"It's a great resilience!"

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help exclaiming.

At the same time, some worry, "this animal is so fast, and its defense is not weak. It also has the ability to fly in the air. Coupled with this abnormal recovery ability, isn't this an opponent?"

At the same time, the movement on the top of the cliff also startled the warriors who were hunting undead species below. Even under the isolated cliff, they could not help trembling because of the powerful fluctuation.

What surprised them even more was that those crazy and fierce undead species were all crawling on the top of the cliff.

"What's going on? What's going on up there? "

"What's the name of these undead species? Is it an evil ceremony? I haven't heard that undead species still have such means?"

Seeing this strange scene, many people were shocked. And the bodyguards with higher accomplishments are even more frightened, because they are more sensitive than those martial arts who are not at the scholar level or at the scholar level, and they have a more real sense of the powerful power.

Of course, some people are more popular, or the ignorant are fearless. As soon as they see that the enemy who was still alive and killed just now is kneeling on the ground, they will kill at the neck, and their eyes will light up, and they will rush to pick up a bargain.

For a moment, many people really took the opportunity to win. The cheap warrior got excited. Immediately, in the spirit of the instruction that opportunity is not lost, he rushed to the next goal.

Other martial arts who were in a daze before saw this, they all reacted and planned to follow suit.

But at this time, the strange change rebirth, those kneeling on the ground as if suddenly received some call, suddenly raised their heads together, fanatical look to the top of the cliff.

And then it's going to take off, and it's going to jump in the air.

The uniform movement surprised everyone, especially those who wanted to pick up cheap weapons. They quickly stopped and raised their weapons.

But those lonely cliff goddess did not pay attention to them at all. They all seemed to have received some supreme will and rushed to the top of the cliff one after another.

But in a flash, everyone was surprised to find that all the lonely cliff goddess disappeared in all the sight.

"What's going on, what's going on up there?" People subconsciously asked the same question before.

But most people can't answer this question. It's a little quiet up and down the cliff.

"For the undead, there's only one possibility." There were also many knowledgeable people in the crowd. After a short period of surprise, they immediately thought of a possibility.

The people who thought of this possibility didn't make up their mind. On the contrary, they were more hesitant and seemed to be hesitant.

Reason tells them that they should leave at once, but the adventurous spirit and curiosity of a warrior, or the fluke and greed of human nature, make them unwilling to miss such a "good opportunity".

Finally, someone made a decision. The first one was the bodyguard of a clan's children. He also had the highest cultivation of a baron. Although he was not strong, he felt his strength was not weak near the Baron level altar.

If I miss such an opportunity, I will regret for my whole life. Even if I can't get anything after going up, it's good to have a long insight. And who says I won't have a bad luck?

Thinking of this, the man immediately said to a 15-year-old girl, the object of his protection: "Miss, there may be some alienated undead species here. You and some young ladies leave quickly. I'll go up and have a look. I'll go to the nearby transmission point and have a fight with you right away!"

This person said, also don't wait for this clan young lady to reply, the figure one exhibition already rushed to cliff top direction.

Seeing someone rushing up, those who hesitated were also driven. All those who knew something or had some strength made almost the same decision.

After a while, only a few soldiers or quasi soldiers remained in the same place.

These people were all at a loss for a moment.

Especially the young masters and young ladies who came from the clan did not expect that they were usually very obedient and loyal bodyguards, and they even ran away without nodding their heads.

"These bastards are so rude. After they return to the clan, they must look good!"

"Don't talk about things after going back. The question is what to do now. Shall we really go like this?"

"Come on, are you kidding? It's an immortal species of alienation. It's rare. Didn't you see those assholes behave? Isn't it because the value of alienated undead species far exceeds that of ordinary undead species? "

"It's me. I listen to the elders in my family. Dissimilation undead seed is a treasure all over the body, but once dissimilation undead seed's strength will be increased several times. Is our strength enough?"

"Hum, we don't have enough strength. Don't we have those guys? And look at the reaction of these undead species, there must be some experts fighting against the new dissimilated undead species. If they are both defeated, can't we take advantage of them? "

"Isn't that too risky?"

"Ha ha, I think it's very good! What are you afraid of taking risks? Can a warrior become a master without taking risks? "

"It's reasonable. My old man always looks down on me. This time, I'll get him a head of dissimilated immortal seed to go back and see what else he can use to talk to me!"

"Go on, don't talk about it. I can't drink any more soup!"

A group of little kids are not afraid of tigers. Even though they know it's dangerous, they feel very exciting. Even if there are one or two hesitant children, they can't shrink back because of their face. So they all shout and rush up.

On the contrary, some of the civilian origin taxi class soldiers should be much more cautious. Most of them stay in the same place and dare not go forward.

But there are also some brave people who want to seek wealth in the insurance.

After a while, hundreds of warriors have rushed to the cliff.

Before they got to the top of the cliff, they were shocked by the scene in front of them. They saw that the sky above the top of the cliff was full of lonely cliff goddesses. They were afraid that there were thousands of them on their mouths.

Almost covered the whole sky.

Don't mention those warrior soldiers, even those Baron bodyguards, who can't help feeling numb when they see this scene.

"I've been there. This lonely cliff peak doesn't look very big. Where are so many lonely cliff goddess hiding? Why don't I feel that there are so many?"

"You see the one in the middle, it should be the dissimilation undead seed, lying trough, strong breath, it should have the Baron peak, no, maybe it has the Viscount level?"

"No, maybe it's a real Viscount, and a very strong Viscount!"

"What should we do, viscount? We can be killed at any time."

"Wait, there are so many people anyway. Let them go first!"

A group of people talked about it one after another. Even if the newborn calf was not afraid of tigers, he did not dare to rush up.

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