Wuchen Qianyang was stunned.

"The power to change the world, what is that?"

"If only I could know. Unfortunately, I don't know." Zhao Chengfeng smiles bitterly.

Wuchen Qianyang looks a little complicated. He feels that he can't understand this person's idea at all. He can understand every word that the other person says, but when combined, he doesn't know what the other person is saying.

"However, I still don't understand that you are so powerful. Anyway, it seems to me that you are so strong. Why should you bear it? Why do you want to escape from the clan? " Five Chen thousand Yang asked, suddenly some regret, because he was afraid that his question would not ask what sensitive point, in case of offending each other.

Fortunately, Zhao Chengfeng looks very calm. He has long thought out the reasons for these questions, so he just gave a wry smile and said, "I have made a breakthrough recently, and it was far from the present level. The reason why I have to endure is not for the clan, but mainly for the reaction of other clans, The purpose is not to arouse their fear and become the target of public criticism. "

"Originally, I thought that once I made a breakthrough, I would be able to protect the honor of the clans and clans from loss. But in the end, the enemy came from within. What's more ironic is that when I had to escape from the clan, I unexpectedly broke through the bottleneck that I couldn't break through before. "

Zhao Chengfeng made a self mocking and indignant look.

Five Chen thousand Yang opened mouth, don't know what to say, in the heart secretly feel the other party's this kind of idea is really naive, but dare not say.

In my heart, I couldn't help saying in secret: "what's so sad and ironic? If I have such strength, I don't care what clan? It's a big deal. It's the end of creating your own clan. But my heart is higher than the sky. I don't even have the resources, and I can't break through my accomplishments. And this person, so naive, but with such terrible strength, even wants to change the world. That's the biggest irony. "

However, he thought so in his heart, but the expression and action language on his face were on the contrary. With a look of excitement and encouragement, he stood up and said, "in fact, you don't have to lose heart, my Lord. In my opinion, it's inevitable that there will be disputes within any group. The solution is to eliminate the weak side. With your strength, Qianyang is not talented, But he is willing to help the adults return to the clan to clarify the rebellion and let the clan return to the right path. "

"Destroy the weak side, just as you intended to destroy me before?" Zhao Chengfeng sneered and asked.

Wuchen Qianyang's face changed slightly, but then he gritted his teeth and said, "yes, that's right. To tell you the truth, you and I have no grudge. In terms of personal feelings, the count is kind to me, and your attitude towards people is much more comfortable than Wuchen Qianhe and the two Viscount adults. But the clan development can only be led by the strong. If the weak can not stand on the side of the strong, it will only cause unnecessary internal consumption. "

"Therefore, in my opinion, the best way is to stand on the side of the strong and eliminate those disharmonious and weak people as quickly as possible, just like those wild people who do not obey the Lord of longevity, so they must be eliminated."

Five Chen thousand Yang more said more smooth.

Zhao Chengfeng looks at this person in surprise and finds that he seems to have underestimated this person before. Although this person is greedy for profits, he is a real villain. Of course, Zhao Chengfeng has some different views from most people. He doesn't think that a real villain is more lovely than a hypocrite at all.

Villain no matter how true he is, or villain, and hypocrite, no matter how dirty his heart is, if he can persist in maintaining a gentleman's behavior all his life, then he is a gentleman.

However, this kind of person sometimes has its role.

He immediately nodded and said, "well, first of all, tell me about the clan in detail, including the dynamics of other clans."

"Yes, my Lord!" Wuchen Qianyang is overjoyed to hear that he has saved his life. He immediately tells Zhao Chengfeng what he knows.

The latter has been half closed eyes, except for occasional questions, almost no comments.

Until the five Chen thousand Yang said almost, he just slightly opened his eyes and nodded.

See he seems to be quite satisfied, five Chen thousand Yang heart is a joy, suddenly secretly some excitement.

Although jealous of how the other party can be so strong, but his advantage is to be able to put the posture.

He knows that if he wants to save his life at this time, what he has to do is not to let the other party like him, but to let the other party know that he is useful.

Therefore, as long as Zhao Chengfeng asks questions, he knows everything and says everything.

He didn't know that Zhao Chengfeng didn't really plan to kill him and Wuchen Qiancheng from the beginning.

If it's true, sangle will be dead.

Although Wuchen Qianyang said that no one knew that they came out, but for Wuchen's family, this matter could not be found, so it was not worthy to be a clan.

However, he didn't intend to let the other side off so easily, and stand on the side of the strong.

That's your theory. Do I agree?

In Wuchen Qianyang, he thought he was safe and sound, and even couldn't help thinking that if he could return to the clan and take charge of the clan, with his choice today, he might become the direct lineage of the future clan master and get more benefits.

Thinking of this, he could not help feeling complacent, and felt that his reaction was too tactful.

All of a sudden, I heard Zhao Chengfeng smile and ask, "OK, the last question."

"Excuse me, my Lord." Five Chen thousand Yang surprised, vaguely feel Zhao Chengfeng tone seems to be a little wrong.

"Well, the problem is that you just said that the best way to solve disputes is to stand on the side of the strong, so now you and I should be strong, right? If I am a strong man, now I want you to die. Should you stand on my side or on your own side? " Zhao Chengfeng asked lightly.

"This..." five Chen Qian Yang's sweat came down suddenly. Although he lowered his head, he could feel that Zhao Chengfeng was looking at him. He even had a smile on his face, but an inexplicable Qi pressed him tightly, making him unable to breathe.

"Why can't you answer?" Zhao Chengfeng sneered.

"Please spare your life. Qianyang is stupid. He is willing to serve you." Five Chen thousand Yang knelt down, and at the same time, he turned back to the five Chen thousand city with complicated eyes and said, "thousand city hasn't come yet, make atonement to the adults!"

Five Chen thousand city look moved for a while, but finally a bite of teeth, standing in situ did not move.

Wuchen Qianyang was angry and angry, but he didn't dare to say much. He could only turn back and said with his head down and shaking: "my Lord, Qiancheng is not sensible. Please forgive him for his ignorance."

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