Thousand city this just satisfied of show a disdain look in the eyes, "mole ant similar thing a dare dog eye see a person low, five Chen thousand childish is what thing, a waste just.". However, even if he is a waste, he is also a waste from the clan. "

Sang le and others bowed their heads, did not dare to speak, but secretly gnashed their teeth in their heart, "hum, you will regret later, heaven has a way, you do not go, hell has no way to rush!"


"You and Qianzhi meet here. What about others?" Five Chen thousand Yang looking at the front of a large, almost boundless, has been reduced to ashes of the wasteland, slightly frown.

It can be imagined that there must have been a fierce fire at that time, which made this wild land full of deep grass and thorns like this, and it was not long ago.

Because some of the ashes obviously have residual temperature, and even some places are still burning. The clumps of smoke and dust add a sense of destruction to the originally desolate wasteland.

Five Chen thousand cities also slightly frown, that waste why choose to meet here?

However, in this kind of wasteland, which is almost the same everywhere, this is a very good coordinate.

"Yes, master Qianyang, we met Wuchen Qianzhi here before. He also agreed that we would meet here every time, but we just met him here not long ago. When will he come now? Sang Le also..."

Sang Lezheng said something. As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw Zhao Chengfeng coming from a distance. However, he seemed to be thinking about something. He was a little distracted and didn't find their appearance.

”Well, it's coming. "

Although sang Le didn't want to perform any more by this time, he said: "two adults, hide quickly, lest he run away."

This can be regarded as just in case, to make an insurance for yourself and others.

Although it's very likely that it won't be used.

But to his words, five Chen's two brothers have no reaction, thousand Yang just ha ha a smile, express no harm.

Qiancheng is a cold hum, even don't want to say, eyes sharp stare at Zhao Chengfeng is coming here.

Let me see, still want to escape?

At the same time, in their eyes, Zhao Chengfeng actually looked up and saw them.

There were some accidents.

However, the pace did not stop, still not slow to come here.

"Didn't you escape?"

See him so calm calm, five Chen thousand city and thousand Yang some accident, two people all slightly a frown.

Some don't understand how Qianzhi, the coward they used to know, could be so bold and calm.

And although there is not a word, the action is just a simple walk, but let them feel a kind of indescribable bearing.

"Is this man chivalrous?"

Two people as like as two peas in the mind, but the same face, but they soon disappeared.

"You didn't escape!" The first one to open his mouth was Wuchen Qiancheng. At this time, his eyes had become cold. The only thing that didn't disappear was contempt, a little mixed with these accidents.

It seems that Qianzhi is a little different from the one he used to know. It seems that there is something hidden, but even if it's hidden, it's no big deal. Waste is still waste after all.

"You two Zhao Chengfeng laughs. He is surprised.

Originally, he just wanted to attract some people from Wuchen family. First, he wanted to see how powerful the knights in the world were. After all, speculation was only speculation.

Secondly, since the Wuchen clan can't get around, it's also necessary to collect more information about the Wuchen clan, even internal intelligence. In this case, capturing two Wuchen clan members is naturally the best choice.

However, to his surprise, two acquaintances came.

I'm not familiar with other Wuchen people, but I know them in front of me, because he had seen them in the restaurant before.

Thinking of another person who was with them at that time, he asked, "where's the five Chen crane? Didn't he come?"

His question is not wrong in other people's ears.

Because in other people's eyes, Wuchen Qianhe is the blood of the two Viscount, and also the real enemy of this person in the family.

And now, to some extent, Wuchen Qianhe has taken the place of this man.

So, there's nothing wrong with asking about Wuchen Qianhe.

Give an irrelevant answer, but five times as like as two peas, there were some doubts and disappearance of Qianyang. But he did not answer his question, but rather answered the question, saying exactly the same thing as his brother said before. "You didn't run away!"

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help laughing, but he shook his head and didn't answer the question. Instead, he sat on a clean and comfortable stone beside him, and then pointed to the two stones beside him: "sit, don't stand!"

He this reaction not only let five Chen is two brothers a frown, even mulberry music etc. all not from accident, don't know what he means.

Wuchen Qiancheng took a deep breath, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Qianzhi, don't talk nonsense. To be honest, I don't have any personal complaints against you, and I don't think your existence has any impact on the clan, but Qianyang and I need your head, so I'm here!"

Finish saying to stretch out a hand to take down the long gun of the back, obliquely with a hand, point to Zhao Chengfeng“ Come on, although you are a waste, you are also the son of my Wuchen family, so give you a chance to fight. Come on

Zhao Chengfeng a Zheng, some unexpected look at this person, but did not move.

Five Chen thousand city see this, not from a frown, "how, do you want to give up, think back to the clan can pray for life?"? Hum, stupid thing, I might as well tell you that your idea is extremely stupid. Even if you go back to the clan, you are just insulted in vain. As a man of Wuchen family, you don't even have the courage to die calmly? "

Five Chen thousand city says finally, unexpectedly some angry its not contend of flavor.

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help laughing when he heard the words. Then he suddenly asked, "are you a baron?"

Qiancheng frowned and said impatiently, "nonsense, do you think I'm bullying you? Innocence

On the other side, Wuchen Qianyang is also a frown, but did not speak.

To tell you the truth, he didn't like Qiancheng's attitude. It was naive. Although the difference between living and dead was not very big, the Viscount might be more happy if he could take it back alive?

At least Qianhe should be more happy, which can get more benefits and change their current situation in the clan.

As for whether Qianzhi is humiliated or not, what does it have to do with my Wuchen Qianyang.

However, this time he had a hard time persuading Qiancheng, so it's not easy to force him to do such a small thing, "just head, head!"

"But why do I always feel strange about this childish reaction. It seems that he is looking down at us. "

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