Yuzhen palace glass once again regretted.

Because of the language barrier, she could not understand what the slaves and passers-by were saying. Another slave pressed her head with his hand, so that she could neither look up nor speak freely.

She can only use the corner of her eyes to peep around in horror, but all she can see is the feet of the two slaves, and the other slaves around subconsciously keep a distance from her.

But from the emotion of those voices, she felt vaguely that those people seemed to be mocking Zhao Chengfeng. They seemed to recognize Zhao Chengfeng, but they had no fear.

Although she doesn't understand why these people have this kind of reaction and why they are familiar with Zhao Chengfeng, who comes from the earth like her, her reaction made her aware of a problem.

She began to regret that she was too impulsive just now and did not consider whether Zhao Chengfeng was able to save him.

"If he can't, I may not only save myself, but also implicate him."

Or will Mr. Zhao feel that my behavior just now has implicated him?

She could hear the voice of the slave leader, full of ill intentions.

"No, no, I didn't mean to, I didn't..."

At the same time, he is more afraid that Zhao Chengfeng will abandon her.

This kind of fear and regret, let her fall into despair again, she now does not pray for Zhao Chengfeng can save her, just hope someone can kill her.

At that moment, he heard the group of slaves laugh again, as if the leader of the slaves said something threatening and ironic.

At this time, she heard Zhao Chengfeng speak again. What he said was the language of the world.

"Mr. Zhao knows the language of the world."

In her heart, she was surprised, but she also kindled some hope again.

At least she didn't hear the meaning of fear or retreat from Zhao Chengfeng's voice. On the contrary, the voice was very cold, indifferent, and there was some suppressed anger.

"If Mr. Zhao can learn the language of the world, he may also find a solution to the exclusion of the alien from us. In this case, it should be no problem to deal with these slaves with Mr. Zhao's strength! Even if he can't save me, at least he should be able to give me a relief when he leaves. "

With this in mind, Liuli was a little more stable.

She felt that what she had to do now was to find a way to get rid of the hand that oppressed her and be able to tell Zhao Chengfeng her will.

She didn't ask too much, she just wanted to die. Even if she died, she would not be humiliated and trampled by these people from other worlds.

At this time, she heard Zhao Chengfeng seem to take out some things, seems to be the world's money.

She heard the sound of a cloth bag falling to the ground, and the sound of some beads colliding. She knew that it should be the money of the world.


"Here are two hundred moon pearls. Take them. They should be enough for her price!"

Zhao Chengfeng throws the bag full of moon beads in front of the slave leader and redeems them. To be honest, he doesn't want to do so.

Because in this way, in a sense, the girl was sold once, which made him a little uncomfortable, but he had to admit that it was the wisest choice if it could be solved.

Of course, these moon beads were taken from Youya's place, which he borrowed for the time being.

"Hiss ~!"

As soon as he heard that Zhao Chengfeng had taken out the two hundred moon pearls, the voices around him suddenly became quiet. Many people inhaled slightly, while others looked at Zhao Chengfeng, but their eyes brightened. "The five Chen family is really rich. He took out the two hundred moon pearls to buy a slave at once!"

Two hundred moon pearls are neither too many nor too few. They are not worth mentioning to those real nobles, but they are astronomical numbers for these warrior soldiers. Even some barons may not be able to get them.

This kind of wealth should be taken out to buy a slave. Many people think that the young master of Wuchen is crazy.

Youya is also very distressed, but she can see that Zhao Chengfeng's heart to save people is very firm. If she does not agree, her cooperation with Zhao Chengfeng will not continue, and Zhao Chengfeng will certainly kill people.

So she could only sigh in her heart, and said in a low voice, "I lent you the money, but I'll pay you back double!"

But Zhao Chengfeng did not pay attention to her, his eyes only looked at the slave leader.

The latter's eyes brightened when he saw the bag of moon beads. A greedy look flashed in his eyes. Immediately, a slave prisoner picked up the bag quickly and subconsciously wanted to put it on him. However, the slave leader glared at him and changed his face, so he had to give it to the slave leader obediently.

The latter took over, pinched, and opened the bag to see, subconsciously swallowed the mouth to spit.

Zhao Chengfeng is calm, just watching quietly.

He didn't know the price of a slave, and he didn't want to ask or bargain, because it was only an expedient.

More importantly, in his opinion, if he did so, it would be tantamount to admitting that the girl is a commodity and that the earth people can be regarded as commodities by these alien people. This is not only the shame of the girl, but also the shame of himself.

What's more, he didn't intend to let these slaves continue to live. It's not convenient to start in the city. As long as these people go out of the city, none of them can live!

But from the expression of the slave, he knew that the price was enough.

So he did not speak, just quietly waiting for the reaction of the slave leader.

At this time, the latter finally restrained his greedy eyes. At the same time, he tightened the bag of moon beads again. Then he looked up at Zhao Chengfeng and said with a joking smile: "I'm a slave, but I bought it at a high price. Although there are many 200 moon beads, it's still a little short of buying this slave."

When he heard this, everyone around him was stunned, but then they all shook their heads and laughed again. The group of slaves were even more unkind.

"Two hundred moon pearls want to buy such a slave and have a daydream?"

"Ha ha, yes, look at the woman. Ah, don't say, I didn't pay attention to her before. If you look at her carefully, is she really special? She's the best. She looks really good. She looks like a place. I didn't pay attention to her before I wiped it!"

"It's useless for you to pay attention. Do you think the boss will let you damage the goods? It's going to reduce the price. Ha ha..."

There was a lot of laughter around, but Zhao Chengfeng's eyes leaped over the group of slaves and passers-by, and saw a person outside the crowd.

He was thin, with a face like a knife. It seemed very common to stand there. No momentum leaked out, and no one noticed him.

But in Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, this person has a kind of fierce feeling.

While everyone else was laughing, the man saw the slave leader's behavior, but he frowned slightly, and a look of anger flashed in his eyes.

Suddenly, this person seems to feel Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, eyes instantly turned over, but Zhao Chengfeng has already withdrawn his eyes before.

This person was slightly surprised, and then frowned again, and then said something to the people around him, turned away.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng's mouth turned slightly up.

"It seems that you don't need to wait to get out of the city. The goal of two hundred moon pearls has also been achieved ~!"

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