"What's more, do you think it's a good idea to go straight to your father when the little master lost such a big man? As far as I know, the blue and white count has more than one son

Zhao Chengfeng said here, showing a smile of some complacency, very satisfied with his own strain and analysis.

"Who said brother Feng couldn't use his head? He just didn't want to use it before."

Well, that said, we still need to find a place to study the unfortunate Tai Chi diagram.

The so-called "one power down ten wisdom" is not strong enough, and the evil ways always cure the symptoms but not the root cause. What's more, if he has not been able to break through the void, then he is not sure whether he can survive in this world, let alone return to the earth and change the fate of the earth's civilization.

Ah, there is a long way to go.

"Where is the safest place in this black street city, which is suitable for the practice of seclusion?" Zhao Chengfeng calculates what to do next and asks Youya.

After asking, you look a little strange.

Look not from tiny change, wry smile way: "can't so Qiao?"

"That's what happened ~!" Youya laughs. I don't know whether it's schadenfreude or fear that the world will not be in chaos. However, it seems that they all mean the same thing, but still explains: "I told you before that, in addition to the city leader's office, there are four major forces in the Black Street City, and they are also in charge of the four regions of southeast, northwest and so on. The shopkeeper is the White Bear Club. "

"Most of the commercial buildings and trade unions are in the east side, while the west side is the fighting area. The life and death ring and the arena are all in the west side. The leader of the west side is the overlord. The overlord is also an earl. Like the Earl of white bear, the overlord is just his name. He is also the only Earl who is newly promoted among the four overlords, But the combat power is said to be second only to the oldest Earl of the white bear, because he is in fact a title earl, so it is not his name, but his title

"Count of the title?" Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised. He read a lot of materials, and of course he knew what the title of Earl meant.

No matter the viscount or Baron is below the count, there is no title. It is not until the count that he can get the title. Of course, it is only possible.

Those who can get the title of nobility, it is not only a kind of glory, but also represents a special recognition of heaven and earth, even can be said to be the darling of heaven and earth.

Every title aristocrat will be given one or more kinds of talent, or special authority by heaven and earth.

Although the general Baron above the aristocracy will be given authority, but that kind of authority is common goods, nothing more than strong, sober, giant and so on, a little bit more beneficial.

And the title is not the same, the authority that the title holder can obtain is often some magical power.

For example, the wind, lightning and so on.

In addition, most of the people who can obtain this kind of authority are talented people, so a title aristocrat is invincible except for other title aristocrats in the same level.

But this kind of existence is very rare. It is no exaggeration to say that there is no one in ten thousand.

I didn't expect that there was one in this city.

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help feeling a little bit happy about hunting.

But then he was restrained.

"Yes." Leisurely elegant don't know what he thinks in the heart, hear him to ask, just smile to nod.

Then he added: "and the Western District, I don't need to say more. The blue and white club is the overlord of the western district. It's Huolun's father, the count of blue and white. Unfortunately, most of the monasteries in black street are in the west side, and most of them are the property of the blue and white society. "

She said that she was unfortunate, but looking at her expression, she could not see the slightest regret.

Zhao Chengfeng was speechless and helpless.

"What about the south side?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"Southern District, there is only one important thing in Southern District, that is the cattle market! You see, it's over there. After that bridge, it's the Southern District. Once you step into the Southern District, it's the cattle market. " You ya says to follow the trend to point forward.

"Cattle market?" Zhao Chengfeng is a little surprised. Can't the Black Death world attach so much importance to agriculture? Why is cattle market so important.

At the same time, she followed her fingers and immediately saw that there was a bridge not far ahead.

"Of course, the so-called cattle market does not really sell livestock. Although there are some, it is actually the real black market there. Besides the general commodities, there is another commodity there, that is, slaves."

"Slaves?" Zhao Chengfeng smell speech look slightly move, subconsciously and that direction looked one eye, but with even took back eyes.

As a human being on earth, the word "slave" is very strange, but here is the alien plane.

There are nobles in this world, so it's not uncommon to have slaves.

Of course, Zhao Chengfeng did not intend to liberate the slaves of those alien planes. He was not great enough, let alone powerful enough.

He didn't plan to go there either.

Although he is curious about the black market, he has nothing to buy or sell.

His main purpose now is to find a relatively safe place to study the Tai Chi diagram. Not to say that he can figure out what's going on or control it, at least he should try to make it stop swallowing things.

Before, when he was on earth, he had gained so many alienated biological nuclei, and the power of rules in them had been swallowed. Otherwise, he would have already broken through the void.

Originally, I thought that there was always hope in this world, but unexpectedly, it even swallowed the power of nobility.

If this problem is not solved, his road will be blocked.

"So... Huh?" Zhao Chengfeng opened his mouth and was about to ask, apart from the training grounds in the Western District, is there no other place in the black street city that is safer and suitable for seclusion?

But when he glanced at it, he couldn't help being stunned.

"What's the matter, then?" Leisurely elegant along his vision to see, see two people behind not far place, a group of troops are walking toward this side.

Before and after the team were a group of strong men with weapons in hand, rude and ferocious. In addition to weapons, each one was also holding a thick whip.

In the middle of the line, there was a long string of people tied together by a rope.

These people are men and women, but most of them are young, mainly young and middle-aged. There are also some children, but there are no old people. All of them were yellow, skinny, and naked.

One by one, as if they had lost their souls, their eyes were empty, revealing despair and numbness. I'm dying.

"A bunch of rubbish, let's go, hurry up, bitch, what are you looking at? I'll whip you to death ~!" Those strong men were drinking and scolding while waving their whip. If anyone walked slowly, the whip came right away.

Every whip went down with a cry and fear.

But in a twinkling, he was numb again. It seemed that even the pain could not arouse the sinking of those people.

Seeing this, you ya immediately recognized that this was a slave transport team escorting slaves. Xiumu could not help frowning slightly. It was obvious that she did not like this phenomenon.

But then he couldn't help looking at Zhao Chengfeng in surprise.

I think his reaction is a little strange.

"Met an acquaintance!" Zhao Chengfeng came back and replied.

"Er..." you Ya is surprised, don't know which one is his acquaintance.

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