cowardly, so

But they have been like the fish on the chopping board, dying but still struggling.

"These Dalits do have something we don't know, such as loyalty." After a long time, five Chen's old four cold voice came to such a conclusion.

"Hehe, what should we do now?" Old nine smell speech a wry smile.

Old four pondered for a while, then said coldly: "go, they don't say it doesn't matter, find the other three people, there will always be someone to speak."

Then he got up and went straight downstairs. When he came downstairs, he saw the white faced shopkeeper and the second child in the hall. The fourth child laughed and looked at them. He nodded to them and said, "I'm sorry for the trouble. I'll ask you to help clean up later."

"Oh, yes, Si Shao, don't worry. I'll take care of it, but the three people..." the shopkeeper replied with a smile and pointed upstairs.

"Well?" The fourth man was stunned at first. He didn't seem to respond. Who is the cupboard? Then he suddenly said, "Oh, you say those three people, don't worry. We just ask some questions. We have a proper hand. It won't bring trouble to the cupboard. Besides, this is a City, and we can't bear to bear human life!"

Then he reached out and took out the two beads. He threw them to the shopkeeper and said with a smile, "it's hard work!"

The shopkeeper quickly took it, but it was very hot in his hand, but he didn't dare not take it. He kept rubbing it in his hand and said in his mouth, "it should be, it should be!"

But I feel a little strange, I licked my lips, I don't know what to say.

Old four did not seem to pay attention to him any more. Instead, he turned his eyes to little two. He seemed to find something. He said with a smile, "young man, it's good. He has already made great achievements. It seems that soon after that, the city will be able to add another young nobility."

Then he reached out and patted the latter on the shoulder, "work hard, not to mention the Duke and Marquis, the Baron and Viscount are still expectable."

At this time, the sophomore was obviously afraid of him, and his mouth was usually regarded as defecation, but he didn't dare to speak at this time.

The shopkeeper quickly took him and said, "he, who has such a promising future, and we are from a family that we can't even hope to exist. If we can get a baron to bathe in the kindness of the Lord of eternal life, we will be satisfied."

Five Chen's old four smell speech to burst out laughing, "shopkeeper son you are old, young people's ambition you don't have."

Then he walked out the door.

At the same time, he said with a smile, "yes, I really can't compare with young people."

Say to be about to say to walk slowly, five Chen's old four but suddenly stopped a foot, a foot door inside, a foot door of ask a way: "by the way, palm cupboard, that day of that old man have come again?"

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