For this kind of unruly behavior, Zhao Chengfeng is also a twitch.

However, what made him frown was that after killing so many people, he didn't get the advice from the baron.

Just about to ask you ya, but the latter has already taken the initiative to speak, while picking up the spoils and shouting: "boss, don't you want to be knighted? If you see the crystal in the altar, just break it and get your medal record, you will be knighted!"

Zhao Chengfeng looked along her fingers, and sure enough, he saw an irregular crystal the size of a child's head inside the temple like altar, which was floating miraculously in the center of the altar, floating and sinking. At first glance, it was the core of the altar.

Zhao Chengfeng was surprised. He thought that the only way to get a title was to kill a certain level of undead. Unexpectedly, he needed to break the crystal of the altar.

But isn't it right that this altar should connect with the whole black death world just like those cities in the eternal world?

Is it possible for ordinary taxi barons to break it?

However, these thoughts just flashed through his mind, but his action didn't stop. At the same time, he killed the undead seed that came at you. At the same time, with a flick of a dagger, he cut the undead seed that came at you, but he walked to the altar.

At this time, at the edge of the cliff platform, there are three people climbing up. These three people are the young man and two bodyguards who threatened to hire Youya.

Before they got to the top of the cliff, they heard someone shouting. Like "boss, come on" or something.

Listen again, it seems that the people above are going to break the altar and get the title.

Two bodyguards can't help but be surprised, to forget one eye, secret way: "suffered, by the person quick first ascend, this can not be very good."

Even if the altar crystal is broken, it will be restored after a period of time, but they came here to take the title for the young Lord, which is designated by the Lord, and 80% of them have deep meaning.

In case of being disturbed by this, they will not be able to explain to the Marquis when they go back.

Even if the two speed up.

But the young master himself was still in no hurry, slowly rubbed up, and his face was even less interested.

He said to himself, "grandfather doesn't know what's crazy. It's not good to choose so many altars, but it's a ghost place. It's hard for those lonely cliff goddesses to deal with. This damned environment is enough!"

When the two bodyguards saw that the big baby was rubbing up like a bug, they could not help but have a black line in their head. They were too lazy to talk nonsense. A tacit understanding person took one of his arms and took him to the top of the cliff.

At the same time, the two have done a good job of alert action, and very naturally will block the young behind, but immediately the two people and the young behind them are all in a daze.

In front of my eyes, half of the platform was empty. When I saw it again, I saw a figure walking to the altar like walking on the ground, waving his hand and planting seeds like chopping melons and cutting vegetables.

Occasionally, he threw out the daggers in his hand, and those girls who tried to rush behind him to pick up the spoils. The dagger was pulled by a wisp of spiritual force, and it was like a lightning bolt that could send and receive freely. However, the undead species had already been in different places.

But the girl behind him was not appreciative at all. Instead, she stamped her feet and said angrily, "Hey, uncle, don't be handsome. You will go beyond the coverage of your meritorious card. It's a waste of money. I'm really in trouble. Can you respect the dignity of money and the beauty of life? It's true that if you are not in charge, you don't know the price of firewood and rice. It's all money. The most important thing is that I have a share in the money. You can't cherish your 90% or my 10%. Anyway, I'll deduct it when I go back! "

Three people smell speech corners of the mouth not from a burst of twitch, "what ghost?"

Another look at this man and woman is quite familiar, especially the young man, a look at you ya eyes can not help but a bright, but a see this person unexpectedly still mixed with Zhao Chengfeng, and feel a little hit.

What's more, Zhao Chengfeng walked on the ground between the undead species and waved his dagger like a flying sword. Even he couldn't help praising the action. He was so handsome that he could not help sighing, "ah, my young master never hates people robbing women with me. What he hates most is that people robbing women with me are more handsome than me!"

The two bodyguards, who were a little stunned at first, turned back to their senses when they heard this. They could not help but turn their eyes and said, "what ghost, my little Lord, is this the time to think about such things?"

One of them suddenly looked at the position of the altar. He saw that the crystal of the altar in the altar was floating and sinking. Zhao Chengfeng killed all the undead seeds near the altar. All the undead seeds rushed to Zhao Chengfeng, but the altar was empty.

Eyes not from a bright, quickly whispered: "little Lord, this is the time, quickly break the crystal of the altar!"

The young master was stunned and hesitated, "isn't that good... Isn't it a bit immoral? What's more, this man's strength is not weak. In case of irritating him, can you both stand it? "

The bodyguard hesitated after hearing the speech, but then he gritted his teeth and didn't change his mind. Instead, he pushed the young man and said, "don't worry, there are me and us."

Then he arched his hand to Zhao Chengfeng and said, "brother, the three of us are members of the Chen family, who are the first people in the city on May 9. This is the young master of my family. Although it's a bit immoral to come here to prove the title, we have to take advantage of him for a reason. It's our brothers who inherit my brother's love. If I'm from the city on May 9, I'll come back to our brother after I return to the city, and I won't lose my brother. "

He said Haihan, but at the same time, he winked at the boy to show him to go quickly. Although he was polite in his words, he first showed the name of Chen family, the head of the city on May 9, which was not without threat.

The reason for this is just to stop Zhao Chengfeng's mouth and make him look more righteous. It's not really to fight for the other party's consent or Haihan.

In his opinion, even if this young man seems to be very strong, but there is the name of the first Chen family in the city on May 9, does the other party dare to do anything?

If the other party is a person of the city on May 9, it doesn't need to be said that even if it is not, it will appear in the vicinity. It is also likely that they are people of several nearby cities. They should also be afraid of the first Chen family of the city on May 9.

As soon as the three went to the top of the cliff, Zhao Chengfeng naturally found them, and he could see their actions and words.

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