The full name of Liuli is Yuzhen palace Liuli.

At this time, my heart is full of regret and despair.

"For what, why am I in this situation? Why should I come to this damned world? "

As long as she knew all the ways ahead, she won such an opportunity to follow 3000 yuan nishang into the alien world. For this reason, she did not hesitate to abandon the dignity of the legitimate daughter of Yuzhen palace family and become a bodyguard beside 3000 yuan nishang.

She thought all this was worth it. She thought it was an opportunity for a woman to surpass her elder brother and shoulder the important task of the rise of Yuzhen palace family.

She thought she was ready to take all the consequences and risks.

In fact, she does have such an awareness. Even if she dies, she will not be afraid and regret. Although she is a woman, she always regards herself as a warrior and never fears death.

But at this moment, the fate she wanted to face still exceeded her expectation of the worst.

Death is not terrible. The terrible thing is that she can't even die.

She saw with her own eyes two slaves who wanted to commit suicide, and the villains let the rest of them see the fate of the two. Since then, she did not dare to close her eyes, because it was the scene that made her numb.

As for running away, let alone thinking about it. Since she entered this plane, she felt like a fish being fished out of water. Every tiny action made her feel out of place with the world.

Not to mention fighting, even basic activities are difficult.

Otherwise she would not have been caught by these people.

After being caught, these people didn't know what medicine they had given her. Her spiritual power and perception were completely suppressed, and she couldn't move at all.

In addition, the stomach has been numb hunger, as well as the long-term inability to sleep, but also was driven away like cattle fatigue, and mental devastation.

Her state at this time, even if these people untie the rope for her to escape, she can not escape three meters away.

You can't die, you can't escape.

"What will happen to me? Will someone come to save me? Lord nishang? No, it won't be She immediately denied her fantasy.

Although they were caught by these people soon after they arrived in this world, and the language problem has not been solved up to now. But she can still feel that the world is much bigger, more complex and more dangerous than she knows.

Especially for those who come from other places, the exclusion of heaven and earth, the estrangement of language and habits, and all kinds of maladjustment make the danger and complexity of this animal several times or even tens of times higher.

At this time, other people, including your highness, are afraid that they will not be able to protect themselves. Where else will someone come to save me?

Think of here, endless despair, let her can't help but have a kind of impulse to cry, but she dare not, don't say cry, as long as she dare to have some abnormal action and voice, those whip will mercilessly draw over.

"What will happen to me? Will I be sold as cattle by these primitive barbarians? No, no... "

Her soul shuddered at the thought of what would happen after being sold.

As a 21st century earthman, most people may have long been unfamiliar with the word slave, and even many people may have only seen it in film and television works or literary works.

However, as one of the oldest warlords in Japan, the maiden of Yuzhen palace is not so strange to the word slave as most people. There is no shortage of abnormal animals in any world, especially the so-called ancient nobles.

Especially after following the three thousand yard nishang, they even killed the rubbish by themselves. Of course, they didn't just save the poor people at that time.

Although most of them are women like them.

They kill the garbage, more just to get familiar with the feeling of killing, and not to bear too much of the guilt of killing.

But in that process, they still saw how terrible the experience of those same-sex people who have become playthings is, those poor people who have been rescued by them unintentionally, every one who chooses to continue to live.

Most of their experiences make them just want to die. That's liberation.

Once upon a time, although she sympathized with those people, she was more contemptuous and contemptuous.

Even think that the weak encounter such a fate is just because they do not work hard, do not struggle. If you are willing to fight, how can you become a weak person, how can you be reduced to such a situation.

Because many of those people, like her, were born of nobility.

As an aristocrat, it's not depravity that leads to that.

But now, this fate is coming to her.

She felt how ridiculous the original idea was.

What strong man?

In the face of fate, how ridiculous is self righteous power.

How she longed for someone to save herself now.

Suddenly, she accidentally raised her head, suddenly opened her eyes, a familiar face, a familiar person.

Zhao Chengfeng ~!

She knew that it was the Chinese, it was him

She was surprised, ecstatic, like a dying man in the desert, suddenly saw a lake in front of her. She didn't even have time to distinguish whether it was an illusion or a mirage.

"Zhao Chengfeng, Mr. Zhao..." at this moment, it seems that all her strength has come back. She frantically wants to break away from the rope, to rush to Zhao Chengfeng, to catch him.

It's a life-saving straw.

"Damn it, bitch, shut up and be crazy!" A few slave traders didn't expect that the woman who had been very peaceful suddenly went mad. They were furious and took out the whip mercilessly.


Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect to meet an acquaintance from the earth in this place. He couldn't help frowning.

As a man on earth, even if his cultivation power is far less than that of the eternal world or the Black Death world, Zhao Chengfeng always has an inexplicable sense of superiority in his heart.

In his eyes, although the two worlds have a long life, there are undead creatures, and people can even add longevity to themselves, all kinds of miracles make him aspire to it.

It's hard to find a way to understand the essence and move to the earth.

But at the level of civilization, whether it is the undead species of the Black Death world, human beings, or the common people of the eternal world, nobles, nobility, nobility or nobility, they all seem primitive or even barbaric.

He never thought that the first earth acquaintance he met in this world was driven and sold by the barbarians in this world as cattle.

As a human on earth, his first reaction is anger, even if the other party is a Japanese, even he can't remember her name.

It seems that it's called glass, ceramics or something. I only remember that this woman is an entourage, or a maid and so on, in the three thousand courtyard of the female warrior of Japan.

But at this moment, he still can't help feeling that things hurt others.

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