"Is this what you call the city?" Zhao Chengfeng looks at the building complex in front of him, which Youya calls the city. However, in Zhao Chengfeng's opinion, it is more appropriate to call it a refugee camp.

The overall area is not small. It is estimated that it is about five or six kilometers deep, covered with all kinds of low houses.

Why are all kinds of low houses? Because it's all kinds of things, it's a piece of crap.

The main reason why Zhao Chengfeng has such an impression is that their construction methods and materials are too complicated to imagine.

There are wooden ones, Adobe ones and thatched ones, which are normal. What's more, it's a tent made of some unknown animal skin and some miscellaneous things.

Zhao Chengfeng even saw people living in a huge animal skeleton.

However, the most common one is the low stone house built with a kind of black stone which is unique to the Black Death world. This is a common and normal house in these buildings.

"This is not a city. What is it?" You Ya is holding three big packages in her arms. There is a little sweat on her forehead, but her face is full of sweetness. She doesn't dislike the burden at all. For Zhao Chengfeng's words, she did not raise her head.

Zhao Chengfeng is speechless to the girl. He has never seen such a money addict.

He sighed and said with sympathy: "poor child, I haven't even seen the real city!"

"Well, it's up to you." Youya glared at him. "Anyway, it's near here, or it's here, or it's the transmission point of your city on May 9. There's a gathering point there."

"Forget it over there. But there is no defense array here. Is it safe? This is the Black Death world? " Of course, Zhao Chengfeng will not choose the gathering point near the transmission point.

He just killed a Viscount of the seven Chen family, and deliberately revealed his identity, but now he didn't want to fight with the seven Chen family immediately, and he didn't want to expose himself directly to the other side.

But I'm not sure about the safety of this so-called city.

Anyway, it seems too much.

"Who said no, don't you see the pattern over there? However, it needs energy to open the array. It can't be opened all day long! And although it's the Black Death world, it's not so dangerous. Generally speaking, undead species don't leave the altar. " Youya pointed to the simple city wall in the distance with her chin and explained.

"Oh Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know this person very well. He nods his head at Wen Yan, but after listening to you ya, he asks, "how about entering or not?"

"Nonsense, all of you have come. Of course you have to go in!"

This area is thousands of miles away. Except here, there is only the transmission point of the city of May 9 and the gathering point of human beings. He doesn't want to go to the delivery point for the time being, so he can only choose here.

And he was also curious about the city, which was made up of the black dead.

Although the undead species usually don't leave the altar area, it's not absolute. Don't go there. Once there's a disaster, the cities of the commander's life world will be attacked by the undead species, but can they escape in the Black Death world?

Needless to say, it must be the first to bear the brunt.

That's why he was surprised when he heard that the Black Death world had been inhabited by human beings and cities for a long time.

He didn't know who these people were and why they chose to build cities and live in the undead territory of the Black Death world.

But for these, you Ya is not very clear. So he wanted to see for himself.

"The fee for entering the city is ten Chen pearls per person, plus ten for each day of stay, and so on. How many days will you stay?"

At the gate of the city, the guard in charge of registration did not raise his head.

Hearing that the guard was in no mood, Zhao Chengfeng immediately felt the difference between this city and May 9 city.

In the city of May 9, no one will receive city fees, as long as the origin is clear, otherwise even the changshengdazhen pass will not be able to pass.

Here, it seems that as long as you have money, no one cares who you are?

The guard didn't even ask his name.

Just pay.

However, the price is not cheap. Ten Chen pearls a day doesn't sound like much, but if you think about it carefully, it's not too much for the average warrior.

Of course, considering that this is the Black Death world, the price is reasonable.

He took out two beads and threw them to the guard. When the guard saw that Zhao Chengfeng had taken out the beads, his eyes lit up and he was about to reach for them, but he was suddenly snatched by a small hand.

A look is and Zhao Chengfeng together over the little girl, look fretting, but hard to say what, but some unhappy eyes.

It's a pity that Youya turns a blind eye to his eyes and hides the two sun beads as soon as he turns over his hand.

Then carefully count out 40 Chen beads from the package, "two people!"

"Two, are you sure it's only one day? Expect to be punished? " The guard was stunned and asked.

Zhao Chengfeng is also a Leng, "what two people, you won't say your share also want me to pay? What's more, the reason why it's forty is that two sun beads are fifty. "

"One sun pearl is only used for twenty Chen pearls. This is the rule here. If you don't believe me, ask him!" You Ya Li straight gas strong a turn white eyes, a pair of don't understand don't say expression.

And then he asked the guard to testify to her. The latter's mouth twitched. He was angry that he was robbed of oil and water. Of course, he refused to testify, but he couldn't say no, otherwise it would be a loss for the people behind to take out the bead again. Immediately a cold hum, simply do not answer.

However, looking at his expression, Zhao Chengfeng already knew that Youya didn't lie. He couldn't help scolding "really special black!" in his heart

We should know that in ordinary places, although a sun bead is theoretically 24 Chen beads, for some reasons, its actual value is far higher than the theoretical value.

Generally, one can hold at least 256, and the highest can even hold 30.

It's only twenty here. It's so dark.

But he also has no way to this, but the problem is, this wench is clearly holding so a big bag of Chen bead, unexpectedly still want to black him these, this is a little too much.

The most speechless is, "why should your share be mine?"

You ya but rightfully way: "nonsense, I am your person, of course you have to manage me!"

When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, "I've been there. What's my man, you..."

But before he finished, he felt that there were still people in line behind him who looked at him with disdain.

"Animals, such a small girl should also start!"

"Scum, take advantage of others, a city fee to others to pay, is not a man?"

Even the guard looked at him with sarcasm.

Zhao Chengfeng is too eloquent to argue. He clenches his teeth and takes out a moon bead.

You ya sees, beautiful eyes suddenly a bright, stretch out a hand to want to rob again, but Zhao Chengfeng is faster than her, directly put into that guard's hand, clench teeth way: "live this month bead of!"

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