Youya doesn't care about him. She looks at him carefully and vigilantly, as if she is afraid that he will rob him. Until she is sure that he won't rob him, she hums and makes a face at Zhao Chengfeng.

And then regardless of other people's eyes, eyes shining will be more than 200 beads all poured on the tea table, leaving saliva one by one count up.

Seeing her like this, everyone looked strange.

And Zhao Chengfeng can't help but turn his face aside and look directly at him.

However, when he saw the bright red moon beads, he was also a little envious. After all, he is not rich now.

Fortunately, Zhao Chengfeng, after all, has eaten and seen it before, but he is not just fooling around with a little girl in front of so many people for such a small sum of money. Not to regret.

What's more, he still has a dissimilation weapon, which is the main income this time.

Half a day later, the little girl counted more than 200 moon pearls three times. It seemed that she finally confirmed that the number was right. Then she happily put these moon pearls back into the bag and carefully tied them up. Then she wrinkled her nose at Zhao Chengfeng and honestly and impolitely put away the moon pearls together with the bag.

It seems that even people don't plan to return the money bags.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know what to say. Although I want to ask her to return it, I only see her expression. I know it's useless to say it. The girl's greedy personality, to her hands of property, want to let her spit out, it is simply difficult.

Fortunately, although the quality of the bag seems to be very good, it's not a dimensional thing. Even though the workmanship and details are very good, Wansheng building should not be unable to afford to send it.

"Forget it, let's just make a little more investment in Wansheng building. When we have good things in the future, just patronize them a few times."

Zhao Chengfeng thinks so in his heart. Seeing that Youya has finished counting, he plans to get up.

At this time, a man rushed in from the door, subconsciously took a look at Zhao Chengfeng and Youya, and then said, "Miss, Wuhe is in charge. Huo Lun, the young master of the blue and white club, is here."

Hearing what he said, Zhao Chengfeng, Yunhe, the eldest lady, and Wuhe, the steward, were all in a daze.

"What did he come for?" Cloud crane mouth said so, but eyes can't help looking at Zhao Chengfeng and Youya.

On the other side, the black crane was surprised and brightened.

"Well, I'm not sure. I'm just looking..." the man hesitated. He was trying to figure out how to reply, but there was a burst of laughter outside the door. "Ha ha, Wansheng building is open for business. Do you want to pick out the guests?"

As he spoke, a group of people had come in through the door.

Among these people is a young man who is a little gay. Although he has a pretty face, he can't tell men from women at a glance.

However, seeing that this man was held in the center like all the stars holding the moon, he looked very proud. At first sight, he should be the so-called little Lord.

Next to him, the young man, who was more difficult to distinguish between male and female than the young master, was very conspicuous wearing a big red robe.

Around the two men, there were a group of strong men, some of whom were just the strong men before.

However, at this time, these people were more dignified than before, with their eyebrows raised, their cheeks raised, and they looked like vicious slaves.

When Zhao Chengfeng saw these people, he immediately guessed the identity of them. Among them, the most invincible young man was probably the so-called little master of the blue and white club.

See these people, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly heart fretting, "these people come to me, is also because of the alienation undead seed?"

He has always thought that the means of communication in this world are backward, but he didn't expect that the transmission speed is so fast. Is there any means of communication in this world that I don't know?

At the same time, cloud crane and black crane steward face is also slightly changed.

Cloud crane with even restore the usual smile, even if the deepest trace of disgust, also quickly covered up.

"Huo lunshaozhu is joking. Wansheng building is open for business. Of course, the visitors are guests, not to mention Huo lunshaozhu. Even if we choose guests from Wansheng building, you are also a VIP! Just don't know, Huo Lun young Lord comes today, what need I Wan Sheng Lou to work for

"Ha ha, it's easy to say..." young master Huo Lun laughs and walks into the hall. At this time, one of the leaders, looking at Zhao Chengfeng, says something quickly in his ear.

The latter smile immediately closed, instantly into a fierce color, straight straight to see Zhao Chengfeng and Youya.

At the same time, Zhao Chengfeng and Youya have stood up. For these people, Zhao Chengfeng didn't look much at them. He just said to Yunhe, "Miss Yunhe, Wuhe is in charge of the business. After the business is finished, we'll leave first. I hope we can have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

"Well, this..." cloud crane and black crane in charge of a slightly Leng, a blank nod. But in the heart, he could not help but Tucao, some did not know whether Zhao Chengfeng was slow or stupid, and make complaints about it. "Can you walk this time?"

On the other hand, Huo lunshaozhu's face changed when he heard the words. He didn't know what the so-called business in Zhao chengtui meant?

After seeing Zhao Chengfeng finish, he smiles again, nods his head and leads Youya to the door.

Huo lunshaozhu looked cold and stopped them. "Stop, who let you go? Hum, it's you who beat me, right?"

Speaking, the hand has been lifted up, five fingers like eagle claws, according to Zhao Chengfeng side of Youya throat grabbed over.

Zhao Chengfeng felt that his strength should be equivalent to the later stage of Lingwu realm. According to the standards of the world, he should be the Baron's peak.

It's a little more powerful than Wuchen Qiancheng.

Although this kind of strength is nothing in Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, Youya can't resist it. Seeing this scene, her pretty face can't help changing and she can't avoid it. Fortunately, she knew Zhao Chengfeng's strength and knew that she would not be able to suffer losses beside him, so she didn't panic.

On the other hand, people like Yunhe don't know this. On the contrary, their faces are more ugly than Youya's.

They didn't expect that this man would fight directly without saying a word. Moreover, he was still in the lobby of Wansheng building. This arrogant and domineering attitude almost means that he didn't pay attention to Wansheng building at all.

But it's too late to stop it.

"Go away!"

At this time, a cold drink suddenly rang out in the ears of the people, the voice was not big, but the people felt a buzz in their heads, as if they had been beaten by someone.

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