Next to Youya, just like other people, you don't know what happened just now.

On hearing the leader's words, he burst into a rage, "Hey, what do you mean? Two hundred moon beads are not enough! Then you return the moon Pearl! "

"Ha ha, come back?" The slave leader laughed and sneered in his heart. Sure enough, the idiot standing beside him must be an idiot?

Then he said with a smile, "two hundred moon pearls, if others buy them, of course it's enough, but you don't buy enough!"

"What? You... "You Ya's pretty face turned red. I didn't expect these people to be so shameless.

People around him shake their heads and smile again. They all look at Zhao Chengfeng and Youya like idiots.

Shouzhu is handed over to others and wants to get it back. Young people are really naive.

Sure enough, the leader of the slave prisoner was more proud when he saw that Youya was angry.

A joking smile, "what am I? Don't forget that the young master of Wuchen family around you is also a reward offender. Theoretically speaking, I only need to catch him now and sell him to Wuchen family. However, I have always been fair and kind. For the sake of the two hundred moon pearls, I'll open my eyes today. As for the slave, it's OK to redeem him. How about you? "

When he said that, he licked his lips and looked at Zhao Chengfeng regretfully. "Boy, you are lucky. This is the city ~!"

If this is not the city, he is more or less afraid that these two people will become his commodities.

"You..." Youya is almost angry when she hears that. She can't help but start. Although she advised Zhao Chengfeng not to do it here, her temper is not good.

But what she didn't expect was that Zhao Chengfeng stopped her, which made her look shocked.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't look at her and said with a smile, "I don't need you!"

Leisurely elegant one Leng, all of a sudden didn't respond to come over, don't know what he meant.

When the leader of the slave prisoner saw that Zhao Chengfeng stopped you ya, he couldn't help laughing. The look of contempt in his eyes flashed, "boy, good luck to you!"

And then a wave, drink a go, "go ~!"

At the same time, he reached out to push Zhao Chengfeng, "let me... Ah ~"

A "open" word did not wait for the export, others have been flying, no, not flying, to be exact, it was swung up.

This man is tall and fat. He looks twice as tall as the average person.

But at this time, Zhao Chengfeng swung his hand over his head, just like a bag of cotton, and then he was smashed on the ground.


He wanted to shout, but the fall almost knocked him off his back. His viscera were all scattered, and the cry became a dull hum. It took him a long time to cry out.

In the heart is surprised and angry, but when I open my eyes, I see the young man slowly walking towards him, his eyes are as cold as looking at the dead.

Just at a glance, he was afraid. His previous arrogance and malice melted away like ice and snow in the sun.

As a slave leader, he has killed many people and seen many people killed, so no one is more familiar with this kind of look than him.

Killing eyes.

However, different from the eyes of ordinary murderers, the eyes are not crazy or happy, only cold, cold after the anger is extremely squeezed.

Frozen heart!

He didn't have time to get up and put his hands on the ground, so he was about to step back. At the same time, he pleaded for mercy in horror: "no, don't kill me. You can't kill me. I'm from the purple wind club. You kill me..."

But Zhao Chengfeng did not hear the same, still step by step toward him.

Every step, the slave leader felt that he was stepping on his own heart. Without a step closer, he felt that there seemed to be an endless sea of blood behind him, rushing towards him. As long as he took a breath, he would be completely engulfed by the sea of blood, and there was no bones left.

At this moment, he forgot the identity of the person in front of him, and didn't even think about why the legendary little master was different.

Extreme fear as if pinched his heart, let him still can't make such thinking.

All of a sudden, he thought of himself and his subordinates. When he looked back, he saw that everyone was in a daze, and his eyes were also frightened. He seemed to have forgotten to do something, so he burst into a rage.

"Damn, are they all dead? Stop him, stop this asshole

The rest of the slaves woke up as if from a dream. Some of them even became angry because they had been scared before. They let out a disorderly cry, and they all rushed to Zhao Chengfeng.

Some people draw swords, some swing sticks, some hold swords, and some hold hammers. Although they are mobs, they all lick blood with their swords. It's really fierce to rush together.

The slave leader took the opportunity to retreat behind the crowd. He was a little shocked. He felt as if he had the strength again. He could not help shouting, "kill him, damn it, you bastard, dare to fight me, who do you think you are, a gold% who has lost his feathers..."

Before he finished speaking, a cold light suddenly flashed like lightning, and then a head flew into the air.

At this time, the long stick broke into two pieces, and his body lost its head. He staggered back, and one of the people behind him was caught off guard and hit.

As soon as he saw the headless cavity, he was scared to open his mouth and scream. But as soon as he opened his mouth, the blood in his chest burst out.

Strong blood gas rushed over, and even the scream was poured back.

Rao Shi was also a fierce slave. He had never been so terrible. He turned his eyes and fell to the ground with the headless body.

The rest of the slaves were also frightened by the scene before them. They rushed forward, but before they could react, Zhao Chengfeng's dagger was thrown out again.

An unfortunate slave, even did not see clearly what happened, an arm has left the body.

"Ah ~!"

With a scream, the dagger magically waved back to his hand.

Seeing that he was going to throw out again, a group of slaves finally responded.

But at this time, they had no courage to rush forward. They didn't even think about it at all. They turned around and ran back.

"I want to run now, it's too late ~!"

Zhao Chengfeng looks indifferent. He cuts and stabs the dagger in his hand. Even if he escapes far away, if he throws it at will, he will die.

In a short time, a dozen slaves had been killed like chopping melons and vegetables.

More than a dozen people died, but Zhao Chengfeng didn't feel any discomfort or guilt.

It's not that he's cold-blooded, it's not that he's easy to kill, it doesn't even matter that he's cruel.

Just because these people should be killed.

When they sell other people as goods, they die.

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