However, the resurrection is not infinite or out of thin air. It needs soul. Only by constantly absorbing soul can the altar resurrect the undead species.

And the wonderful thing is that to maintain longevity, people in the eternal world need to kill the undead species and seize the Pearl of longevity.

The undead species in the undead world, if they want to be eternal, will have to kill more flesh and blood, capture the soul and sacrifice to the altar.

So it is almost certain that the two worlds are enemies of each other.

Even the rules of the two worlds seem to acquiesce.

But at the same time, it is impossible to leave the other party. If one party is destroyed, the other party will not survive.


"Sir, do you really want to act separately from us?" At the exit of the transmission point, a handsome young man politely asked Zhao Cheng Fengdao“ In fact, it's not bad to take care of each other if we act together. And I can pay you enough according to the employment relationship! "

This person is the friend of Wuchen Qianyang. After vaguely knowing Zhao Chengfeng's strength, he naturally hopes to win such a powerful help.

But Zhao Chengfeng smiles and politely refuses.

"I'm sorry, I have some things to finish this time. I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you, but thank you very much for bringing me in."

Because he came here to win a title, not to be a bodyguard.

Besides, he has some secrets that he doesn't want to be known.

"Well, that's a pity. I hope there will be another chance in the future. As for the words of thanks, I don't have to. Don't say what the five Chen and thousand Yang gave me. It's also a harvest to know such a strong man as you. " Although he was declined, his attitude was very good.

This is not only because of his cultivation, but also because he knows Zhao Chengfeng's strength.

As he said, it is a harvest to make friends with such a strong man. This time, there will be another time. As a member of the clan, he still has this vision.

As for the specific identity of Zhao Chengfeng, he did not mean to inquire.

Finally, he said: "don't forget that the merit card has a time limit. Please come back here after three months. In addition, you must wear the merit card when you kill undead species. Only in this way can you be recorded."

"Well, thank you for reminding me. I won't forget it. I'll see you then." Zhao Chengfeng is also very satisfied with each other's attitude. Although he knows that it is for interests, how many people in this world are not for interests?

After thanking each other again, Zhao Chengfeng left the delivery point with the flow of people.

Then he took out the map, looked at it and chose a direction to go.


At the same time, at the transmission point from the city of May 9 of the eternal world to the world of black death, a recorder was reading the transmission records as usual. Suddenly, he was attracted by a record.

On the contrary, the record is too simple. No, it's just a blank. Yes, it's a blank. Although the location shows that there should be a record, it's empty and nothing.

"What's the matter? Is the array broken?" The record, looking at this non-existent record, is unbelievable.

For the first time in all these years.

If it's broken, it's not right, because the back and front are well recorded.

But if it's not broken, how can there be a blank record?

If it can't be recorded, then it's reasonable to say that the Da Zhen will alarm and even destroy the target. How can it not respond?

"Come on, does anyone remember this node? Who are they all sent by?" The recorder immediately passed the guard nearby, but everyone was stunned by his question.

So many people transmit, who will specially remember when and who transmitted.

There is humanity: "isn't there a record of Changsheng formation?"

"Son of a bitch, I don't know if there are any records in Da Zhen?" The recorder didn't wait for the man to look, then swung his sleeve back to his position, silently used his authority to delete that one.

It's weird to put such a piece here. If the person above finds it, he may even be criticized.

But what surprised him was that after he deleted it, Da Zhen even gave him a message, which was not authorized enough to delete the record.

"Well, what the hell?"


According to the map, Zhao Chengfeng finally finds his first goal. It's called Gu Tian cliff. As the name suggests, it's a precipitous cliff. Standing at the foot of the mountain, he can hardly see the top of the cliff. Even in Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, he can only see the mist.

And there was an altar on the cliff.

However, Zhao Chengfeng didn't need to reach the altar position, because there would be immortality activities between the cliffs. This kind of creature is similar to the eagle body Banshee. It's called the lonely cliff goddess, but in fact it's just a kind of scholar level immortality.

Although it is said that the strongest scholar level is immortal, the scholar level is only the scholar level after all.

Even the rare queen of the lonely cliff God is only in the Baron's mid-term.

The reason why Zhao Chengfeng came here is that he didn't even have the title of a scholar.

So he had to kill the three undead men before he could be promoted to the rank of knight.

But to be honest, he was a little nervous, because he didn't know what his current situation was. Although he was able to get in and out of the city freely, he had no problem passing through the transmission point.

But he also knew that he was similar to those wild people outside the city, or even worse than them. At least they were born and raised in this place, and he was not a person in this place at all.

When Zhao Chengfeng came to the foot of the cliff, there were many people under the cliff, and some even began to try to climb.

Zhao Chengfeng's arrival did not arouse many people's ideas. After all, those who came here were either scholars who wanted to get Shouzhu, or even quasi scholars who came here to promote their titles.

Of course, there are some bodyguards of big families, but Zhao Chengfeng is obviously not a bodyguard. Even alone, it's not like the children of a big family. People naturally don't care.

Most of all, one glance and then one look back.

However, he was soon noticed.

Because compared with the real taxi class, he climbed too fast.

Three or two had already reached the hillside, and the speed was almost the same as soaring.

"What's that guy doing? I'm so quick. I'll wipe it. The sergeant level has such a speed!" The speaker is the bodyguard of a family's children. Obviously, he has achieved the highest accomplishments of Baron, but he asked himself that there is absolutely no such climbing speed.

"It should be some special talent." Someone guessed.

Some people disdain, "what's the use of being able to climb mountains? Can monkeys climb mountains?"

Before he finished speaking, a lonely cliff goddess appeared in front of Zhao Chengfeng. They didn't see what he did, so they heard the lonely cliff goddess "ah:" a scream, and then it blew up and broke up.

Zhao Chengfeng was stunned. He was sweating in his heart. His strength was a little too strong.,

Then he picked up the merit card and looked at it. He was slightly pleased and had a record.

There's no doubt that's a good start.

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