Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng could not help frowning slightly. But I'm not surprised that Zhao Chengfeng, the overlord of the clan, has seen it for a long time, not to mention that the other party still comes from Chen family, the head of a city.

In any city, if you can become Shouchen's family, it must be the pinnacle of the city, especially the city on May 9. According to Zhao Chengfeng, Shouchen's family on May 9 is almost half the owner of the city in a sense.

The other 23 clans are stronger than Shouchen clan, but they are not united with each other. Some people are even attracted by Shouchen clan. So although it's not the only one, it's definitely second to none.

It is polite that such a clan did not directly drive out a man who is proving his title.

But it doesn't mean that Zhao Chengfeng just recognizes their actions. Besides, since he's wearing makeup now, the other party can't recognize who he is, and there's nothing to worry about.

The young man's reaction was somewhat unexpected. Although he finally took action, he hesitated and said the two childish words of "morality", which was a wonderful work.

However, childishness is one of the loveliness of human beings.

Of course, even so, he did not intend to give up, although a scholar level altar is nothing, as long as he wants, it's the same everywhere.

But the problem is, even if he really let him go, the other side will only take it for granted, and will not really accept his affection. Moreover, the other side also said that it was their brother, not Shouchen.

"Just two bodyguards, what qualifications." With a sneer, Zhao Chengfeng plans to throw a dagger and smash the altar crystal.

With his strength, if a sergeant level has the ability to break, then his strike, even if it is long-range, should not be a big problem.

The only thing worth considering is whether the meritorious card can be recorded at such a long distance, and whether the result can count.

"Forget it, or you'd better speed up. Anyway, these things can't stop me!"

With this in mind, he planned to remind you ya, but he didn't want to talk to the girl first. The girl was not afraid. When she heard that the other party was Shouchen, she didn't even fear. Instead, she put on her waist and sneered: "you've seen shameless, you've never seen such shameless, you have a reason, others have no reason, you're here to prove your title, Are we here to play? Uncle, don't worry about them. Go and break the altar. That little kid of others took advantage of it. What kind of humanity

The two bodyguards saw that Zhao Chengfeng didn't speak and didn't move. They thought that he had given in, and those undead people rushed to this person one after another. Even if he refused, they couldn't get rid of him. They were letting themselves down, but they didn't want the girl to come in, and they couldn't help looking cold.

But they are afraid of Zhao Chengfeng's strength and dare not act rashly.

Just a cold hum, "young age, smart mouth, be careful, disaster comes from the mouth!"

As he spoke, he looked at the young man who was walking towards the altar and saw that he had already climbed the steps. He was very happy. At the same time, he kept watch on Zhao Chengfeng. If Zhao Chengfeng really wanted to break through, they immediately stopped him.

At the same time, the young man heard the sentence, but the corners of his mouth were convulsed. Subconsciously, he wanted to turn back and explain.

Suddenly, at this time, there was a shrill roar from the altar behind him, followed by a strong life wave and pressure, which made him tottering like a hurricane. The terrible pressure made him stiff and cold.

He was stunned.

On the other hand, Zhao Chengfeng and others are also stunned. At the same time, there is a word in their heart, "alienation never dies!"

In such a scholar level altar, there is such a terrible pressure and fluctuation of power. There is no other possibility except dissimilation of undead species.

The reaction of other undead species around also confirmed this point. At this time, all the undead species who were not afraid of death stopped attacking and fell on the ground, kneeling and shivering, as if they were welcoming the birth of the king.

"I didn't expect that I had just heard the name of dissimilation undead species below. I saw it. It's very low to say that it's good?" Zhao Chengfeng is eccentric.

Youya is a young girl with a big mouth and a strange look. Just now, she said that Zhao Chengfeng may never have a chance to meet the dissimilation immortal species in his life, but in the blink of an eye, she met the uncle's bad luck.

At the same time, the two bodyguards immediately came back to their senses. Seeing that the boy was still standing in the same place, they immediately cried out, "young master, come back quickly!"

In the meantime, they had already jumped out.

But just at this time, a dark shadow had rolled out of the altar, and the body shape showed a strange immortal who was a head shorter than the ordinary lone goose goddess, and almost the height of normal human women.

The reason why it is strange is that although it has the appearance similar to that of the goddess of solitary cliff, the details are completely different.

First of all, the appearance. Although the general lonely goose goddess is called goddess, in fact, they are extremely ferocious and ugly. However, this alienated immortal is extremely beautiful, but some men and women are not separated, and appear more neutral, but this actually adds to her beauty.

The lower part of the face is no longer the black and rough feeling before, but becomes white and creamy, just like the ice cream taken out of the refrigerator in summer, with a slightly cool feeling.

As for the figure, even if you know that the other party is immortal, you can't help but move your eyes.

The only thing that is more abrupt is that the lower part of the body is still in the form of a bird, with sharp claws and cold light, full of destruction and power.

And behind the wings from a pair into two pairs, dark as ink, even a spread like a hammer clouds.

At this time, the dissimilated undead was standing on the step in front of the boy, looking down at the boy, and then sweeping the other people on the scene, seeing the two bodyguards rushing forward with anger, the undead showed a very humanized banter and cruelty.

Then slowly raised the slender jade finger, and then suddenly inserted to the young eyebrow.

Seeing this, the boy's face changed greatly, and he was shocked.

"Beast, dare you?" Seeing this, the two bodyguards were even more furious. They roared, but they were only a few steps away, but they still couldn't save them.

And this beast is clearly waiting for them to reach this distance.

This animal is not only cruel and easy to kill, but also highly intelligent.

He not only wanted to kill the boy, but also saw that the two men rushed to save the boy, so he deliberately destroyed their hope in front of them when they saw and hoped.

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