"Poof!" His voice declined, but the girl couldn't help giggling, "uncle, you're too ignorant. Your strength is not too bad. You're so happy because you're just a soldier class weapon. I've seen this dagger, but it's just a single sharpness attribute. It's not good among the soldiers. It's a good thing! "

"You steal something that's not good?" Zhao Chengfeng sneer, no good way. Then he frowned, "besides, why haven't you left yet? I'm not going to steal my things because I don't pay attention to them, are you

"Well, make it clear. What is stealing? It's called picking up. Do you understand? I'll pick up the things that fall on the ground. " The girl exclaimed with dissatisfaction, and then sneered, "it's you, just a soldier class weapon, which has been picked up by a beautiful girl. It's so nice to ask for it back. Tut Tut, forget it, this mean old man, I'm too lazy to pay attention to it and go away!"

The girl said and turned to go, but the moment she turned, her eyes subconsciously glanced at a direction behind Zhao Chengfeng, but then turned to the dagger in Zhao Chengfeng's hand, and her face also showed a reluctant expression.

However, although she suddenly moved away, Zhao Chengfeng was still keen to catch it. He immediately turned his head and saw that there was nothing good in that position. There were only two feathers, which seemed to be the feathers on the wings of the lonely cliff goddess.

Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised, a little disappointed, just two feathers.

But then it came to light. The undead species will be all light after death, but these two feathers are not light. Can they be useless?

With a smile, he reached out and picked up the two feathers. When he held them in his hand, he felt that the feather material was not as simple as that of ordinary birds or other ordinary creatures.

Among other things, toughness alone surpasses the quality of most industrial materials in the earth world, and it also has spirituality.

"Good thing, I almost missed it." Zhao Chengfeng was pleasantly surprised, and realized that he did not know much about the common sense of the world.

"Tut ~!" The girl saw Zhao Chengfeng pick up the feather and put it away. A trace of remorse flashed on her face. Why did she just look at it. But this uncle doesn't even know that the goddess of the lonely cliff will fall her feather?

Think about her and feel incredible, this kind of thing, the world will have people do not know?

In fact, she was wrong. She didn't know that Zhao Chengfeng didn't know that the goddess of the lonely cliff would fall her feathers. He never thought that after the undead seed was killed, after the light, he would fall anything.

She said that she wanted to go, but she was reluctant to part with her feet, because the uncle was obviously ignorant. He would miss the goddess's feather. Who knows if he would miss anything else? Maybe he could pick up something cheap. However, although the man was very ignorant, he was also a ghost. Just now, he just glanced at it unintentionally and was found by the man.

"Stop!" Is hesitating step, suddenly heard behind Zhao Chengfeng came a low drink.

"Why, I've given it back to you. What else do you want?" The young girl turned round and glared at Zhao Chengfeng fiercely. She said angrily.

"Bring it?" Zhao Chengfeng seems to have seen through her for a long time, and holds out his hand to her with a sneer on his face.

"What? Hey, you still want to rob? " The girl's face changed at first, and then she jumped up like a cat who had been trampled on her tail. Her cheeks were bulging and she looked at Zhao Chengfeng fiercely.

As soon as she yelled, the attention of the other warriors around her was attracted. These people didn't know the cause and effect. They only saw a big man holding out his hand to a young girl, and the young girl yelling to rob. Everyone couldn't help but open their eyes.

"I'll go. Is it shameless for a big man to rob a little girl?"

"Ah, the world is declining. The young people today are really... Ah, this generation is a beat generation!"

However, these people sighed, some despised, some ridiculed, but no one came forward. On the contrary, a few guys who looked like clan CHILDES saw that the girl was sweet and lovely, and had plans to save the beauty, but they were immediately dissuaded by the bodyguards around them.

Zhao Chengfeng before the strength of the show, they also saw a little, clearly very difficult to provoke, ridicule, scorn, mouth show justice is nothing, but really stand up, it is to pay the price.

Of course, there are also people who understand. They guess that there is something hidden in it. They go to the hero to save the beauty without understanding anything. The result may not be the appreciation of the beauty, but the ridicule of the beauty after using it.

As soon as the girl saw that these people were just talking, she held her arms to watch the excitement for a long time. She was filled with resentment in her heart. "What kind of people are they? They always talk about the beat generation of others. You've done something. You're so angry with the beautiful girl!"

But on her face, she looked like she wanted to cry. She said pitifully, "uncle, please let me go. I really don't have any money. I really don't even have a Chen bead. I don't believe you

Then he opened his arms and closed his eyes. I was so pitiful that I was about to cry. The clan children who were dissuaded just now could not bear it.

Search? Any search?

Beast, let go of that girl and let me do it!

Feeling the commotion around her, the girl quietly opened her half eyes to see how Zhao Chengfeng reacted. But when she saw that Zhao Chengfeng was smiling at her, and a hand was slowly extending towards her, she was surprised. "What's the meaning of the old man's eyes, and what's the action? Don't you really plan to search?"

Just when she was about to scream, she suddenly heard Zhao Chengfeng laughing, "I thought you were so powerful. That's the degree. But forget it, I promised my wife that I would not take my sister out this time. Two feathers would be my beggar."

The girl felt angry and relieved at the same time, but when she heard the last sentence, she couldn't help but retort subconsciously: "what two, there are only..."

Half way through, he suddenly stops. He seems to realize that he has lost his mouth. He subconsciously takes a look at Zhao Chengfeng. Sure enough, he finds that the old man's face is ironic. His pretty face turns red, but he can't help but gnash his teeth.

Fortunately, Zhao Chengfeng kept his word and didn't ask her for the goddess's feather any more. With a sigh of relief, he quietly touched the fairy feather he had picked up in his pocket. There was a glimmer of brilliance in his eyes, and he said secretly, "fool, it's you who are treacherous like a ghost, or you have drunk the foot washing water of this beautiful girl. It's true that the fairy on the lonely cliff fell not two, but three, hee hee!"

That said, the old man is really lucky. He even killed two immortals.

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