Shouchen's three mouth slightly pull, one of them took a look at his young master, see he is looking at the girl, heart a sigh: "young master, this young man is not simple, subordinates suggest that the young master had better seize the opportunity to make friends, if he does not have the power to belong, it is best to pull him into the clan."

His words can be regarded as a kind of gentle admonishment. The implication is that we can only make friends with this kind of person, and we must not offend him. As for the woman who is with him, don't make up your mind.

Shouchen's youth didn't know what he meant. Although he was not reconciled, he saw the Viscount level dissimilated undead seed who was trampled by Zhao Chengfeng and couldn't even struggle. Suddenly a sigh, can only helpless.

Even if he had Shouchen behind him as a backer, he didn't dare to provoke such a master who could trample on Viscount level at will. No matter how strong Shouchen was, he was not strong enough to make enemies at will.

Of course, the most important thing is that people saved his life, and the girl didn't even care about him. What else could he do except give up?

Thinking of this, the young man couldn't help but look at the girl with a bitter smile.

At this time, I suddenly heard some of the onlookers below shouting, "someone's coming!"

When they heard the words, they all subconsciously looked at it. As expected, they found that there were three bodies in the distance, which were like projectiles, and they came here very quickly.

Not a moment has been to the cliff, and then lightning general climb toward the top of the cliff.

Soon came near, people see the three faces, the crowd can not help a slight commotion.

"Seven Chen's black knife viscount and iron sword Viscount, another person unexpectedly is green madam!"

"I didn't expect that there were two Viscount of the seven Chen family coming together. They responded very quickly. Oh, by the way, this year seems to be the transmission point of the seven Chen family's rotation. But I didn't expect Mrs. Qing to come too! "

Seeing the three people coming, they were slightly surprised, but then they thought it was reasonable. After all, it was not far from the transmission point, and the transmission point was guarded by experts all the year round.

It's strange to feel that there is a kind of alienation and immortality here.

On the contrary, the beautiful woman among the three is more concerned by people, especially some little boys.

One by one, they all secretly exclaimed, "Lady Qing is as beautiful and moving as the legend. It's not in vain to see this one here today."

"You idiot, a woman. In my opinion, the battle before I can see it is not in vain!"

"That means you're still a little kid

"Poof, are you older than me?"

"I'm mature!"

"Go away, shameless ~!"

While they were talking, the three of them had come near.

"Why are so many people gathered here? Is it just a scholar's death?" There was something wrong with them when they came all the way. When they arrived here, they found so many low-level warriors gathered. Among them, the black knife Viscount with a big black knife on his back could not help frowning and snorting.

The other two didn't speak, but they both felt it clearly, but they also felt strange.

The crowd was about to get out of the way, but before they could move, the three of them had already jumped from the top of the crowd's head and landed on the top of the cliff.

Then he saw five people on the top of the cliff. He didn't care much about the others. His eyes fell directly on Zhao Chengfeng and the alienated immortal seed at his feet.

The first thing I saw was the undead. I saw that it was a dissimilated undead indeed, and its rank was so high that I couldn't help but feel a little happy, "it's a dissimilated undead indeed, and it's still a Viscount, OK!"

But then saw stepping on it of Zhao Chengfeng, three people eyebrows just slightly a wrinkle.

"Damn it, someone got there first!"

"So what, do you still talk about first come, then come?"

"However, it's not easy for this man to subdue a Viscount level dissimilation immortal!"

The three did not speak, but each saw their own thoughts in each other's eyes.

Obviously, none of them intended to give up just because someone got there first.

Just looking at that dissimilated immortal species was trampled on by Zhao Chengfeng, a little surprised.

This just looked at Zhao Chengfeng carefully.

Then they all frowned again.

Because they all can see that Zhao Chengfeng has obviously made up his makeup, which, as a sub Baron level master, is of course impossible to miss.

But from Zhao Chengfeng's body movements and skin, we can still see that he is very young and unfamiliar with his breath.

"Not from the city of May 9?"

The three are not sure.

Then they looked at the others, but the sweep disappointed them. They could see the strength of several people present clearly. Only the young man who stepped on the undead seed could not see the depth.

The rest, no more than the baron.

It's strange that such strength should survive in such a place, and where are the rest of the undead species? Except for this alienated undead species, there are no other undead species in this area.

There was something wrong with all three.

At the same time, Shouchen's three people see green lady and seven Chen's two Viscount, three people look is slightly hesitant.

But in the end, he went to Mrs. Qing and others.

"Aunt Qing!" Shouchen's youth looked a little struggling in his eyes, but he gave a salute.

But the other two people did not dare to show more expression, one after another eyes nose nose heart forward a bow body, "met green lady!"

This young lady is also a Viscount, and her relationship with Shouchen family is countless, but this relationship is somewhat awkward.

That's why they don't look like nature.

In fact, Mrs. Qing had noticed the three people for a long time and didn't mean to say hello. Until they came to the ceremony, she frowned and nodded, "well," it was a response.

It was the three men of the seven Chen family, but at this time, the black knife Viscount frowned and asked, "are you the people of the first Chen family?"

Shouchen three people see this person know they are Shouchen people, talk still condescending, some unhappy.

However, due to the strength of the other party, he had to answer: "yes, I have met two Viscount of the seven Chen family in the first time

"Well ~" Viscount Heidao didn't care about it, or didn't hear Yuko's warning at all. He asked directly, "why don't you have any undead seeds near the altar of the lonely cliff?"

Yu Ke sneered in his heart, but he said with a smile: "how can there be no? That's it."

Said he pointed to Zhao Chengfeng at the foot of the head of alienation undead species, "as for the rest, of course, was killed by this adult, this lady also picked up thousands of Chen beads, and two bags of Goddess feather, really even I am greedy."

Follow what he points out, three people really discover young girl leisurely elegant hand is carrying three huge parcels.

"It's full of Shouzhu and goddess's feather?" All three of them were shocked. Although the value of these things was nothing to them, Shouzhu and materials were packed in such a big package so rudely, which was also

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