"He killed all these by himself?" The three men's eyes were a little suspicious.

It's easy for the three of them to kill these immortal species. But it's a little difficult to kill the immortal species of the whole cliff and catch a Viscount alive.

The three subconsciously doubted this, but the facts were so many that they could not be doubted.

Seeing the shocked expression of the three people, Yuke felt relieved for some reason.

He he laughed and asked: "do you think I have the ability to do this?"

I didn't expect that a boy who didn't even have a baron would dare to satirize himself. They were a little annoyed, but considering the boy's identity, it was not easy to attack.

Hum, look at Zhao Chengfeng again, but see Zhao Chengfeng didn't kill the immortal seed, instead squat down to God and the girl with three big packages are interested in what?

Three people once again slightly frown, for Zhao Chengfeng more than before a trace of fear.

But in this way to give up and hate not reconciled, a Viscount level alienation undead species for them is also rare, even can be said to be an adventure.

"You say that this thing can be transformed into armed force. What should we do?" In fact, Zhao Chengfeng knew that the three men were coming and that they were plotting, but he didn't care and let them look at him casually. Instead, he asked Youya.

You ya also squatted down, but holding three big packages in her arms, some unnatural.

Zhao Chengfeng some speechless frowned, "can't you put things down first?"

"Are you an idiot? It's money. Ah, it's on the ground. What if people pick it up? " You ya didn't stare at him angrily, but the package was even tighter. Little ass pouted. I didn't know that I thought she was going to pull Baba.

"Just like you, where are you elegant? Just change your name." Zhao Chengfeng is also speechless. He has never seen anyone who is so addicted to money and has been picked up. You think everyone is the same as you. Just put it on the ground and pick it up.

"Hum, is there anything impossible? Look at those three people. Now they want to pick up your head Youya gave a sneer and glanced at the hesitant three Viscount not far away.

"Ha ha, they want to rob, not to pick up. Do you think it's useful to hold it in your arms?" Zhao Chengfeng chuckled, and then interrupted her: "don't talk nonsense, hurry up, how can we turn this thing into armed!"

"Hey, hey, you want to know?" Youya, with a smile, flashed a trace of cunning in her eyes.

Zhao Chengfeng knew that the girl wanted to blackmail again. She rolled her eyes and said, "don't talk nonsense. I'll take half of the rest and give you the rest. Is that ok?"

"Cheery, uncle, I found that you have such a cheery side for the first time. OK, I'll take some losses this time!" The little girl didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng knew each other so well. When she heard the words, she immediately beamed. Then she put her head close to Zhao Chengfeng's ear and began to tell him the way in a low voice.

It's just that she didn't realize that the distance was too close. The breath from her mouth made Zhao Chengfeng's ears itch slightly. A peculiar fragrance of a girl also penetrated into Zhao Chengfeng's nostrils, which almost made brother Feng's body react.

He quickly gave way to the side and said, "just say that. I'll cover it with my spiritual power. They can't hear me!"

The girl just realized something. Her pretty face flushed slightly. But seeing Zhao Chengfeng's retreat, she became proud and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that uncle is still shy. Isn't he still a junior boy?"

"Don't talk nonsense. When brother Feng was a junior boy, you were not born yet!" Zhao Chengfeng can't help but roll his eyes. He says in his heart, "it's really a beep. He was teased by a little loli. If he didn't worry about having outsiders here, and brother Feng promised his son and wife, he'd put you on the spot today. Let's see if he's a new man."

Finish saying to urge again, "say quickly!"

However, his performance made the little girl think that he was really right, so she was annoyed and amused. At the same time, she didn't know what her psychology was causing, so she deliberately leaned beside Zhao Chengfeng, and then she said with a smile: "in fact, the most difficult step in the process of foreignizing undead species is to capture them alive, and the rest is very simple. A contract can do it, Of course, this contract must also be able to suppress the power of the users of alienation

Zhao Chengfeng knows the little girl's action well, and has a bitter smile. Once upon a time, brother Feng was regarded as a pure old man, but not to mention the little girl's touch is really good.

Just, if you want to rub, let you rub. Anyway, brother Feng doesn't suffer. At the same time, he said in his heart: "wife, wife, son, son, this is not your dear husband, handsome dad, I'm stuck. But for you, for the sake of the earth, brother Feng, I can only bear it wrongly! "

One side of the cheap sell good, while pretending not to know, and even want to take a break with the slightly let a little bit, but this time the little girl did not move.

Brother Feng couldn't help being disappointed, but she continued: "the third step is to find the connection between it and the altar, cut it off, and then imprint his spirit on its immortal crystal."

Youya said, and pointed out the location of the immortal crystal for Zhao Chengfeng, and said: "here it is!"

Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng nods, forgets her slight loss and listens to her every word carefully,

He knew that although the little girl casually told him, these contents must be valuable, not a bag of Chen grade birthday pearls.

On the other hand, viscount Heidao and others see that Zhao Chengfeng turns a blind eye to their arrival. Instead, they are talking with a little girl, flirting and whispering with each other while studying the alienated immortality.

There is a feeling of being despised in my heart.

Although they came here to rob, they didn't seem to be aware of being robbed. This attitude is very dissatisfied.

Under the exasperation, the two people of seven Chen's couldn't bear at first, was about to go forward.

All of a sudden, I saw the young man with a strange formula in his hand, and he seemed to be reciting words. Then I saw that he quickly cut his fingers under the guidance of the little girl, and wrote a series of strange symbols on the immortal forehead with blood.

"Contract?" As people in this world, they are certainly not unfamiliar with contracts, but can people and alienated undead sign contracts?

"Isn't he trying to turn this undead into a contract beast?" Three people look a little strange, subconsciously have stopped.

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