When they saw this, they were angry, but they could not help their fear. They were not only afraid of the punishment of the clan when they went back, but also of the inexplicable fear of the beast, which was an instinctive fear of strange things.

Before that, they had never thought that there was such an intelligent and cruel undead in the world.

All of a sudden, they were full of regret and confusion. I don't know why the LORD had to appoint them here. I'm afraid the LORD had miscalculated something.


At this moment, a sharp air breaking sound suddenly crossed their ears. Between them, a dagger had passed between them, just when the foreignized immortal finger was about to pierce the young man's forehead.

The dagger also came to the face of the undead.

This sudden change, this undead species is obviously unexpected, huge danger, let it instinctively feel the threat, quickly take back his hands, a wing, back.

The young man escaped from death in a daze.

The two bodyguards were stunned.

"Get out of here!"

At the same time, a cold drink sounded in their ears.

Then he saw a flash of shadow, which also passed through the side of the three, but it was Zhao Chengfeng.

At the same time, he reached out to grab the dagger back in his hand, and then raised his hand to chop the alienated undead seed!

The alienated undead species were attacked continuously, and it seemed that they were also aroused fierce. They burst into a rage and let out a shrill scream. As soon as their wings flashed to the other side, they raised their hands and grabbed at the back of Zhao Chengfeng's head.

Zhao Chengfeng seemed to have eyes behind his head. He turned back and saw a dagger. A sword light flashed by. The immortal screamed bitterly. Then his wings flashed. He stepped back a few meters and floated in the air. But there was a shocking wound on his arm. The fresh blood trickled down.

This undead species suffered such a big loss, but he did not dare to rush down again for a moment. He raised his injured arm humanely, licked it with his tongue, and let out a shrill cry.

Look at Zhao Chengfeng with hatred. The original handsome face became distorted again at this time.

However, this distortion is no longer the original face, but because of hatred and fear.

Especially when I saw the dagger, I didn't know whether it was because I had just suffered a loss, or for some reason. This time, I didn't rush down immediately. It was obviously full of fear.

"Hum!" With a cold hum, Zhao Chengfeng gently shakes off the blood bead on the dagger. However, he is slightly surprised in his heart that the beast is so fast. Just now, he has used a lethal sword move, but he can't cut it under the sword.

Moreover, with the sharpness of this dagger, it was blocked by its arm, but it was not cut off. Even if the speed and defense power were not good, but with the ability of floating in the air, it was no less than the combat power of the later stage of the general Lingwu realm. This is almost equivalent to the fighting power of the Viscount of the world.

Zhao Chengfeng estimates in his heart that he turns his head to see that the three people are still in a daze. He can't help frowning and says again, "don't go away. Don't get in the way here, or do you want to take the lead again?"

After hearing this, the three men came back to their senses. However, the young man was still a little muddled. The two bodyguards were ashamed and didn't care about Zhao Chengfeng's tone. They were even grateful that Zhao Chengfeng had saved his young master's life before. But also know that this time is not the time to thank, immediately dare not say more, quickly seize their own little master quickly back to one side.

At the same time, I looked up at the alien undead species hovering in the air.

I'm shocked and still afraid, "I can't believe that the legend is true. This only scholar level altar can really transform into a Viscount level immortal, and I'm afraid it's not an ordinary Viscount level ~!"

For a while, they knew the strength of the beast, and knew that they could not save their young master even if they were in time just now, because they could not be the opponent of the beast.

Although they are also Viscount, they have just been promoted, and they were promoted successfully by Shouchen's strength at the beginning. Their strength is also at the bottom, and they can't compare with the strong ones in those viscount.

Let alone this head of alienation.

At the same time, they couldn't help but look at Zhao Chengfeng and wonder, "who is this young man? His strength is so terrible. Just a random sword will cut the dissimilated undead seed of the Viscount's top level. Can't he have the combat power of count level? If so, how can he not even have the Viscount? Which city is it from? "

At the same time, Zhao Chengfeng raised his dagger again, looked at the alienated undead species in the air, and said with a smile: "alienated undead species, it's really interesting. Unfortunately, it's still too weak!"

The animal seemed to understand him. His angry and twisted face became more ferocious, but he didn't come down and scream again. Instead, he continued to lick the wound, only his eyes hated him and looked at the dagger in Zhao Chengfeng's hand coldly.

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly had an idea that the beast seemed to know this dagger. Was it the undead that was killed before? After reincarnation, it was alienated for some reasons. As a result, he still remembered what happened before reincarnation?

But then he felt that it was a bit absurd, and shook his head with a wry smile. "It should be impossible, maybe I think too much!"

Because according to some descriptions of undead species that he knows, there are very few intelligent undead species. Even if there are, they are often advanced undead species, and usually not too high.

Another point is that although the undead species can be resurrected at the altar, after resurrection, it is basically equivalent to a new creature and can never retain the previous memory.

Otherwise, the undead seed will never die.

It's impossible.

According to the words of the eternal world, there is no existence in this world that is immortal except the Lord of eternal life.

However, Zhao Chengfeng thinks that even the immortal master is unlikely to be immortal.

But an idea lingered.

If it is, will it reincarnate again, alienate again, and continue to retain its memory? If it follows such a cycle, isn't it possible for it to grow to a terrible state?

However, it was only his imagination after all. In fact, he could not make such an experiment. First of all, it was time. Secondly, the altar of this level had no energy to support it. At most, it reached the top.

But at this time, the magic scene attracted him and other people on the platform again. The wound on his arm was licked by him several times, and it was almost healed.

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