After a long time, Zhao Chengfeng just laughed and waved his hand and said, "get up, I didn't intend to kill you. How can I let sang Le go after killing you? It's not a pity for you to die. Sang le are my partners now. They follow my orders and I will be responsible for them naturally."

Sang le and others heard the speech nearby. They couldn't help but move in their heart. Their faces were moved.

And five Chen thousand Yang is not stupid, smell speech immediately understand, even busy way: "wait for me to return to the city, I immediately arrange, will never let them have any danger, and before I to their offense, I will also give them a satisfactory compensation!"

Sangle several people were surprised and happy, especially Arnold's happy mouth cracked to the root of his ears. "Thank you, my Lord!" they all said together

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand, saying it didn't matter.

And five Chen thousand Yang but feel the heart is dripping blood, it is him to bleed clearly, the result is this person gets thanks actually.

However, he did not dare to have any dissatisfaction.

I didn't think that there were hostages in my hand, so I didn't have to be afraid.

Because he knew that a master like Wuchen Qianzhi would not kill him today. If he really wanted him to die, he would die quietly at any other time. No one doubted that.

What's more, if he is in the other side's position, will he be coerced by a weak person because of several unrelated people? Don't even think about it.

Therefore, Zhao Chengfeng's words, in his view, are nothing but to buy people's hearts.

"Well, that's good, so that's the first thing." Zhao Chengfeng didn't know or care about this man's inner thoughts, but he was really satisfied with his attitude. So he went on: "there's another thing, I want to go to the underworld to win a title. Originally, I planned to let sang le and others arrange it. Now it seems that you should be more suitable, and I believe you should also have a way to let me enter the underworld unconsciously, Right? "

"It's simple. If the adults need it, I can arrange it right away, but they need to be wronged."

"Wronged? What kind of grievance. " Zhao Chengfeng heard that he could arrange it immediately. He didn't care much about the grievances. He just asked casually.

"Well, a friend of mine is going to the underworld recently. At that time, he will certainly bring some followers. If the adult feels aggrieved, he can enter with him in the name of his followers to ensure that no one can be aware of him. Of course, the real identity of the adult will not even be known to him. Even after entering the underworld, the adult will act alone, regardless of him. Just come back with him at the appointed time. "

"By the way, if you want to go to the underworld, do you need me to prepare some necessary things and materials for you?" This man is really flexible. At this time, he doesn't feel wronged at all. He even looks like a "loyal subordinate" who is wholeheartedly planning for Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng also has to admire this.

What's more, Zhao Chengfeng's behavior really makes him feel useful and even helpful. For example, there are still necessary things to enter the underworld. If this person doesn't mention them, he really doesn't know. He has read a lot of materials before and has never mentioned them.

It seems that in such a world, books are not omnipotent.

However, Zhao Chengfeng did not make a sound on his face, but nodded: "well, these two things, if you do well, I will treat everything today as nothing happened. On the contrary, you should understand what I'm talking about. "

"Yes." Five Chen thousand Yang whole body a quiver, hastily promise.

Zhao Chengfeng no longer pays attention to him, but looks at Wuchen Qiancheng.

For this person, Zhao Chengfeng said it is not so annoying, but also not like.

After thinking about it, I finally shook my head and sighed, too lazy to speak.

Then he stood up and said to Wuchen Qianyang, "that's it. I don't know when your friend will leave!"

"Tomorrow, if the adult has anything to prepare, I can ask him to postpone it for a few days."

"No, just tomorrow!"

Zhao Chengfeng said and looked at sang le and others.

Sang Le three people moved in their hearts, understood his meaning, but finally chose to give up, "my Lord, although I very much hope to be able to walk with you, but I'm only afraid that our low strength will drag you down, so..."

The three said, lowering their heads.

Zhao Chengfeng looked at the three for a moment, then nodded and said, "OK."

I won't talk about it any more.

Everyone has his own choice, he doesn't have to force.

Whether they really don't want to delay him, or for other reasons, in Zhao Chengfeng's opinion, it's because their determination to become stronger is not strong enough.

In fact, not to mention them, it is Zhao Chengfeng himself. If there is no such change in the earth's world, he does not have such a strong intention.

Become stronger or something, as long as it's about the same, just like making money, just enough to spend.

However, he has no choice in his present situation.

He has to race against the clock, he has to keep getting stronger.

Not to mention the earth world, it is this world. Together with Tang Wei and others, he must have enough strength before he can find them.

See Zhao Chengfeng nodded, said "good" and left, sang Le three inexplicably some regret and loss.

But unfortunately, this world, like the earth world, does not sell regret medicine.

For three people's reaction, five Chen thousand Yang face don't express, in the heart but secretly a burst of disdain, someone is doomed to a lifetime of no promise, chance to send door unexpectedly pushed away.

Then look to five Chen thousand cities, but is a frown, "thousand cities, do you know what you missed?"

Five Chen thousand city facial expression tiny change, then slant a head to go, have no speech.

But in the place that people can't see, his eyes are struggling. He doesn't know if he really missed something, or if he did something wrong. If he did, where is the mistake?

Five Chen thousand Yang looking at him, also no longer say more.


The Black Death world and the eternal world are almost like twin brothers. There are many things similar.

For example, there is a legend in the eternal world that there is a master of eternal life in charge of the world, while the Black Death world also has a master of extinction.

In the eternal world there is a great array covering the whole plane, and in the Black Death world there is a great array covering the whole world.

However, the difference is that the nodes of the formation are cities and the people in them.

And the big array nodes of the Black Death world are altars.

Each altar is surrounded by more or less undead creatures, which are called undead species.

It's called immortality because even after being killed, these creatures can be resurrected on the altar for a period of time.

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