On the top of the cliff, Zhao Chengfeng five people, as well as other onlookers below, were also surprised to see this scene.

Can undead species devour the same species?

Most of the people present had never heard of such a thing before.

Undead species are different from other creatures. Although they are fierce and cruel, they usually only aim at other creatures, but there is a clear distinction between them. Each undead species is living near the altar where they were born. Only when the tide of disaster happens, they will rush into the eternal world and attack the city of the eternal world and human beings.

Therefore, they do not invade each other's territory, and there is little struggle between them.

Moreover, they don't need to eat at ordinary times. The basis of their survival is the altar and the soul power of flesh and blood creatures. Therefore, even hunting, which is inevitable for other living creatures, will not happen to them.

I've never heard that the undead will devour the same species.

And all of us feel that this undead has gained some benefits after swallowing the same species, and the breath has changed slightly.

It was Zhao Chengfeng who was present that was the least shocked, because he didn't know much about this kind of life, and it was nothing to find more than one anomaly.

But judging from other people's expressions, he also felt that this kind of thing might be unusual.

I don't know why he subconsciously took a look at Youya, but he saw that the little girl was biting her lips, looking worried.

Zhao Chengfeng frets in his heart and doesn't speak. Instead, he continues to look at the alienated lonely cliff goddess in the sky with great interest.

The breath did change and strengthen, even the eyes and expression seemed more flexible.

"It's a little interesting. Can it be changed again?"

At the same time, the alienated lonely cliff goddess seems to have tasted the sweetness. Even Zhao Chengfeng doesn't care about it. With one wing, she pours on another ordinary lonely cliff goddess.

The process is still the same as before, but it was obviously driven by the instinct of anger in the previous time, but this time it was obviously the lonely cliff goddess who intended to do it.

"Uncle, kill it!" Zhao Chengfeng is observing, suddenly hear next to you ya seems to be very anxious call way.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng looks back at her, but the latter has a blank face and frowns slightly. "I don't know. I just feel that I have to stop it!"

"Er..." Zhao Chengfeng was stunned and said with a smile: "since I don't know, I'll wait. If I'm promoted to a higher level, the value should be higher!"

Then he added, "don't worry, I can handle it!"

"I don't mean that, I..." you ya frowned, wanted to say something, and felt as if she couldn't say it clearly, because she didn't understand what was going on, and where did that feeling come from.

What a nuisance!

Youya gently raised her forehead and did not speak any more, but there was a trace of sadness in her eyes that was completely inconsistent with her personality.

At the same time, the remaining undead species in the sky have been swallowed. Sporadic survivors shiver, but seems to be suppressed by some invisible force, dare not move, dare not resist.

This dissimilation undead seems to be really eating marrow, and has no plan to let go of the rest undead.

And the expression in its eyes is more and more humanized. It seems to be full of contempt and greed for these undead species.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't stop him. He just frowned.

Although cannibalism is a cruel thing, it has never happened in nature.

What's more, he can't define what these undead species are.

As for Youya's words, he didn't pay attention to them.

As he said, he is confident that he can handle it.

I'm even looking forward to it.

A count level dissimilation undead species, obviously higher value.

But soon he was disappointed.

There is no alienation. The goddess of the lonely cliff quickly swallowed all the same kind. But although the breath became stronger, it was still a thousand miles away from another change or advancement.

This head undead seed also seems to be very unwilling to this, raised his head to send out a shrill scream.

Then he looks down at Zhao Chengfeng and makes a strange sound. Zhao Chengfeng feels his idea strangely, "eat, eat, eat!"

It has endless desire, but the fear of Zhao Chengfeng makes it unable to make up its mind to rush down.

"This undead species has a clear idea," even Zhao Chengfeng, who doesn't know much about undead species, can't help but be surprised.

Seeing that the undead seed refused to come down, he did not want to dally. He laughed, "unfortunately, it's still Viscount level, but that's it!"

With that, he suddenly poured all his strength into the dagger in his hand, and then suddenly threw it into the sky. Driven by the powerful force, the dagger instantly penetrated through the air, turned into a streamer of Cui, and shot at the alienated undead seed.

Although the immortal species did not dare to rush down, they did not seem to be afraid of the weapons thrown by Zhao Chengfeng. Instead of running away, he raised his paw to knock the dagger. Obviously, after the improvement of its strength, it has more confidence.

However, although its claws are hard and powerful, they are far less powerful than Zhao Chengfeng's, and even less powerful than the dagger infused with powerful spiritual power.

Just a touch, its whole body like a shock like a tremor, a scream, rolling down.

He fell heavily on the ground and screamed again.

After that, he even tried to struggle to soar, but Zhao Chengfeng didn't want to let it fly away. He came to the front in a flash, stepped it back to the ground with one foot, and then calmly opened the cover of the meritorious card.

The undead obviously knew what it meant, struggling and screaming.

But Zhao Chengfeng's will is just like a mountain. It can't move.

Seeing this scene, even if everyone knew that Zhao Chengfeng seemed very powerful, he was still shocked.

This dissimilated undead was originally at the Viscount level. After swallowing so many of the same species, it was obviously stronger. It was so vulnerable that it fell down so easily.

It feels like paper.

However, people obviously know that this undead seed is not made of paper, and it is not really vulnerable.

The reason for this is obviously that the man is too strong.

"When such a powerful person appeared near this transmission point, how could he be here?"

"Didn't he know that there would be alienated immortality here?"

People can't help surreptitiously guessing.

Only Youya and Shouchen know that their guess is completely wrong. Zhao Chengfeng is obviously not here because he knows what immortality is, but to prove the nobility.

Does anyone believe that?

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