The three goddess feathers are nothing to Zhao Chengfeng, but they are also a considerable income for ordinary taxi class.

You should know that although the goddess of solitary cliff is only a kind of immortal scholar, she is one of the more powerful ones. Besides, she always likes to stay on the precipices and cliffs. Most of them are really incapable of hunting alone.

Even if you hunt, there will not be 100% drops. It depends on luck.

In fact, it's rare for Zhao Chengfeng to drop both ends.

Just because of this, she saw that Zhao Chengfeng had missed the goddess's feather. She picked it up cheaply, but then quietly followed.

Thinking of picking up a few more bargains, who knows that because of greed, he wanted to pick up the soldier class weapon, but in the end, even his original "business" was broken.

The girl was remorseful at the thought.

Although also know that there can be no more omissions let her pick up, but still reluctant to leave, has been pretending not to care in Zhao Chengfeng around.

Of course, it's impossible to deceive Zhao Chengfeng, but he didn't care about it. He just laughed in his heart, pretended not to see it, and continued to hunt the goddess of lonely cliff.

It has to be said that Zhao Chengfeng's luck seems really good. After that, he even killed five or six of them, two thirds of them fell off, and the girl who was trying to pick up a bargain was staring out of her eyes.

"How can this uncle be so lucky? Is this the so-called fool's fortune?"

Unfortunately, after that, she didn't find it cheap, but she found out that this guy didn't know how to plunder Shouzhu after killing undead seed. Every time, she let Shouzhu go with the flesh and blood of undead seed.

"Doesn't this guy really know nothing about undead? It's incredible

Although the girl saw it with her own eyes, she still couldn't believe it.

Finally, the girl could not help saying, "Hello, uncle idiot, you are not a person in this world, are you?"

Zhao Chengfeng was startled by her sudden remark, but he didn't pay special attention to it. Of course, he couldn't really admit it. He said with a smile: "nonsense, of course I'm not a person in this world, and I'm not an immortal."

"Well, if you don't know, I mean the whole world of eternal life, black death, and who told you that there would be no human in the world of black death?" The girl rolled her eyes contemptuously.

Of course, she didn't take her previous words seriously. That is to say, when people on earth see that others are too speechless, they will say, "you are not an alien. You don't even know that.".

But in fact, she didn't think that Zhao Chengfeng was really an alien. It's more likely that Zhao Chengfeng came from the wild than that.

Just like people on earth, when they say this, they don't really think that they are aliens.

Zhao Chengfeng also figured this out, so he didn't care.

However, the other side's view that the whole world is the unity of longevity, darkness and death made him move.

If you think about it carefully, it seems to be exactly what the girl said.

The two worlds may be a complete world together, because there are so many connections between the two worlds.

But this kind of thing, ordinary people should not be aware of it, at least he read so many books, not a book mentioned.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at the girl. He didn't know whether she said it casually or what she really knew?

However, he did not ask this question, but half true and half false surprised: "you said that there are also human beings in the Black Death world, should not refer to the human being that I have been temporarily transmitted?"

"Of course not. What's so strange about you? I'm talking about the natives in the world. No, they're not quite natives, but they live here all the year round“ The girl said.

"Are they from the eternal world or the Black Death world?" Zhao Chengfeng asked a strange question, at least in the girl's eyes, so she said, "how do I know that? Do you want to have a look?"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't move. He looked at the girl opposite and said, "how about making a deal?"

"Deal? What's the deal? Hey, uncle, what do you want? I'll tell you, although I'm very poor, I will never sell my body. No, I can't sell my soul! " Girl a face guard of embrace chest, vigilant looking at Zhao Chengfeng.

The latter is full of black lines, and then a turn white eyes, turned away, this girl brain problems, or do not provoke the good.

Seeing this, the girl turned her eyes and ran after her. She said with a smile, "don't go, uncle. You're kidding! Tell me, what's your deal? Do you want benmei girl to be your guide? By the way, I'll supplement you with the common sense of the underworld. I have to say, uncle, although you are ignorant, you have a good eye. You've found me right for this kind of thing! "

Zhao Chengfeng ignored her and continued to climb. It's a gesture that she doesn't exist.

The girl didn't care about it at all. "Uncle, I tell you that you have no wrong choice to cooperate with benmei girl. No, you are making a lot of money. First of all, it's nice to have a beautiful girl with you. For an old man like you, it should be a very exciting enjoyment, right?"

Zhao Chengfeng continues to ignore her.

Big and small girls Zhao Chengfeng see more, so no face no skin is the first time to see, sure enough, this age of young girls have completely not suitable for my wind brother.

But for her words, the heart is not from sneer, secretly: "exciting? I Pooh, brother Feng. Your mother may not have enjoyed my stimulation projects. You little girl can tell me what stimulation is

The girl, of course, didn't know what he had in mind. She continued: "in addition, when it comes to the understanding of the underworld, especially the undead species, I tell you that benmei girl is absolutely encyclopedia level. I'll give you some advice, which will definitely make you do twice as much as you can in the underworld and gain more than 100 times as much as you do now."

She said this in her heart: "benmei is not a liar. You don't even know how to snatch Shouzhu now. I have to give you some advice. If you don't finish the leap from scratch, it's a hundred times less. And my requirements are not high, as long as you have half of all the harvest, how little... "

"Hey, you're just saying something. Damn it, wait for me slowly. It's a big deal. It's cheaper. Thirty seven. I want thirty percent, and you have seventy percent... Twenty percent. Hey, twenty percent. Mean old man, Ben Mei girl is angry. Ten percent, no less!" The girl chattered after Zhao Chengfeng, but after a few steps, she found that she couldn't keep up with Zhao Chengfeng's speed at all. After a few steps, she had already fallen tens of meters away. After a few more steps, she might be gone. She couldn't help being angry and hating.

Can't catch up, can only shout.

After all, she only has the rank of scholar. This kind of environment has a great influence on her moving speed.

What is Zhao Chengfeng's strength? The peak of magic martial arts is just a little short of the virtual realm. In addition, the body technique of dragon and phoenix is a kind of body technique that is good at making use of any environment.

Although it's a cliff, it's just like walking on the ground to him. It's easy for him to walk a little bit somewhere, and he's already a few meters away, dozens of meters away.

Finally, he stamped his feet and stopped chasing him. "Old man, cheapskate, I don't believe I can starve to death if I don't earn your little money."

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