"Take it, take it, it's a reward for you!" Zhao Chengfeng laughs. Although the value of those things is not bad, compared with this weapon, one percent is not worth it.

What's more, the way to refine the immortal species of alienation is priceless. Fortunately, this little girl only knows how to take advantage of her, but she doesn't know the real value.

Next you ya heard Zhao Chengfeng readily agreed, but also happy again, happily holding the three big packages, heart proud laugh, "ha ha, Miss also earned the first bucket of gold, after must become the world's richest woman, look at the old man also dare to say I can't live away from home!"

There is no consciousness of exchanging a watermelon for a sesame.

They both felt that they had got a bargain, and they were very happy.

Shouchen's three people also hurriedly came over, congratulated: "congratulations on your getting such a god dress, Congratulations!"

Zhao Chengfeng is in a good mood at this time. He doesn't care about what happened before, and it's good for him to make friends because he was born in the first Chen family.

What's more, we've saved everything before. If we just refuse to go thousands of miles away now, it's not in vain.

Immediately ha ha a smile, also arched back, "with joy with joy!"

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng was able to return the gift, the three were very happy although they didn't know what they shared.

I'm talking. The green lady came over.

The eyes are more complicated. Envy, surprise and both, in fact, there is greed and jealousy, but she carefully hidden.

However, seeing the strength of Zhao Chengfeng's previous move to kill Viscount Heidao, she did not dare to make any decision.

In fact, she had planned to escape, but after seeing the strength of Zhao Chengfeng, she had a plan in her heart, so she took the risk to stay.

Fortunately, she was more careful before, not as chiguoguo as Wuchen's two people showed, and she didn't do it, so she felt that there was still room to turn around.

At this time, she also suppressed the idea in her heart and came over with a smile. Instead of talking directly with Zhao Chengfeng, she said to Shouchen's youth, "Yuko, is this the adult you just said helped you?"

The first Chen's youth is a Leng, in the heart secretly surprised, "when did I say these with her?"

But Zhao Chengfeng did help him and saved his life, so he could only nod his head and say, "it's this adult who saved my life."

After hearing this, Mrs. Qing exaggerates and shows a touch of emotion. Then she gratefully says to Zhao Chengfeng: "it turns out that this adult has saved my nephew's life. Qing'er thanks you on behalf of Shouchen's family!"

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't respond to Wen Yan, but looks at her faintly. In fact, every move of this woman is in his eyes. He doesn't know her original purpose.

But this woman is also cunning. In the first sentence, she can't help nodding when she is sure of Shouchen's youth, and then she connects herself with Shouchen's.

Although Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know who this woman is and what relationship it has with Shouchen, from the expression of Shouchen's three people like eating excrement, this woman should not really be Shouchen's person.

But the relationship must be a little bit, otherwise the three people can't keep silent.

What he didn't understand was why she stayed.

He immediately gave a little smile and nodded, "I save him because I like him. He's a dandy, and I'm a dandy, so it's natural to save him. It has nothing to do with Shouchen's, and nothing to do with you! However, since you mention the name of Shouchen's, I can't help but buy it for Wuchen Qianzhi. Just, if I don't kill you today, go away! "

With that, he reached out and wiped off all the camouflage on his face, revealing his original face.

"Ah, Wuchen..."

Several people see this, can't help but a light call.

Obviously, they had no idea that the man in front of them should have something to do with the dandy who was despised by the whole city of May 9.

Even Mrs. Qing's city hall couldn't help opening its mouth and couldn't respond for a while.

For a moment, several people have different minds.

You Ya is the one who thinks least. She doesn't care much about who Zhao Chengfeng is.

The only idea is, "uncle was quite handsome, not so old!"

But the eyes of Wu Chen's young Yu Ke almost fell out of his eyes. "I'll wipe it. This guy said that he was as dandy as me. Now is the starting point of being a dandy so high? Am I not worthy of it?"

The two bodyguards were completely confused.

Mrs. Qing thought, "five Chen thousand childish? I didn't expect that this man was Wuchen's Qianzhi! It's so deep! This is his own hiding, or Wuchen's hiding. However, if he is chivalrous, he should know something about the relationship between me and Wuchen. It seems that he can't bluff him by using Shouchen's name, but it doesn't seem to be useless at all! "

No, I can't give up. If this boy is in my hand, I'll make good use of him.

She was so moved.

But he mumbled blankly: "my Lord, no, Wuchen's Qianzhi, no, Qianzhi, I didn't think it was you..."

"In fact, I don't want to use Shouchen's name to frighten adults, but, in a word, please rest assured, I don't have the slightest malice to adults!"

Then he peeped at Zhao Chengfeng with a pitiful expression and said with a sad smile: "however, since you are the person of Wuchen's family, you will not be unfamiliar with my rumors. If you hate me for this, it's natural that Qing'er will leave. May you win forever!"

Finish saying to raise a hand intentionally or unintentionally wiped canthus of an eye, turn round money but go.

That pair of style is really I see still pity, even the three people of five Chen's suddenly feel in the heart can't bear.

If Zhao Chengfeng is an ordinary person, I'm afraid that he will not only pity him, but also feel guilty for his hard attitude.

And I have to say that this woman's figure is really good, especially the asshole. She is definitely more talented than Youya.

Mrs. Qing herself was obviously very confident about this, so although she kept a pathetic posture when she left, the jerk of her butt really made her heart shake.

Even Zhao Chengfeng read countless beauty also can't help but secretly scold: "goblin ~!"

But there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

It's a long way to seduce brother Feng with this routine!

And the more this woman is like this, the more ambitious she is.

Now he has a lot of troubles. The first thing he has to do is to get a foothold in the city on May 9, and then he can find Tang Wei and others, or find a way for them to find themselves.

After that, he wants to get what he wants from the world.

How can you fall into such a woman's trap? It's a waste of time.

"Ah, it's not brother Feng who doesn't understand your style. It's really not the right time for you to come!"

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