Although the girl said so, she could not help glancing at Zhao Chengfeng quietly. She thought Zhao Chengfeng would stop, but she didn't mean to stop. After a while, she turned a corner and disappeared.

"Did you really leave?" The girl accidentally opened her mouth, and then stamped her feet again. Is this damned idiot uncle a eunuch? He turned a blind eye to such a big beautiful girl, "asshole!"

"Ha ha, beauty, that boy doesn't understand the amorous feelings. How about being a guide for my young master? I'll give you five beads every day. If you do well, my young master will have another reward!" The girl was angry when she heard a frivolous and boastful voice.

When I turned around, I saw that she was looking at her with a smile. In her hand, she was holding a sword inlaid with various gems. Not only the hilt, but also the body of the sword were inlaid with gems, and even hollow patterns. It was gorgeous, for fear that others would not know its value.

There are two bodyguard like men behind him. The girl can't see the specific strength, but only the momentum and breath should not be weak.

You can see that it's not an ordinary person. It's probably the young master of a clan in the eternal world who came here to try to be promoted to the rank of nobility.

"Hum ~!" The girl glanced at the man, turned her mouth, snorted and turned away.

"Ha ha, it's a little interesting!" The boy didn't get angry, but seemed very happy. He laughed and licked his lips.

Seeing this, the two bodyguards behind him turned their eyes and said to themselves, "what's the point? People don't care about you at all!"

However, they had known for a long time that their little master was a strange man. He did too many unreliable things, but they didn't feel strange. One of them was afraid that he would make trouble out of it, so he said, "young master, let's get down to business, don't make trouble out of it!"

Hearing this, the young man suddenly collapsed and waved his hand impatiently, "OK, it's so wordy. Which eye of yours is looking at me? What's more, a broken Baron, with you two here, what's the problem? It's a matter of business. You can say it

"You do, sir The secret way in the bodyguard's heart was speechless, and he said helplessly: "although you are a baron, you can't take it lightly. Young Lord, you could have... Cough, anyway, although we can remove some obstacles for you, it's up to you after all. I'm not careless!"

Another bodyguard also said: "yes, young master, you are in your third year. If you fail again, let alone the count, the Marquis is afraid to..."

"I know, I know, I don't want to make a difference, can't I? Can you two stop threatening people with my father and me? Don't you know I'm afraid? Ah, why am I so unlucky? How nice it is to eat, drink and have fun. What kind of Title do you want? " The young man didn't care, but when he heard that they mentioned his Laozi and grandfather, he immediately withered. He was not afraid of anything, and he didn't care about everything, but he didn't dare to be presumptuous with his Laozi and grandfather.

"Young master, please don't say that. Don't forget the story of Wuchen's chivalry!" Two people smell speech facial expression a change, immediately correct color to admonish a way.

Although we always know the temperament of our young master, it's OK to say that, but recently there has just been a Wuchen Qianzhi in Wuchen clan, which is almost a warning for some elders of various clans.

Many of the elders who originally indulged in the younger generation suddenly became strict with their younger generation.

At this time, if the old Marquis and the count heard the young Lord say such words, but they did not advise, then they would peel off their skin.

But the young man turned his eyes with disdain, "hum, the story of Wuchen's chivalry, what story, doesn't he have a title? His story just tells us a truth. As long as my father and grandfather are still here, no matter how useless I am, I will be able to eat and die safely. If something really happens, there is no difference between having such a baron and not having such a baron. "

"This..." two people want to refute, but found speechless, although want to say, "little Lord, you should work harder to share your father's and grandfather's worries."

However, it seems unrealistic to think that the young master of his family is not bad at temperament, but only not bad at aptitude. He wants to grow up to help the Marquis and the count.

Looking at each other, he sighed, "how can we be so unlucky? We just follow the goods. If we can follow the eldest young master, or even the better side branch young master, it's much better than this master. At least we won't be unable to look up when we face our colleagues."

However, the young man had no self-consciousness. Seeing that they were speechless, he felt proud and snorted, "what is this? Nothing to say? Hum, I really don't think my young master knows anything. Hum, my young master knows nothing. "

The look of being not ashamed and proud made people want to strangle him.

But then the man couldn't help sighing bitterly, "Alas, it's a pity that my father and I don't understand this truth, and I can't persuade them. Otherwise, my young master is still living in the city waiting to die, so why come to this damned Black Death world. Damn, it's strange that Qianzhi is such a fool. What lessons did he learn? Damn it

"Forget it. I'd better think of a way to get through this first. Otherwise, I don't have to wait for anything. I'm afraid I'll die miserably. Ah, bad luck!" The man looked up at the top of the cliff with a long sigh and said, "I say you two, do you know why the old man has to specify this place? It seems that the undead species here are nothing special? "

Although he said so, he was a little afraid of the isolated cliff in front of him. If he had a choice, he would never choose such a place with his personality. It's also a baron level altar. There are several more easily broken altars nearby.

But what made him impatient was that his grandfather himself appointed him to complete the Baron test here. Even he did not dare to disobey his grandfather's orders.

But regarding his question, the two bodyguards also shook their heads blankly, "we don't know this, but since the old man appointed here, there must be deep meaning."


Zhao Chengfeng went up all the way and killed four or five lonely cliff goddesses in succession. He also got six of those strange feathers. I have to say that he was really lucky.

But Shouzhu still didn't have one. What made him frown was that he had killed so many undead species in succession, and there were several more merit points on the merit card, but he didn't get any hint. He got the hint of the baron.

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