"This..." Sang Le pretended to be a little hesitant: "well, I don't know what price the adults want to pay, or according to the previous 30000 beads?"

Wuchen Qianyang and Wuchen Qiancheng didn't seem to think that he was so bold and even dared to talk about money at this time.

Five Chen thousand cities this not from a frown, in the mouth send out a cold hum, once covered the long gun behind.

Wu Chen Qian Yang raised his hand to stop him, and then squinted at sang Le, "Hey, ran Dao, it's true that people die for money. I'm open-minded to money. No wonder I dare to cooperate with that rebel, but I'm very curious, haven't you been chasing that rebel before? Why did you suddenly cooperate with him? Do you think he is more reliable than me? "

Sang Le's face changed slightly, and he bent down humbly. Although his body seemed to be shaking, he still said with a bitter smile: "if we can kill him, of course we are willing to kill him to get the Shouzhu of Wuchen's family, but it's a pity that we are too weak, and he seems to be more powerful than the legend. He is not so useless wood at all."

Hearing this, Wuchen Qiancheng turned his eyelids and sneered, "Wuchen Qianzhi? Powerful? "

These Untouchables are ridiculous. They also know what is powerful. Even waste like Wuchen Qianzhi can be linked with the word powerful?

"Well?" Five Chen thousand Yang but a frown, tiny eh a, don't know is an accident, still how meaning. Then quietly asked: "six of you can't kill him, face to face with the enemy, is there anyone else?"

"Yes, face to face with the enemy, and there is no one else to help. And... "Sang Le half true half false a wry smile, and then seems to hesitate for a while, as if there is something I don't know whether to say, but finally closed his mouth.

Although his action was subtle, it happened to be discovered by Wuchen Qianyang. He immediately pretended to smile gently and asked: "what's the matter, and if you have anything to say, just say it. Sangle boss, don't you want to get the benefits first, and then talk, or you can't believe my five Chen's honesty? "

Sang le was relieved to hear this question. He had a look on his face for a long time. If this one didn't find it, it would be really hard to attract him.

But on his face, he still pretended to be hesitant: "of course I dare not, but I, no, I'm afraid I will offend the two adults..."

"Whatever you say." Qianyang frowned slightly, then waved his hand and laughed, with an approachable appearance.

"Well, I think it's better to tell the two Viscount of Wuchen family about this, and then let them arrange it. Otherwise, if there's something wrong with the two young masters, I'm afraid it won't be good and I'll be angry..."

"Bold!" Wuchenqiancheng was very upset from the beginning. With his heart, he didn't want to do these things for wuchenqianzhi.

But because of the five thousand suns, he had to do it.

But in his heart, although he didn't hate or like Wuchen Qianzhi, if he did, he would disdain and despise him.

He and Wuchen Qianyang should be talented people in the clan, but in terms of talent and strength, few of the younger generation can compare with each other. What are Wuchen Qianzhi and Wuchen Qianhe, but it's just because there are people behind them.

So he and Wuchen Qianyang were marginalized, and now it's even more difficult to protect cultivation resources, so they have to go after a waste.

And now this Dalit is talking about something else, which means that he's going to hunt down that trash and he's going to die.

How could that be?

Wuchen Qianyang also laughs, although he thinks sang le and others may not be completely fabricated, maybe that Qianzhi is really hidden.

However, with that kind of personality, even if you can hide how much.

However, Qian Zhi's strength is close to that of a baron. He is only timid and weak, so he dare not win a higher title.

Under the present circumstances, it is not unreasonable to be able to deal with a few pariah.

He immediately waved his hand and said, "don't worry about this. When we find you, it's our own suspicion. We didn't tell anyone. Therefore, if we really die, you will be safe."

"Ah?" Hearing this, even sang Le's city hall was stunned. "What does that mean? Is it to encourage us to cooperate with Wu Chen Qianzhi to kill them? Isn't it true that Wuchen Qianyang is a man with a deep and intelligent mind? How can you say such a stupid thing? "

A look up but see five Chen thousand Yang smile don't smile of looking at him, in the heart a meal, immediately understand, originally the other party isn't put them in the heart at all, even five Chen thousand childish also didn't put in the heart.

Is this a deliberate joke on them?

I can't help sighing in my heart, "Hey, when you get to the place, you'll know I'm not lying."

However, he pretended to be scared and said repeatedly: "no, no, my Lord, I'm just sincere. Please believe sang le. Sang Le never lied. Wu Chen Qianzhi is really strong. He just grabs FIGO's neck with one hand, and then it's like this, so..."

He even said with a gesture, a very anxious look.

But the more I see him like this, the more disdainful the five Chen brothers are.

Five Chen thousand city suddenly a sneer, body shape move, come to monkey FIGO in front of, then hand is a grasp.

FIGO instinctively wanted to hide, but just saw sang Le's sign, and immediately made a flustered color. He staggered and pretended that he couldn't hide. He was caught by Qian Cheng's neck.

Although his performance is a bit poor, it's just right at this moment, and the strength of wuchenqiancheng is not weak, but it doesn't need him how to cooperate, it can also be easily captured.

So there is no doubt. Although it seems to be a little too easy, the Dalits are just like that.

After seizing it, he picked up FIGO who was trying to struggle, and then sneered, "is that what you said?"

But see sangle grow up mouth, a pair of has been scared.

It took a long time for him to react. He said in a hurry: "please calm down and let poor FIGO go go. It's not his fault. It's all my frogs in the well. I don't know the heaven and the earth."

"Hum." With a cold hum, Qiancheng threw FIGO on the ground, like a piece of garbage. The expression made sang le and others bite their teeth subconsciously, but they didn't dare to show it on their face.

"Satisfied now, can you lead the way?" Thousand cities cold voice sarcastic ask.

"Yes..." Sang le was very angry in his heart, but he nodded his head in fear.

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