"Sang Le, what shall we do? What shall we do about the proposal of the adult and what he has ordered?"

The city gate has been seen from a distance, but sang Le's three people still haven't made a decision about Zhao Chengfeng's proposal and command.

First, there are two things that Zhao Chengfeng ordered.

The first thing is easy to do. It's just a fake identity. The other party is a city dweller. Naturally, they don't have to worry about the detection of changshengdazhen. What they need is an explicit identity. They have a hundred ways to get almost fake identity plates.

On the surface, the second thing seems simpler than the first, but there are more risks in it.

And this completely exceeded their expectations, they did not expect that Wuchen Qianzhi would let them take the initiative to "betray" him.

This is crazy.

But the other side dare to do so, obviously very confident, but this is not entirely good for them.

Because they know that once Wuchen family knows the location of Wuchen Qianzhi, they will send someone to capture him. At that time, if Wuchen family succeeds, they will be busy in vain.

If failed, five Chen Shi died a person, can not exasperate?

"I don't have a good decision, FIGO. What about you?" Sang Le frowned and turned to ask FIGO.

Black bear Duoli subconsciously grew up his mouth, "my God, sangle, you even went to ask this idiot what opinion, it seems that you really do not have good advice."

"You stupid bear, why don't I have a good idea?" Originally also sad face FIGO a listen to immediately not happy, angry cry.

"Oh, you have a good idea. For the sake of the Lord of longevity, let us know." Duoli sneered.

"Sonny, Doris, FIGO, see you? That's great!"

Three people are talking, suddenly a figure from the distance ran towards them, see them seem very surprised.

"Arnold, why are you, why are you here?"

They were surprised to see that this man was one of the three who parted ways with them in the morning.

But Arnold didn't answer them. He came up and grabbed sang Le's arm. He said in a hurry: "don't go back to the city, or the five Chen family will find you!"

"What's the matter, Wuchen? Wait a minute, Arnold. What's the matter with you? You're hurt. Damn it. Who did it? "

Three people smell speech is facial expression a change at first, then discover a Nuo state is not right, not only breath is weak, and the whole body is all scar, and before discovering, seem to walk all stumble.

But Arnold didn't answer them. He waved his hand and said hastily, "don't worry about me. Leave quickly. It's too late if you don't leave again!"

However, although there was no answer, the three people had already understood. From his situation to his words, it was not difficult to associate the whole story.

It's obvious that Wu Chen's might have found something, or at least doubted it.

Although they can't think of what's wrong.

But obviously, it's been asked.

"How could that be, damn it! Arnold, did they hit you? What about the two of them? How about the two of them? "

Guessing the whole story, several people were surprised, then angry and frightened.

"I'm fine. They're a little heavier than me, but they can't die for the time being. In the city, the clan doesn't dare to kill the nobility in the city." Arnold said with a forced smile.

But this smile was related to the injury, suddenly a burst of bared teeth. Then he urged again: "anyway, you don't have to worry about us, you go quickly, as long as you go, we will be safe!"

"Ha ha, safe?" Three people see his manner, listen to his words again, in the heart all a burst of indignation and guilt.

It's obvious that Arnold's three people were involved by them. More importantly, Arnold and others didn't betray them in this state, and they came out of the city to give them a warning, which made them more angry than moved.

But the three didn't move, with a bitter smile in their heart, "go, where can you go? Do you want to be a savage? What's the difference between living like that and dying like that? "

More importantly, they are not reconciled. And if they go, Arnold and the three will be dead.

As for not daring to kill a baron in the city, this is not even a psychological comfort. Even the fool FIGO knows that there are a thousand ways for a clan to kill a baron.

Three angry immediately thought of Zhao Chengfeng's proposal.

However, all of a sudden, black bear Duoli and sang le are moving in their hearts. The former instinctively wants to ask Arnold how to get out of the city.

But sang Le stopped him quietly.

Then he pretended to be miserable: "we don't need to run away. Anyway, we have planned to sell Wuchen Qianzhi to Wuchen's family."

Duoli immediately understood the meaning of Sang Le, and quickly agreed: "yes, anyway, that Wuchen Qianzhi is not a good thing. Instead of being a savage for him, it's better to sell him for some birthday beads and let them kill each other."

Then, afraid of the monkey FIGO revealing his horse's feet, he slapped the latter on the shoulder and yelled: "I'm so angry!"

Fortunately, although FIGO is stupid, he is not so stupid. Although he doesn't understand why they want to cheat Arnold, he finally knows that they are going to act according to the requirements of Wuchen Qianzhi“

So although I didn't understand it, I kept my mouth shut.

"Hum, let my Wuchen family kill each other. The untouchables are really vicious!" At this time, a cold hum suddenly came out from behind a big tree from a distance, and then two figures came out slowly from behind the tree.

Seeing these two people, Arnold's face changed greatly, and he stepped back in horror, "five Chen thousand Yang, five Chen thousand city, you..."

"Bold, did you call us by name?" Five Chen thousand city a cold drink, in the eyes flash a fierce color, Arnold's face is a change, quickly shut up, think of the day's experience, subconsciously back a step, in the eyes of fear has been urgent, want to let sangle three people run quickly, but because of fear speechless.

On the other hand, sang le and duo Li also pretended that their faces had changed greatly. Duo Li quickly raised his hand and slapped himself in the face, "little damn, little damn, little doesn't mean that. I actually..."

"All right!" Wuchen Qianyang smiles, raises his hand to stop him, then looks at the four people with a smile and says: "well, don't come to these fancy, didn't you just say that you want to sell Wuchen Qianzhi to us? Now let's talk about what you have to sell us?"

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