"Don't worry, I will never take any of your Chen beads for nothing." You ya Leng hums a way: "have never seen this mean man."

Zhao Chengfeng laughs, but he doesn't retort. He says in his heart, "I haven't seen you before. That's because there are few men you've met. Brother Feng doesn't want to sleep with you. Why should he be generous with you?"

Ah, brother Feng's temperament has changed a lot this time. Such a beautiful girl has no idea in front of her eyes. If the wives know it, they will be very moved. I really want to shoot this scene.

But unfortunately, the world does not have, or he has not seen, similar means.

This makes Zhao Chengfeng feel very sorry.

However, although he was moved by himself, he fell into Youya's eyes, but his face was hateful.

The angry girl couldn't help grinding her tiger teeth again.

Even so, you ya knows that if she can't prove her value, she will let her go mercilessly with the mean nature of this old man, and she will never pay her even a Chen Zhu's reward.

Fortunately, she had a good idea about this. After a glance at someone, she said, "first of all, your first problem is the problem of condensing Shouzhu. I found that you have killed seven undead seeds from the beginning to now, but you haven't condensed a single Shouzhu. At the beginning, I thought you didn't like this little money, but from your stinginess, I think it's probably impossible! Then there is only one possibility. Although I can't believe that there are people in this world who don't know how to gather Shouzhu, obviously, you just can't! "

It seems that it's to revenge someone's previous teasing. Youya said this with a gun in his hand. Moreover, when he said this, he joked on purpose and asked: "what's the matter, boss, am I right?"

Although Zhao Chengfeng understood the girl's intention, he had to smile and touch his nose: "I always respect the dignity of money, and I will never despise it because of the small face value. What's more, Shouzhu is still a symbol of life, respecting the value of life and cherishing the beauty of life. Even one day's life should not be ignored. However, I always focus on the improvement of martial arts cultivation, and I really don't pay attention to some trivial things! "

"I've never seen anyone more shameless than you!" Also respect the dignity of money, cherish the beauty of life, shame? When was stingy so big“ And is it a detail? This is common sense of life, OK? Even a three-year-old knows it! "

"Even a three-year-old Zhao Chengfeng seems very surprised asked.

"Of course ~!" Youya rolled her eyes and made a firm decision. She thought that Zhao Chengfeng was finally hit. She was a little proud and felt that she had pulled back a city.

But unexpectedly, what Zhao Chengfeng thought in his heart was: "since even children know this, this problem should not be paid ~!"

Of course, he didn't say that. He even showed an encouraging smile, indicating that she would continue to say. He said in his heart, "as a boss, even if the employee has done a trivial job, it's better not to dampen her enthusiasm!"

Youya where know his idea, rare to see him so "honest", but there is a kind of empty feeling, some angry.

I didn't know what to say for a moment.

Until Zhao Chengfeng reminded her: "so where is the problem and what is the solution?"

I just came back to my senses and felt a little strange about my reaction. I don't know why I won a city, but I didn't feel happy at all.

"Hum, it's all the old man's weirdness that makes me weird." The girl snorted in her heart. But when he opened his mouth, he was still carrying a gun with a stick. "What's the problem? Of course, it's your ignorance..."

Then he told Zhao Chengfeng what it was and how to solve it.

As soon as she said it, Zhao Chengfeng was speechless.

The problem really lies in one's own ignorance.

It turns out that there's no secret or secret to condense Shouzhu. It's just a function of the meritorious card. To be exact, it's an ability of changshengdazhen.

Originally, only in the confines of longevity, the part of life essence would be imprisoned after the immortality was killed, and the life essence of the imprisoned was condensed.

Similarly, in the shadow of the Black Death array, after any flesh and blood life is killed, the power of the soul will also be imprisoned. After cohesion, it will be the soul bead.

Shouzhu can add longevity to the nobility, and the soul pearl can also strengthen the soul power of undead seed. At the same time, the nobility will sacrifice Shouyuan to changshengdazhen, and the undead seed will also sacrifice soul to the altar.

In the Black Death world, although the immortal array can't be covered, the meritorious card is equivalent to a small part of the immortal array. As long as the holder inputs spiritual power, the power of the immortal array can cover the holder in a certain range.

As long as the undead species are killed within this coverage area, their vitality can also be confined and the Pearl of longevity can be condensed.

In addition, everything is the soul and essence of life. After death, it will return to the altars, and it will revive after consuming some soul power. But a certain part of it will also produce variation. Permanent solidification will be like the feather of a lonely cliff.

These solidified parts can greatly enhance the combat power of the undead before it is killed. After it is killed, this part will not disappear. It is also very useful for the warrior. As for the use, it depends on the characteristics of the undead and the solidified position.

For example, the goddess feather has the attribute of wind. If there are enough, it can be woven into the goddess feather coat. It is a very precious taxi treasure. Its biggest function is to enhance the affinity of the user's attribute of wind. At the same time, it has the effect of lightness, speed and stagnation ability.

"Is this dagger solidified?" Zhao Chengfeng took out the dagger and asked.

"It shouldn't be..." you ya said uncertainly: "although there are different species that can solidify weapons, but the goddess of solitary cliff is not the immortal species that can use weapons, so generally it won't solidify weapons, let alone solidify them."

After thinking about it, he added: "I think it should have been dropped by a warrior after he was killed, and then somehow it was picked up by the lonely cliff goddess."

"I see." Zhao Chengfeng nodded and felt the dagger in his hand. It really had a heavy artificial trace. The girl guessed that it was right, so he asked, "is there any immortal seed that is solidified all over?"

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