"Yes, miss!" The boy replied honestly.

The eldest lady Yun He and the steward Wu he heard this reply, and they all moved slightly. They immediately smile and nodded noncommittally, "OK, you go down!"

After waving his hand to let him leave, Yunhe gave a faint smile again and said: "it seems that the quality of the goddess's feather that you two took is really good. What's more, the production time is very similar. How about the price of three Chen pearls for each feather. The quantity is also an integral number, 3800 feathers. Well, it's 500 day beads. If you need to change them into moon beads, it's 32:1. No, even if it's 30:1. It's the first time that I want to make friends with you. In addition, all the Chen beads that the lady brings can be changed according to this ratio. I don't know if you are still satisfied with the price. "

Hearing this, Wu he's steward changed slightly and seemed surprised, but he soon returned to normal.

Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised, not because the price is unreasonable, but because the price is too reasonable, reasonable a little too much.

Everything abnormal is a demon, reasonable too much, it must be for a reason, it can not be just because the quality of the goods is good so simple.

However, he didn't say anything about it. He just kept a calm smile all the time, with an expression that I was not the main one.

And you ya didn't think so much, or realized it, but didn't care at all, there's a cheap son of a bitch, "no matter what she is for."

Fearing that the young lady would repent, the chick nodded like pecking rice and said, "satisfied, it's really the biggest and most reputable commercial building in the black street city. It's ten thousand times stronger than those black hearted guys guarding the door."

Then he patted his chest and assured, "don't worry, we will sell you something when we have it."

"Ha ha, the cloud crane here thanks first." Cloud crane ha ha a smile, full face sincerity gentle way.

But she knew what she thought.

"By the way, the two who are able to hunt so many goddess's feathers should have come from the other side of Gutian cliff. I heard that there is a alienated goddess from that side, isn't it true?" On the other side, the manager Yun he suddenly asked as if he had not noticed it.

However, when Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he was moved and immediately understood why not only a business manager personally received such a batch of scholar level materials, but also the young lady with such an extraordinary status.

Emotion is the meaning of drunkard, not wine.

Zhao Chengfeng mouth slightly a Qiao, in the heart secretly sneer.

But he said with a smile, "ha ha, your number is really well-informed. What happened a hundred miles away is known so quickly."

"It's true that there's a dissimilated immortal seed over there. It's luck, but it happened to be met by me."

"Oh, so you two are the ones who killed the undead seed?" Wu he said in surprise.

Brother, your performance is too grandiose to pass the audition

Zhao Chengfeng make complaints about the Tucao.

However, Miss Yunhe was more frank and said with a smile, "Wuhe is in charge of the business, so you don't have to perform any more. There are so many goddess feathers and so many chenzhu. I'm afraid that the goddess on a lonely cliff will be killed soon. In this case, it will be even more surprising if you can make that immortal seed alienated and get rid of by others."

Wu He, who is in charge of affairs, is cheeky enough. When he hears that his young lady has just exposed her "lies", he can't help but smile and say helplessly, "young lady, you're not tearing down my stage!"

Seeing him like this, several other people on the scene couldn't help laughing. Even the little fellow and the maid beside him could not help twitching.

Yun he said with a smile: "before the Ming Dynasty, people didn't talk in secret. This gentleman is very observant. Your performances will only make people think that we Wansheng building have no sincerity. And I Wansheng building business has always been honest, there is no need to hide. In fact, our idea is also very simple. We just hope that if this gentleman makes his move, he can consider our Wansheng building. "

With that, she looked at Zhao Chengfeng candidly and added: "as for the price, please rest assured that my Wansheng building may not be the highest, but it must be the most fair."

"Ha ha, I certainly believe in the reputation and justice of Wansheng building, but I'm sorry, I don't intend to do it for the time being!" Zhao Chengfeng deliberately used the word "temporary", but he didn't say it absolutely, which is to save face and hope for the other party.

Although the other side seems to be honest, it is not wise to say it dead.

However, these two people obviously don't know that the alienated undead has been turned into an arm, and it's also Zhao Chengfeng's only Viscount level arm. Of course, he won't sell it casually.

Cloud crane and Wuhe in charge, see Zhao Chengfeng refused, look inevitable flash a trace of disappointment.

"Can you reconsider and discuss the price?" It seems that Wuhe is still a little unwilling to take charge of the affairs and wants to persuade him again.

"Wuhe is in charge of the business," Yunhe interrupted Wuhe's management, covering up the disappointment in Xiumu, and once again said with a smile: "don't embarrass this gentleman. What you want in business is your love and my wish. If he doesn't want to do it, he must have his own consideration. I just hope that you will give priority to my Wansheng building if you plan to sell it in the future, or other businesses will do the same. In other words, the price of my Wansheng building may not be the best whether it is bought or sold, but it must be the most fair. "

"Yes, I can." Zhao Cheng tuyere light answer.

Secretly, he was also observing their reaction. Besides showing disappointment, he seemed to sigh, but there was no other change. His impression of Miss Yunhe and Wansheng tower was slightly improved.

"It seems that he is a moderate businessman. At least he doesn't seem to be unable to buy and rob. In this way, if possible, we can cooperate more in the future. "

While talking, the man has taken all the exchanged beads and put them in a delicate cloth bag.

"Here are a total of 220 moon pearls. Please check them!" The man respectfully put the cloth bag in front of Zhao Chengfeng, but a small hand quickly stretched out and snatched it, "this is mine!"

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help supporting his forehead for a while. It was a shame.

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