"I'm so angry, a moon pearl. You're so cheap that outsiders don't give it to me. I'm so angry!" Because Zhao Chengfeng just gave a moon bead to the guard, and she didn't take advantage of it. Youya was still angry until she entered the city. There are only three words in my mouth: "I'm so angry!"

But fortunately, she seems to remember that she was a guide and assistant hired by Zhao Chengfeng. She was angry and asked Zhao Chengfeng, "well, you're the boss. Where do you say you're going now?"

A moon bead, in fact, Zhao Chengfeng is also a little painful, after all, he is not rich. But see her breathing appearance, but suddenly feel that this month bead flower is very valuable.

What's more, when the guard was happy, he also presented two access cards that could be used indefinitely within one month.

That is to say, as long as during this one month period, even if he is out of the city, he does not need to pay the entrance fee again. In addition, even after the expiration of one, as long as he continues to pay residence tax, the term of this brand can also be extended.

So it's not a loss.

As for her complaint, Zhao Chengfeng just laughed and thought for a while: "first, let me get familiar with it, and you can't hold these three big packages all the time. Don't you deal with it?"

Youya heard him talk about his three big packages, and immediately turned anger into a smile. Her eyes turned and said, "then go to the black street!"

Youya said, regardless of whether Zhao Chengfeng agreed or not, he should go ahead.

"Black street? Black market? "

"Black street is black street, black market is black market."

Leisurely elegant don't know is because oneself also don't know why black city street call black city street, still don't want to explain, impatiently return a sentence.

Then he added: "anyway, you knew in the past that the trade union and the bigger firm are all over there. Forget it, you'll know when you go. Generally speaking, if outsiders want to buy or sell something, there is the best choice!"

Leisurely elegant one side takes zigzag forward, at the same time gives him to do some simple introduction.

When it came to the so-called black city street, Zhao Chengfeng also had a simple understanding of this simple urban pattern. At the same time, I can understand why the most prosperous center of the city is called black street.

The city of emotion is different from the city of the eternal world, and also different from the city generally understood by the earth world. It is not established by any person or organization.

It was originally a black market trading point, and its earliest residents were also those who attached to the black market trading.

Gradually, more and more people and larger scale.

But it can really become a city because of a person, who is now the ruler of the city, marquis Lihu.

It occupied the black market gathering place which had begun to take shape at the beginning, and also gave it protection, so that it was never destroyed, and finally became such a simple city.

"The biggest advantage of this city is freedom. We don't ask anything here. As long as we have money, as long as we have Shouzhu, we have everything. Of course, the premise is not to provoke a few people who can't be provoked. Of course, the most irritating one is Lord Lihu and his lord mansion. But fortunately, the Marquis only knows money. He doesn't care about anything else. As long as he pays money, he can stay in this city and even do anything. The only rule is not to offend him! "

"Don't you even care about killing people?" Zhao Chengfeng asked in surprise.

"It's no good killing people in the street, but as long as they are not seen by the guards, no one will take care of them!"

"In that case, wouldn't it be a mess?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly.

"What's wrong? The whole black death world is like this!" You Ya's peaceful way seems to be used to it.

Zhao Chengfeng is speechless and can't imagine what kind of order is used here.

However, if you think about it carefully, there are some places in the earth world that can't be found, or the laws of some countries are almost nonexistent. Aren't they the same in those places?

But although the place is chaotic, it has its own underground order.

"Is there anyone who is more powerful than the Lord's mansion?"

"In addition to the city Lord's office, other powerful forces are certainly the overlord of several blocks. There are one in the southeast, one in the northwest, and one in the northwest. The most powerful one is the White Bear Club in charge of the east city where the black street is located. The eldest white bear is a strong man at the top of the count, only inferior to Marquis Lihu. Moreover, unlike Marquis Lihu, white bear is very cruel and belligerent, so if we really say it, he is the last person to be provoked in the black street city. "

However, although she said so, her expression was calm and did not seem to be particularly afraid.

Zhao Chengfeng's heart moved, nodded slightly, and then suddenly asked: "you ya, how long have you escaped from home?"

"More than half..." he suddenly asked, Youya didn't have time to think, subconsciously replied. Speaking of the half, he suddenly came back to his senses. His big eyes were wide open. He looked at Zhao Chengfeng in surprise and alert. "You, how do you know who I am? Who are you?"

Zhao Chengfeng laughs and shakes his head helplessly: "no, you've been pestering me. I thought you recognized me. In order to play with me, you pretended not to know me. Don't you really remember me?"

Leisurely elegant listens to him to say so, can't help biting lips to look at him carefully, a pair of beautiful eyes bead son can't help of turn, appear hesitant.

Zhao Chengfeng was funny in his heart, but he said solemnly: "have you forgotten that year when I went to your house with my father, you were so old, I held you, I asked you to call brother, and you peed all over me."

"You, nonsense, who can pee..." although the girl has been very thick skinned, but also can't help her face slightly red, the brain can't help turning. I feel that what Zhao Chengfeng said is very serious. It seems that it is not a lie. However, there is no such thing as how to think. There are several similar things, but they are all rejected one by one.

She didn't know what Zhao Chengfeng said. Suddenly, her face moved. She seemed to think of something. She hesitated and said, "you can't be uncle Dahei's son, brother Qianzhi?"

Zhao Chengfeng was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't expect that he was talking nonsense. He really had such a story. Is that Wuchen Qianzhi really familiar with the girl's family, but he nodded and said, "ha ha, you finally remember, ha ha, call me brother!"

You ya sniffed and rolled her eyes and said, "hum, OK, it's OK to call brother, but Dahei is my dog. Are you his son?"

Zhao Chengfeng a Leng, this just knew that he was deceived.

You ya see this, more proud, ha ha a smile, "small sample also want to cheat me."

But she is also suspicious in her heart. How does Zhao Chengfeng know that I'm Qiao's family?

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