I don't know when, the only slaves who could stand in the field were the leader of the slaves and the big man who had been pressing the glass.

Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's eyes looking over, the man quickly released his hand like an electric shock and jumped to one side.

"Idiot, don't let go..." the leader of the slave prisoner was shocked when he saw that the idiot in his hand had let go the last straw because of the boy's eyes.

With a big scold, he tried to control the woman. But as soon as he reached out his hand, he felt a sharp pain in his wrist. Then he saw that his hand fell off.

"Ah ~!"

With a scream, the slave leader quickly retreated. Lift an eye this just see is that handle supernatural and haunting dagger again.

At the same time, the only remaining slave prisoner, when he heard his boss scolding, immediately regretted. The devil like man obviously wanted to save the woman. He was still a hostage. Maybe he could make her throw a rat's trap. How could I let her go.

Just as he was about to catch Liuli again, he saw a flash of cold light. The leader's hand was broken, and he was scared out of his wits.

At the same time, he let out a cry and quickly backed back.

Turning around, he wants to run, but Zhao Chengfeng stands in front of him with a flash. At the same time, with a move and a ray of spiritual force, the bloody dagger returns to his palm again.


The big man wanted to beg for mercy, but Zhao Chengfeng didn't even have the interest to listen. He put out his hand and clapped it on his chest.

The man's body of more than 200 Jin was flying out like a fallen leaf, but when he landed, it was as heavy as a bag of mud, with a dull bang. After struggling for a while, he lost his breath.

Zhao Chengfeng did not look at him any more, and his eyes immediately fell on the leader of the slave.

The whole street was quiet for a moment, even a breath could be heard.

All the onlookers around have long fled. The underworld is not a place with laws. If you stand by and watch the excitement, you may be in danger of your life.

What's more, on May 9, the Wuchen family was very young. There was no sense of being a little bit of a waste owner. It was clearly the devil who killed people without blinking an eye. Before, they were still laughing at others. Now they have started to kill. Who knows if they will kill them together.

Lively is certainly good-looking, after the event can also find someone to blow the bull B, but if the life of the lively, then forget it?

At this time, only Zhao Chengfeng, Youya and Liuli, the leader of the slave prisoners, and a group of slaves strung together by ropes were left hundreds of meters near the bridge.

In addition to a body, and the smell of blood.

Youya subconsciously turns her head and looks around. Her mouth is open. It seems that she can't react. But this girl is really not simple, to see such a bloody scene, in addition to some stunned, unexpectedly did not show much fear, but a kind of very speechless appearance.

Although Liuli gained his freedom from the oppression of the slave, his hands and feet were still connected with other slaves, and he coughed and gasped on the ground.

After a long time, he raised his head and looked around. He saw that all the slaves had become corpses. There was a look on his numb and desperate face, and his tears could not help but stay.

Then he wiped away his tears and slowly turned to look at the leader of the slave.

The slave leader, with a broken wrist in one hand, looks at Zhao Chengfeng in horror, shivering. He wants to beg for mercy, but he feels thirsty. His throat seems to be blocked by something, and he can't speak for a long time.

All of a sudden, he seemed to feel something. As soon as he turned his head and saw Liuli's eyes, he excited Lingling to fight a cold war. At this moment, the ferocious slave leader was afraid because of a "cargo" look.

Two people four eyes opposite, glass tightly bite teeth.

"Mr. Zhao, could you please seal his acupoints and Lingli and let me kill him myself?" When she said this, she did not look at Zhao Chengfeng, but still looked at the leader of the slave, as if she was afraid that if she looked less, the man would disappear.

A pair of beautiful eyes seem to reflect the bone chilling ice and the red lotus flame from purgatory.

Zhao Chengfeng looks at her unexpectedly and nods. Then the hand swung, the dagger flew out, immediately cut off the rope on her wrist, but did not withdraw. Instead, he turned and walked slowly to the slave leader.

Liuli understood, and a flash of gratitude and joy flashed in her eyes. Then she picked up the dagger and cut the rope on her feet. She moved in her heart and looked at the other slaves, but after thinking about it, she didn't make up her own mind.

Then he moved his hands and feet and stood up.

Of course, the slave leader did not understand the Chinese language of the earth, but the instinct of the creature made him understand what was about to happen.

Holding a broken wrist, he retreated and yelled, "no, don't, don't kill me, you can't kill me... Don't..."

In the panic, he turned his head and suddenly saw a group of people standing on the bridge not far away. Then he looked at the clothes of those people, who were from the purple wind club.

The leader is thin and tall. Who is the legendary purple wind.

The slave leader in despair was just like Liuli in despair who saw Zhao Chengfeng. He was overjoyed and ran to the direction of the bridge. At the same time, he cried out, "Lord Zifeng, help! Lord Zifeng, help

Then he pointed back to Zhao Chengfeng and said, "he is the little master of Wuchen family on May 9. Wuchen Qianzhi is crazy. He not only wants to rob our goods, but also kills many of our brothers. He... Ah ~!"

Suddenly there was a scream, but it turned out that Zhao Chengfeng had already arrived behind him. With one foot, he was kicked to the ground and trampled on his feet.

Zhao Chengfeng also found that group of people at this time.

He could not help frowning. He clearly recognized that the leader was the tall and thin man who had looked at him outside the crowd before and then left coldly.

He had guessed that this man was probably the boss of the so-called purple wind club, the count of purple wind. At this time, he heard the cry of the slave leader, which further confirmed his conjecture.

It's just that he was a little bit surprised. The other party had already left before. He would come back again with a group of people.

"Do you still want to step in?"

At the same time, the people on the bridge saw that Zhao Chengfeng stepped on the leader of the slave prisoner in front of them, and there was a slight commotion.

One of them seemed to say something to the tall and thin man. He was indignant and looked at Zhao Chengfeng from time to time.

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