Someone suddenly thought of something and said, "by the way, what happened to the people on the cliff?"

"They should still be alive, or these undead species will not be so well prepared. I just don't know who can hold on to the undead species of viscount level!"

Just as he was talking, he suddenly saw the alienated goddess on the lonely cliff, giving out a shrill scream.

At the same time, the other undead species just like getting the military order, storming down to the cliff top below.

From the perspective of the public, most people can't see the situation on the cliff, but they can still feel what kind of impact the people on the cliff are facing at that moment.

Some people are even more scared, pale, legs and stomach tremble.

"It's so terrible that undead species can launch a charge together. It's not undead species. It's an army."

"No, let's go. Hurry up. It's too late if we don't go!"

At that moment, everyone's ambition and luck were extinguished.

All that remained was fear and the desire to flee at once.

Don't be joking about the chance, the wealth and the risk to win.

In the face of such an undead population, the Baron level has no chance of survival.

Even the Viscount level is afraid to drink a pot, and the only fear that can be achieved is to retreat.

But the question is, is there still a Viscount level dissimilation undead seed waiting?

The master above, even if he is very powerful, I'm afraid he will carry it this time.

When the master above slaughtered them, they would stay here to die.

We have known for a long time that foreignizing undead species is very powerful, but we didn't expect that it would be so powerful. It's not only the individual's strength, but also the ability to drive other undead species once foreignizing.

In an instant, it turned a group of scattered wild animals into an army of order and fearlessness.

It's terrible. What's more terrible is that as long as these troops are around the altar, even if they are killed, they can come back to life for a while.

"Fortunately, there is a master here, we have the chance to escape, but in this case, the master probably won't be able to support for long!"

Those Baron level bodyguards returned to their masters one after another. Although they were annoyed at these young masters and young ladies, they did not dare to say anything. They urged them urgently, "go quickly. If you don't go, no one will run away!"

A group of young masters and young ladies can't take care of these bodyguards' not so respectful tone at this time. They all nodded in panic.

A group of people were about to flee.

But at this time, I heard a cry of surprise.

People subconsciously look back at the cliff top again.

And then they all grow up.

I saw the top of the cliff. At this time, I wanted to let off fireworks in the festival.

They quickly recognized that the streamer was nothing else but the light effect after the undead seed was killed. But generally, killing one or two undead seeds at a time was nothing more than pieces of light or dots.

But at this time, there are too many light groups and light spots, so many that they are even in one piece. They are even more gorgeous than fireworks.

A group of people even forget the steps of escape, stunned, never thought that someone could not kill the seed, even killed such a gorgeous effect.

How many undead seeds have you killed, ten or twenty? Or hundreds?

Although these are all noble immortal species, they can kill dozens or hundreds of noble immortal species in an instant. What's the existence of the master above.

Not to mention these warriors, even the crazy attack of the lonely cliff goddess seems to be one meal, the original stormy attack ended in a setback.

The alienated lone goose goddess seemed to be completely angered, and the sharp cry sounded again. Those lonely cliff goddess, who were afraid, rushed to the top of the cliff again under the urge of the cry, like thousands of powerful arrows.

But after falling, it splashed with more streamer. It felt like above the cliff top that people could not see from their perspective, it was not a piece of land, but a pool of light.

Every undead seed falls and splashes with a bright light.

This scene is still in everyone's mind after a long time. It's gorgeous.

At the same time, people heard the sound of a beautiful girl laughing from the top of the cliff. The sound was very nice, giving people a sense of spiritual shock, but the content made people look a little strange

"Rich, rich, this is really rich, uncle, control the distance, control the distance, hey, all said control the distance, don't kill those guys outside the coverage, it's too wasteful... What's your expression? Although you are the boss, can I have a share in it? What's the matter? Isn't Chen Zhu Shouzhu? Isn't it the condensation of life? Uncle, would you please respect life? "

When the onlookers heard these words, their faces were strange.

What's the situation?

In this case, what do you tell me about Shouzhu and respect for life?

You kill people and turn them into a bead, which is called respect for life?

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng also regretted why he had to say to the little girl that he respected money and life. He was just trapped in a cocoon.

However, the three closest bystanders, Chen's young boy and his two bodyguards, were used to it on May 9, although their mouths twitched.

Because this kind of nagging has happened more than ten times before those martial artists came up.

Besides, in such a shocking scene, these details are really not enough to make people care.

Compared with this young girl, they pay more attention to Zhao Chengfeng.

Even the alienated undead in the sky, they don't care much.

Although the undead is still in a frenzied clamor, still in a frenzied urge to drive out the ordinary undead crazy attack, but the immediate situation, and Zhao Chengfeng calm performance, they know that the overall situation has been decided.

Sure enough, in less than half an hour, when people came back to their senses again, they were surprised to find that the originally filled sky had become empty for some time.

Only the alienated lonely cliff goddess was still screaming, but there was a little fear and panic in her violent voice.

Even it was afraid, but it was even more hysterical.

There are only a few dozen of them scattered in the sky. They are all around the alienated goddess, but they are not willing to go any further.

Seeing this, the dissimilated undead seed flew into a rage. With a flash of his body, he came to one of the undead seeds. He raised his hand and pinched the head of the lonely cliff goddess. Then he opened his mouth and even sucked in the light of the undead seed.

The rest of the other lonely cliff goddess see this, instinctively a shiver, but the oppression of the rank, but let them even dare not escape.

After swallowing one of the same species, this dissimilated undead plant was slightly stunned, and then showed an unexpected surprise, and also an extremely happy expression.

The next second, the undead's eyes slowly turned to the rest of the undead.

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