Apart from a certain distance, Zhao Chengfeng did not hear what he was saying. He was probably very dissatisfied with Zhao Chengfeng, and even regarded his action as a provocation.

That means asking the tall man to let him do it.

Zhao Chengfeng sees this, the corner of the mouth slightly a Qiao, in the eye also flash a cold idea.

To be honest, he doesn't really want to have too fierce conflicts with the major forces in the city now, so whether it's the young master of the blue and white society before, or the thin and tall man who has just faced the leader of the slaves, he is actually against the crowd.

He has adopted certain strategies, one is strong, the other is soft, but the purpose is to tell these big forces in the city that he has enough strength, but he does not want to conflict with them.

However, if all these strategies fail, he will not be afraid of the first World War, and he will just see who is stronger and who is weaker between himself and the count level strong in the world.

He believed that even if he was defeated in the end, he would still be able to retreat completely.

If he couldn't, he would lose both sides. Then he was trying to escape. At least he was certain.

So he hardly hesitated. He took a look at those people and then withdrew his eyes. Then he vomited his spiritual power under his feet, which immediately broke the heart and many orifices of the slave leader under his feet.

The slave leader could not help but scream "ah", then spewed out a mouthful of blood and fainted.

Zhao Chengfeng kicks him in front of Liuli.

"He's yours!"

It was not only those who escaped from afar and peeped in the dark that were stunned.

"This man is crazy ~!" On a pavilion in the distance, there are two people standing at the window. One of them is the one who was scared by Zhao Chengfeng's "roll" and was sitting on the ground. Huo Lun, the young master of the blue and white club, is a thin old man.

See Zhao Chengfeng this in the eyes of ordinary people is simply not fatal lengtouqing move, Huolun suddenly some happy before he did not have impulse.

Otherwise, who knows if this kind of madman will worry about his Laozi, the count of blue and white. Although he firmly believes that if something happens to him, his father will take revenge on him, what's the use of that.

Don't say that he lost his life. Even if there is something wrong, if he died 10000 times, he can't make up for it.

The thin old man stroked the three wisps of beard on his chin. His eyes were shining. He didn't speak and didn't know what he was thinking.

Youya and Liuli are also stunned.

The difference is that Liuli raised her hand and covered it with a look of "benmei girl will be killed by you".

Liuli looked at the people on the bridge in the distance after a slight hesitation, but it seemed that he had figured it out in a moment. He grabbed the collar of the slave leader and dragged him to a low house not far away where people had already escaped.

In a short time, there was a scream from hell in the house.

The cry was so fierce that all the people who heard it could not help feeling numb and cold on their back.

Zhao Chengfeng can't help but secretly swallow his mouth, but he doesn't want to stop it.

Because I think that if he and Liuli swap, his revenge will never be more merciful than Liuli.

But he thinks so, others don't.

He and Liuli's action made the commotion of the group of people on the distant bridge more intense.

The count of purple wind was also gloomy, but he turned around and gave a low drink to his subordinates, as if to shut them up.

Because with his drink, those people are not willing to bow their heads, no longer noisy.

Count Zifeng's face was a little slow, and then he said something coldly.

One of them bent down and seemed to agree, then waved his hand again, and immediately several other minions came out to follow the man.

Count Zifeng coldly looks at Zhao Chengfeng. He doesn't know whether it's a warning or he wants to remember Zhao Chengfeng's appearance. Then he shakes his hand and turns to the other side of the bridge.

The rest of them hesitated for a moment, and they all looked at Zhao Chengfeng. Everyone's eyes were cold, but then they all followed count Zifeng and got off the bridge.

Seeing this scene, the people who were hiding in the distance were stunned. It seemed that count Zifeng had left like this.

I can't help but turn my eyes to the purple wind Club cadre who leads a group of minions here.

He secretly guessed, "is Zifeng going to send a cadre to destroy the Wuchen Qianzhi on May 9? It's also possible. Even though the Wuchen Qianzhi is not as useless as the legend, he really doesn't deserve to let count Zifeng do it himself."

"That cadre doesn't look weak either. He should have the strength of a viscount. It's enough for him to do it."

Among the people's guesses, the man has come with a group of minions.

At the same time, the scream in the house gradually weakened, and finally there was no sound. Then Liuli came out of it.

People could not help shivering at her appearance.

Her whole body was covered with blood from head to foot, her face was stained with blood dripping, and she felt as if she had been fished out of the blood pool, and some suspicious things were dripping down her body.

Some of the warriors who suffered less killing could not help but vomit when they saw the scene.

"What did this woman do to the slave leader?"

Someone can't help shivering.

The man who was vomiting, just raised his head, could not help but began to vomit again.

Zhao Chengfeng also slightly stay for a while, immediately moved his body, want to block Youya's line of sight, this kind of picture is not suitable for children.

But a turn head but discover leisurely elegant although a frown, seem to have not shown unwell however.

Zhao Chengfeng is more curious about the origin of this girl.

"In the end, what kind of background is it? I just frown at this kind of picture. Is it simply nerve thick?"

At the same time, the group of people from the purple wind club came near and saw the picture of Liuli. Some of the minions turned pale. Even the cadre's face was very blue. He could not help frowning.

Liuli did not seem to see them, his face is relaxed and free smile.

As if she had no regrets at this moment.

She didn't know the people in the purple wind club, but she could see the power, but she didn't care.

She has decided that as long as Zhao Chengfeng is defeated, she will commit suicide and never drag him down.

If Zhao Chengfeng can't escape, she will die with him.

Anyway, as long as it doesn't fall into the previous field, she doesn't care about the rest.

So for those people, she didn't look at them. She went straight to Zhao Chengfeng and knelt down on the ground. Without saying a word, she even kowtowed three times.

"My Lord, from today on, the life of Liuli is yours. Whether in this alien plane or back to earth, as long as you say, glass will die. If you disobey this oath, you will do so! "

As he spoke, he cut off the little finger of his left hand with a click.

Her this action, even Zhao Chengfeng all one Zheng, can't help but frown.

To be honest, he saved her, and even spared no effort to fight with a strong count, but that was mainly because of the dignity of being a human on earth.

But he didn't like the Japanese themselves. Even among the women, there were Japanese like kawawa Liangzi, but he still didn't like the rest of the Japanese.

It's just that I don't hate everything as much as I used to.

And see her that body blood appearance, although can understand, but still don't like. No one likes a woman so fierce, even if she has experienced a lot.

But he never thought that this woman could do this step, even cut her finger in a word. He could clearly feel the sincerity of this woman's oath.

For a moment, he got a little complicated.

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