"No, it's impossible. He's still qualified to examine us. Isn't that a joke? I'm crazy, too. What's on my mind? "

Five Chen thousand Yang secretly laughed at himself and decided not to think more.

Turn to ponder at "Wuchen Qianzhi", want to see what tricks he wants to play, but in absolute strength, what's the use of any tricks?

But "wuchenqianzhi" seemed to have no response to them. He even looked at wuchenqiancheng and said to himself, "well, this is the Baron level. The fluctuation of power is almost the same as I thought. However, it's interesting that it can affect the power of heaven and earth. "

Five Chen thousand Yang almost didn't smile, "this fool, and he thought of the same, still a little interesting?"? Can you imagine the strength of Baron level? Why didn't the fool find out that he was so stupid before? "

It even feels a little cute.

Stupid cute.

So he couldn't help saying: "the strength of thousand cities is not comparable to that of ordinary barons? So your imagination is a little bit off base

He said this as a joke, but the other side shook his head seriously and said: "well, no, no, no, no, it's not ordinary. In other words, your analogy should be too inferior. If the Baron level doesn't need such a normal level, then the world may not be as good as I imagined!"

All eyes stare mouth, "what does this goods say?"

It's not as good as you think. What are you imagining?

And the five Chen thousand city is already unbearable, only feel in the heart a mouthful of depression is difficult to vent, in the mouth a burst drink, "go to die, waste!"

Then, regardless of whether Zhao Chengfeng was standing or sitting, he shot him.

Seeing this, everyone subconsciously closed their eyes, even sang le and others could not help growing up.

"Not so dead?"


With a loud noise, the spiritual power burst, and the strong wind was blowing all around, which made the people unable to open their eyes. Sang le and others had low cultivation, and had to retreat for a while.

In the heart not from shock, "this is the Baron strength, no wonder this person is so arrogant!"

But when they opened their eyes again, the whole person was suddenly stunned. The fierce, violent and angry shot was blocked by a finger.

That finger casually against the tip of the gun, but just let that fierce and terrible shot can not inch further.

"What's the situation?" For a moment the crowd was dull.

And as the owner of this gun, wuchenqiancheng was also stunned, full of disbelief, feeling whether he was dreaming or not.

Although he didn't use all his strength, he also used seven or eight points of strength.

Just at this time, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly said, "don't you check my depth before you do it? When you find that you can't see through me at all, shouldn't you be careful? "

His words suddenly awakened all the people.

But the reaction after waking up is different.

Five Chen thousand Yang is incredible, pointing to Zhao Chengfeng, "this, you..."

I was speechless for a long time.

Sang le and others are naturally surprised and happy. Originally, they had guessed that the adult was deeply hidden and should be very powerful, but now it seems that he is even stronger than he imagined.

It's a wonderful thing for them, of course.

At this time, five Chen thousand city suddenly a burst drink, "I don't believe it!"

Finish saying to withdraw gun to want to make another move, but at the same time, see Zhao Chengfeng's finger a song a play.

Five Chen thousand cities, immediately feel a force of Pei can not be when surging, a pain in the mouth of the tiger, the long gun immediately out of the hand, Wu of a, fly to the sky, has been flying hundreds of meters away, just check a insert into the ground.

And five Chen thousand city oneself can't help of, back pedal pedal even back ten several steps, a buttock sits on the ground.

The tiger's mouth was completely torn, the blood could not stop flowing out, and his arm even cost money, but he seemed unconscious, just dull and numb in his eyes.

"Is the younger generation of Wuchen at your level?" Zhao Chengfeng turns his head to look at the five Chen thousand Yang and asks calmly.

Wuchen Qianyang turns his head and looks at him. He doesn't realize that there are some problems in his sentence. It doesn't look like a Wuchen's son asked.

It's not that he's not keen. If it's such an obvious loophole, he would have doubted it, but at this time his mind was completely disturbed.

Although he didn't receive any damage from the bullet aimed at Qiancheng just now, he also received a devastating blow in spirit.

Because he knew the power of Wuchen Qiancheng, even he was not the opponent of Qiancheng in terms of combat power, but this man defeated him at will with one finger.

What strength is this?


No, as far as he knew, the two Viscount had no such degree.

But there was only one baron.

Is it hidden?

What do you need to hide such strength for?

But Zhao Chengfeng is really disappointed. He originally wanted to hold Wuchen's family in his hands. In the future, it may be a force he controls in this world.

But if there is no master, it will be OK. But if even the younger generation has no talent, it's really boring. Training has no value.

For example, the two brothers, the elder brother's typical small smart, big mediocre, even greedy, the younger brother's character is not too bad, but it is high above the top, shortsighted, obviously mediocre strength, but even headstrong.

It's not unreasonable, it's incredible.

At this age, he is no more than a baron, which is equivalent to the realm of Lingwu.

If it was in the previous earth world, it would be good, but what was the situation in the previous earth world? It was a world without spiritual power.

Cultivation depends on the refining of Qi and blood, or the intake of foreign things.

This world is a typical civilization of cultivation. It is not only rich in aura and clear in the laws of heaven and earth, but also has all kinds of magical things.

In such a position, people in their twenties are only in the realm of Lingwu. What else can they be proud of.

"Oh, really, forget it. Let's take advantage of this identity to gain a firm foothold first. Anyway, I can't stay in such a small town all the time."

"How can you be so strong?" Just as Zhao Chengfeng was thinking wildly, the five Chen Qianyang beside him finally came back to himself. He looked at him in disbelief and asked.

"Hehe, Qiang? Is that strong? " Zhao Chengfeng a wry smile, secret way, "if I really strong, still need to appear here?"

"Wuchen Qianyang, I ask you, what is a strong man?" Zhao Chengfeng asked, and then asked himself, "Baron, viscount, count, marquis, or Duke? No, these are not. At least they are not what I pursue. What I want is the power to change the world. "

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