After that breath, he seemed to realize that he had made a mistake, and he immediately converged and became like nothing.

Zhao Chengfeng is very surprised. Although his perception has not recovered to its heyday, his affinity with the world is getting higher and higher, and he has almost recovered to 7788.

It's really not easy that the breath can converge to the point where he deliberately perceives it and almost misses it.

He is not without people who are good at stealth, such as shadow and shadow. They are both masters in this field.

In terms of the ability of sneaking, even those whose accomplishments are several times better than those of the two can hardly be compared.

But they can't let Zhao Chengfeng know that they exist, deliberately feel it, and almost miss it.

"I'll see what it is." Zhao Chengfeng suddenly became curious and murmured to himself. Then he slowly stopped, turned around and looked at the hiding place of the "thing" with a smile. He said with a smile, "come out, don't hide it?"

However, he just said it casually. He didn't expect the other party to come out as soon as he spoke.

Whether it's a beast or a man, it should not be able to shout out in a word.

But to Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, as soon as his voice fell, he suddenly heard a whoosh. A figure came out of the grass quickly, and then fled to the distance quickly.

"Eh? Well... "Zhao Chengfeng was stunned at first. He didn't expect that the owner of the breath was so simple. Although he really found it, generally speaking, it's not so easy to trust others in this situation, right? What if he's just cheating?

After a Leng, he subconsciously wanted to move, but as soon as he saw the breath master's body shape, he was stunned, and the pursuit action also stopped.

The owner of the breath was very fast. At this moment, he had already quickly got into the deep grass in the distance, and then the grass moved and disappeared in a flash.

But Zhao Chengfeng is still in the same place until now.

"What is that, little monkey?" Zhao Chengfeng stood in the same place, slightly frowning, did not intend to chase. There was still surprise on his face and he murmured to himself.

Then he shook his head. "No, it's definitely not a monkey."

The owner of that breath is a human child. It looks like a little girl. Although it's only for a moment, Zhao Chengfeng's eyesight is not exaggerating to say that even a fly can count how many leg hairs there are, let alone a person.

No matter how fast the speed is, it's not so hard for him to see clearly.

He clearly saw that it was a little girl. She was probably younger than Beibei, at most five or six years old.

However, her movements and posture are not like a human being at all. Whether she is walking or looking like a little beast, she has no difference.

And a human child, can have so fast action?

"What the hell is that? Is it the legendary undead? But it doesn't feel like it. "

Because he clearly saw that although the little girl was wearing ragged clothes, her hair was very neat. It seemed that someone had specially taken care of her. A pair of lovely sheep's horn braids were not a humanoid wild creature or undead species at all.

Of course, Zhao Chengfeng is not sure about the last point, because he is not sure about what kind of undead species are and how many species there are, not to mention him, even some of the indigenous people in the world.

Although he has not found it in the human records of the world, maybe it is the species that has not been found in the world, or there are records that he has not seen. After all, he only stayed in a small city like May 9 for a few days.

The information you can see is all about a bookstore. It must be just the tip of the iceberg in the world, maybe even a drop in the ocean.

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly regretted that he didn't catch up with him just now.

But this can't blame him, after all, things are too sudden, and some go beyond the normal, ordinary people can't help but stare.

Zhao Chengfeng stood in the same place and thought about it. Then he went to the direction where the "little girl" disappeared. Although he didn't think it was possible, what if he could meet her?

This has been walking for about two hours, Zhao Chengfeng had no hope, but at this time, Zhao Chengfeng unexpectedly found "she".

This time, it was more true. She was less than 200 meters away from him, landing on all fours and squatting on a huge stone.

This time, Zhao Chengfeng completely determined that she was a human little girl, and her age might be older than he had judged before, because she was very thin and small, but she would not be more than nine to ten years old.

Not only because she felt that her position was safe enough, but also because she was curious. This time, she did not run away immediately, but looked down at Zhao Chengfeng.

A pair of eyes are very big, clean and bright. She looks at Zhao Chengfeng with vigilance and curiosity. However, what destroys the painting style is that she bites a rabbit like animal in her mouth. Her blood drips down the body of the animal. It seems that it is the prey she just caught.

This let Zhao Changfeng some don't know to do and expression.


Confirm that the other party is really a personal child, but the state is a little strange, Zhao Chengfeng stopped, and waved to her with a smile, want to try to communicate.

However, Zhao Chengfeng's action seemed to have startled her. The whole person trembled like a small animal. He got up from the squatting posture and even made a low whine in his mouth holding the prey.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng immediately raised his hands and stepped back, indicating that there was no stone or hostility in his hands.

"Little girl, don't be nervous, don't be nervous. I'm not the enemy. Can you understand me?" Although knowing that the other party is unlikely to understand, Zhao Chengfeng still tries to use the common language of the world to say softly.

And try to be gentle.

But it's a pity that she didn't seem to hear it clearly. Instead, she felt that Zhao Chengfeng really didn't have hostility. She relaxed slowly like a cat's tight back, but she didn't squat down again. Instead, she slowly turned and walked to the other side of the boulder.

When he left, he still looked at Zhao Chengfeng curiously and made a low sound like showing his teeth and threatening him.

Zhao Chengfeng stood in the same place and watched her leave. He didn't chase her any more.

Because he felt that the other party was like a little wild cat living in the community. Although he was curious about him, he was more alert.

If he follows too closely, he may really scare her.

This is not what he wants.

"But why is there such a strange child? Is it the child of the Yemin?" Zhao Chengfeng's heart is full of pity and sorrow.

"Anyway, I hope to meet her again next time."

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