"Yes!" Youya pursed her mouth and replied.

"Really?" This time, Zhao Chengfeng was a little bit surprised. He asked casually, but he didn't expect that there was a real one. "However, if the whole body is solidified, it should not be an ordinary undead species. Can such undead species be revived?"

"Yes, there are. Of course, the number is very rare. Generally, there will not be one altar in a few decades. Moreover, the higher the level of the undead altar, the more difficult it will become such an undead one. However, once there is such an undead species, it will definitely be a disaster for the nearby warriors? " Youya has some serious ways.

"Disaster, is this kind of undead more powerful than ordinary undead?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"It's not a lot of promotion, but it's not a level at all. For the undead species, it's a huge leap. Generally, we call this kind of undead species alienated undead species. Once the highest record, there was a dissimilated undead at the count level on a deathless altar. When the warriors near that altar were almost slaughtered You ya said here, look a little dignified.

But then he said, "of course, if you can hunt this kind of undead seed, you will get rich. If you can alienate the undead seed, you will have treasure all over your body!"

"Treasure all over?" Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help pulling at the corner of his mouth. He thought of the composition he wrote when he was a child: "the whole body of a pig is treasure..."

You Ya's eyes are shining: "of course! However, this is not the place where the alienated undead species are really valuable. What is really valuable is that the alienated undead species will produce undead crystals, and if you are lucky enough, this alienated undead species may even degenerate into alienated arms with a very small probability! "

"Er, immortal crystal, alienated arms, what are they?" When Zhao Chengfeng heard these two words, he became interested.

But you ya this time but a sneer, glanced at him one eye way: "now all told you, I also mix what, wait for the probation period after the end to consider!"

"Er..." Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect that this girl would come here,

Immediately also can't help a sneer, "don't say forget it, I don't believe it, this matter only you know, the big deal I ask others, the probation period is over, if you don't pass the same let you go!"

"Ha ha, you go to ask. It's not benmei girl's boasting. I dare not say that the whole world of life and death is rare. But within a hundred miles around here, I'm sure there is absolutely no one but benmei girl!" You Ya's proud way.

Zhao Chengfeng hummed that he didn't believe it, but he couldn't be sure whether the girl was bragging or really sure. Although he thought it was more likely to be bragging intellectually, he didn't know why she felt like she wasn't lying.

"But this girl doesn't look like a person with a big influence background. Otherwise, she doesn't need to hunt and kill undead species to earn resources. Besides, she also" steals "her own things. She doesn't even have a bodyguard around her. She looks like an ordinary bottom warrior. But from what she said and heard, she didn't feel like it, and her courage was beyond common sense. She was curious. "

Zhao Chengfeng is suspicious, but he just thinks about it casually. Anyway, it has nothing to do with him.

They talked all the way, killed all the way, climbed all the way up, and unconsciously reached the top of the cliff.

The cliff top is even more isolated and dangerous than Zhao Chengfeng imagined.

There is only a flat land less than half the size of a football field above the cliff, and then there is a higher, steeper cliff.

At one end of this narrow open space is a legendary altar of immortality.

It was the first time that Zhao Chengfeng saw the real altar of immortality. He found that its shape was far from what he had imagined. The tone said that it was an altar, which was more like a Mayan temple. The temple was composed of huge stones without carving. From the pillars to the roof, it was all stone structure, rough and primitive, but not simple, Because all the stones are full of strange runes with faint light, which is also a very rough style.

"Is this man-made or natural? If it's natural, it's really uncanny. If it's man-made, who is this man, the Lord of extinction?"

Zhao Chengfeng was slightly shocked.

But without waiting for him to have too much emotion, the undead species around had rushed towards them.

It seems that the cliff is close to the altar. The isolated cliff goddess here is more dense than the one below, almost filling the whole small platform space.

And they are much stronger and more vicious.

As soon as they saw two humans appear, they all screamed and rushed forward.

However, for Zhao Chengfeng, there is little difference between more and less undead species at this level, and what he is good at is group warfare.

First of all, a spiritual power was injected into the meritorious card to activate the coverage of the power of the immortal array. With a stroke of the other hand, two undead seeds were immediately killed and turned into streamers to return to the altar. But immediately, it was a meal, as if it was imprisoned by an invisible force.

These Guanghua seem to feel the danger and struggle desperately. Some of them escape at last. At the same time, some of them appear to be born in the altar of immortality. However, more of them are left behind. Under the influence of the power of longevity, they begin to condense to a point. In a flash, they turn into a white bead and fall to the ground.

Although this scene is magical, Zhao Chengfeng is no longer surprised, because on the way up, Zhao Chengfeng has experimented more than once.

What surprised him was that it was so close to the altar of immortality that it was still useful. It seemed that the altar of immortality had no effect on suppressing meritorious medals, which made him feel relieved.

On the other side, Youya saw Zhao Chengfeng's dagger wave, and immediately there were beads rolling down, and pieces of feathers floating down her face.

Dexterously dodged the undead seed, and without Zhao Chengfeng's command, he immediately began to clean up the fallen booty. While picking up the booty, he laughed excitedly: "uncle, no, boss, good job. Come on, ha ha, rich, rich!"

The girl just gnashed her teeth at Zhao Chengfeng. She would see beads and fairy plumes. She immediately forgot all the things before, and lost all her integrity. The boss's voice was extremely smooth, and she added an adult on her own. She didn't feel that she hated it a moment ago.

In my heart, I quickly calculated how much I could get in a day with such efficiency. This calculation almost cracked my ears, and I secretly praised in my heart: "as expected, this beautiful girl has a good eye, and this old man is really an excellent money swipe artifact. However, we must find a way to win him over, or it will be too bad to be dumped by him three days later. "

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