Just when they think that Zhao Chengfeng and Youya are fooling around, the alienated immortal suddenly struggles with great pain and seems to scream. But it's obvious that the sound waves nearby are blocked by Zhao Chengfeng, so they can't hear them.

Just in amazement, the immortal seed suddenly turned into a bright light.

"What's the matter? How can the undead species still shine after dissimilation, and it hasn't been killed!"

The three people's eyes widened in surprise.

At the same time, the Guanghua suddenly expanded, and then disappeared, leaving a armor like weapon suspended in the air.

This time, not only the three of them, but also Zhao Chengfeng was shocked.

"It's amazing that a creature can be transformed into an arm, and it's something I've done for a long time."

Zhao Chengfeng's eyes are shining. If I can get more secrets from this world, maybe it's not impossible to change the fate of the earth.

"Come on, cut it off from the altar!" Youya Xiaolian is also very excited. Although she told Zhao Chengfeng that she had seen a lot of dissimilation, in fact, she witnessed it for the first time.

Mouth can't help but urge, small face because excited slightly red.

"I know!" Zhao Chengfeng suppressed his wishful thinking and agreed that the divine consciousness immediately intruded into the armed forces and soon found the core, which is the unique immortal crystal of the alienated undead species.

This can be said to be the root of a dissimilated undead species, and it is also the fundamental core of this weapon.

Zhao Chengfeng soon found that there was a subtle force on it, which seemed to form an invisible rune.

He knew immediately that this is a certain brand between the undead and the altar. Only by erasing this weapon and its noumenon can he break away from the altar and become an independent existence, and then wait for him to brand his spirit, this thing can really be his.

Immediately drive spirit power and divine sense to strangle the past.

At this time, the undead who has been transformed into armed form seems to have arrived at the fatal crisis. Even the undead altar seems to have felt something, and a tidal wave of spiritual power has burst out. It seems that he wants to crush Zhao Chengfeng's spiritual power and clear it out.

On the other hand, the three people who were too shocked and temporarily forgot their actions also sensed the fluctuation from the altar and woke up.

Another look at Zhao Chengfeng's action, immediately aware of what.

Originally, I wanted to test Zhao Chengfeng, see his origin and specific strength, and then make plans.

However, as soon as we look at this situation, we immediately know that the absolute value of this armor, which is transformed from the alienated undead species, is very high, and it is completely above the alienated undead species.

Of course, what makes them more excited is the way to turn undead species into armed forces. Although alienation of undead species is rare, there are many undead species.

It would be unthinkable to be armed.

Among the three, the black knife Viscount of Qichen family woke up first and said, "come on, he's suppressing the resistance of the undead seed. Even the altar is rejecting him. It's time to lose it!"

Then, without waiting for the response of viscount Tiejian, he took out the black knife on his back and rushed to Zhao Chengfeng.

A few steps, came to close, mouth said: "boy, give things out, Rao you do not die!"

But in the hand black big knife actually without hesitation Dynasty Zhao Chengfeng splits cuts past.

At the same time, when Viscount Tiejian heard the Viscount brother's reminding, he immediately understood his intention. They often fought against each other and had a tacit understanding of each other's actions. Almost no need to remind and rely on worry, then from another direction to kill Zhao Chengfeng.

"No, this man is too careless!" On the other side, Shouchen's three people, seeing this scene, but their faces didn't change.

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng's face turned white. He didn't expect that he had turned into an armed dissimilated undead. The struggle was so fierce. Although he didn't hear it, he felt that it was the scream of the undead.

And the power of the altar made him palpitate.

The only good thing is that the altars of the Black Death world are different from the immortal array. In a sense, they are not so involved among individuals.

"It's a little careless indeed!"

I'm a little bit overconfident in my strength during this period.


"It's just two pieces of rubbish in the early stage of Huanwu. I also want to pick up brother Feng's cheap. It's far from enough!"

With his voice, a cold light came out like lightning.

Viscount Heidao didn't even have time to respond. The cold light had cut his throat, and then he whirled, and his whole head flew into the sky.

Then Zhao Chengfeng finger pick, cold light also again into a dagger appeared in his hands.

"I have to say, it's a good move!"

This move was created by him with the help of the Dagger's characteristics of small size, light weight and spiritual power, combined with the description of Sword Fairy in some novels.

After a few experiments, it has been used as an armchair.

Of course, it can't really drive the plane like the Sword Fairy. It can only use the lost one, but it can be pulled back with the spirit power, and it can change the trajectory slightly. Of course, the more important thing is to enhance the power.

This is equivalent to giving him a certain range of unlimited Throwing Knife. It's his new move, but it's not a good one. Zhao Chengfeng is also slightly proud.

On the other side, the Viscount of iron sword didn't expect that his elder brother would be beheaded in front of him. He was so surprised and angry that he yelled, "elder brother!"

"Ah, asshole, you dare to kill my Qichen family. I want you to die without a burial place!"

However, to Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, he yelled loudly. Instead of rushing forward, he turned around and ran away, so that Zhao Chengfeng threw a throwing knife for the second time and fell in the air.

By the time he recalled the dagger, the man had already jumped down from the edge of the cliff and disappeared.

If at ordinary times, his speed is twice as fast, Zhao Chengfeng can easily catch up with him.

But unfortunately, the environment here is special, and he can not care about him at this time, so he can only give up and continue to fight against the strength of the altar and the struggle within the armed forces.

Fortunately, one of these two forces has been refined and is a rootless wood, while the other is huge, but it seems a little stiff and ignorant. In the end, Zhao Chengfeng has worn them away a little bit.

When he wiped away the last resistance of the two, he felt a sense of lightness and channeling, and the weapon became intimate, just like a part of his body.

When his mind moved, his arms turned into brilliance and fell on him. When the brilliance disappeared, there was a thin black light armor on him. When his mind moved again, two pairs of black wings were launched behind the light armor with a bang.

His wings flashed slightly, and his whole body immediately floated up.

This scene, even you ya can't help but in front of a bright, "so handsome!"

Zhao Chengfeng was also excited. "I can't imagine that this weapon has the ability to fly. Although he feels that this kind of flight can't last long, and although it doesn't consume much spiritual power, it certainly can't be used to drive. But a short fight is no problem

Below you ya yells, "uncle, I regret, these Chen bead and goddess's feather must all belong to me?"

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