Palm cupboard heart clapping a, don't know what meaning, but don't dare not answer, even busy way: "come, often, but, today seems not to see."

"Oh ~!" Old four Oh, and then nodded, turned away again, palm cupboard don't know what he meant, heart uneasy, mouth but quickly bow to send off: "four little slow walk, nine little slow walk!"

Seeing them go away, the shopkeeper straightens up and holds the doorframe with a sigh.

The battle of the clan will start, and there will be a lot of trouble in the city. It's just a Wuchen family that makes people uneasy. After everyone else moves, ah

Then he turned around and closed the store. Today, it is no longer open.


After leaving the restaurant, five Chen's old nine quickly walked a few steps to catch up with the old four's steps, frowning: "fourth brother, I don't quite understand one thing."

"Ha ha, what's the matter, Lao Jiu? What don't you understand?" Old four ha ha a smile, some accident of looked at him one eye, immediately smile way: "have don't understand to ask, although I also don't necessarily understand, but our brothers still need politeness?"

Hearing the speech, Lao Jiu frowned and stopped, then said, "fourth brother, I don't understand. Why are you so persistent in finding Qianzhi? To tell you the truth, although Qianzhi was a dandy, he had no grudge against our brother. On the contrary, I think he respected us more than Qianhe. "

Hearing Lao Jiu's words, Wu Chen's old four, who had a smile on his face, suddenly closed his smile and turned to look at the former sternly, "Qiancheng, I've told you many times that I work for the clan, not for personal grievances!"

"The clan, hehe, fourth brother, is not only a child but also a warrior. It was only with the help of the clan that he got it. What can he do to harm the clan? And now the clan war will start. At this time... "

"It's this time that we must not relax!" Wuchen Qianyang did not wait for the old nine thousand city to finish, but interrupted him, and then said: "if you want to disturb the outside, you must first settle the inside. If you are not at peace with the inside, how can you be single-minded. Moreover, the biggest problem of a power's decline is often from the inside, and internal struggle consumes the most energy. Although the best way is to completely avoid it, if it can't be avoided, the best way is to completely wipe out the weak side. Only in this way can we maintain a voice. "

Five Chen thousand cities can't help sneering“ Hehe, a voice, whose voice is it, viscount Ruixiang, viscount Ruilin, or that stupid thousand cranes? "

"Shut up Five Chen thousand Yang a cold drink, "thousand cities, this kind of words, I don't want to say from your mouth again."

"Hum!" Five Chen thousand cities a nu hum, no longer talk.

Five Chen thousand Yang see this, frowned, and slowed down the language way: "thousand city, what's the matter with you today? A thousand childish, if you think it is not important, then what does it matter to eliminate it? Anyway, its existence can not be beneficial to the clan, it will only be harmful! Don't tell me that you sympathize with the chivalrous group. "

"I don't sympathize with anyone, and I don't belong to any faction. I just think they are all members of the clan. Why kill them all? Anyway, the reward has been offered. Wouldn't it be better if they were allowed to live or die?" Five Chen thousand City long sigh one breath.

Most of the time, he really didn't understand. His elder brother kept saying that for the sake of the clan, but what kind of clan is a clan without people.

When the Earl was there, there were also opponents. The Earl's supreme dignity didn't mean that he had to eliminate anyone?

Otherwise, which two Viscount's existence now?

"Besides, I really don't like the atmosphere in the clan now, and the fool of Qianhe... Well, anyway, I really don't like that guy, and the people of Qianhe and the two Viscount don't like us either. Why do we have to do this for them? Now everyone in the clan treats our brother as a dog, i..."

But Wuchen Qianyang's face had been softened. When he heard his words, he said, "hum, childish! I have said for a long time that I do things for no one but for the clan. As for others, it's their business. Who will do it if everyone doesn't do it? As long as they don't get in my way! "

With that, he turned and left, but the voice came again, "you are the same!"

Five Chen thousand city hesitated for a while, still followed up.

This is his elder brother, the only elder brother.


Sensing that Qiancheng is following, Qianyang's mouth is slightly tilted.

"I know you'll follow, because you're my brother, the only brother, kiss me. If no one else supports me, you will support me. Thousand cities, don't blame me. Now that the count is missing, the two Viscount's road is exhausted. Even if the clan can survive this clan war, it will still be a long time. In fact, you are right. Qianhe is indeed an idiot, but the more so, our generation is even more duty bound. It's up to us to revitalize the clan! "

"If our brother wants to rise, he must have the resources and the support of the viscount. Originally, I intended to get close to Qianhe, but he couldn't get on the wall, and I couldn't watch him do stupid things without saying a word. So we can only move the two Viscount directly. And Qianzhi's head is the best chip to move the two Viscount adults. "

Qianyang turned around and grasped Qiancheng's shoulder. "Qiancheng, these are the truest words in my heart. Except for you, I will never mention them to the second person again. So, Qiancheng, can you understand me?"

Five Chen thousand cities finally nodded, "elder brother, I support you!"

"Ha ha, OK, Qiancheng, I know you will support me, ha ha..." Wuchen Qianyang laughs and claps the latter's shoulder.

Five Chen thousand cities, in the heart a little complicated, hesitated for a while, asked: "so what do we do now, do you want to let people bring those three people back first, torture?"

"Ha ha, no, the toughness of the Dalits is beyond my expectation, but their performance is enough to show that they really have a ghost in their heart. I am almost 90% sure that this ghost is childish."

"Think about it. First of all, when we met in the fire dance building that day, were those people a little too afraid of us? Qianhe thought it was the prestige of our Wuchen family. Hehe, it's not totally wrong. But if it's not a problem, even if it's prestige, they won't have that kind of unnatural performance."

"Secondly, as far as I know, after the clan offered a reward, the most active people were some ruffians on the street, those who were a little capable but not strong. Sanle group is one of these people, and they are really trying to do it before. But why did they give up suddenly in recent two days, and they suddenly got rich. If all this is a coincidence, it's a coincidence. "

"In addition, it has been reported that Qianzhi once appeared in the endless wasteland, and the people who mainly lived in the wasteland after that were sangle group."

Qianyang said here, his eyes narrowed slightly. "The only thing I don't understand is how he persuaded those hooligans and ruffians to give up the reward, instead, he used it for him. Ha ha, it's a little interesting! But anyway, he let me catch the tail

"So, he can't escape."

Five Chen thousand city smell speech silence, suddenly think of a matter, ask a way: "elder brother, before you ask shopkeeper that old man, you also doubt him?"

Five Chen thousand Yang ha ha a smile, shake head way: "that don't have, that person act wildly uninhibited, really have a problem, won't be so.". I'm interested, but I think this person should be a bit extraordinary. If it's useful to try it out, I'll recruit a clan for my use. "

"If the clan wants to revitalize, it should not only revitalize the power of the clan, but also absorb the external power! But you don't have to worry about it for a while. "

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