Contrary to many people's expectations, the cadre of Zifeng club did not choose to do it.

Not far from Zhao Chengfeng, he just saw Liuli's action of cutting off his fingers. His cold face was slightly moved.

But just in a moment, this silk moved to disappear, angular faces again covered by cold and hostile, and then stood about five meters away from Zhao Chengfeng, quietly looking at Zhao Chengfeng, lips tight and silent.

Zhao Chengfeng just looked at him calmly and then looked away.

It's not a retreat, it's not a match.

If the other side is the count of purple wind, he is a little afraid, but the other side is just a viscount. Judging from his breath, Zhao Chengfeng estimated that his strength should not exceed the middle stage of magic martial arts according to the standards of the earth world.

Such strength, in front of today's Zhao Chengfeng is not enough to form a threat, no, not even a little obstruction.

Zhao Chengfeng looks at Liuli kneeling on the ground again, turns his hand, takes out a bottle of medicine and a roll of gauze from the dimensional object, and hands it to Liuli.

"Get up, I save you just because we are all from the earth. I don't like to see my own kind sold as goods. It's not to be grateful, or to make you a slave or servant. China is already a modern civilized world, and this kind of thing no longer exists. " Of course, Zhao Chengfeng speaks Chinese.

All the people around except Liuli could understand and frowned slightly. I don't know if it's a strange language, whether it's a cipher or something. Of course, no one will think of this kind of language from the alien plane. After all, this kind of thing is not normal.

Liuli's face was a little pale. When she heard Zhao Chengfeng's words, she looked up at him in surprise. She hesitated for a moment, but still reached for the medicine and gauze, and answered in a low voice: "yes ~!"

Not only because she was weak, but also because she felt that Zhao Chengfeng didn't accept her, or because she was worried about her future fate. Maybe both of them, her voice sounded a little low and lost her previous tenacity and determination.

But listen to Zhao Cheng wind cold hum a way again: "still Leng do what, still want to help you bandage? It won't, so you'd better not follow me and find a place to end it yourself, so as to save the earth's shame! "

Although his words are cold, his dark eyes suddenly brighten when he hears the words.

Of course, she recognized Zhao Chengfeng's meaning. Although she refused her loyalty and belittled the Japanese loyalty culture intentionally or unintentionally, she did not refuse to follow her.

The original worry suddenly let go, as for the other side of the mouth for the Japanese devaluation, she did not care. Anyway, she feels good ~!

She did not bandage, but quickly stood up, took the initiative to stand behind Zhao Chengfeng, and even refused Youya to come to help.

"I've sealed the orifices and acupoints with spirit power, and I won't bleed!"

Of course, she said this to Zhao Chengfeng. In fact, Youya didn't understand it.

As for her performance, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know whether to appreciate it or resist it.

Although she behaved in such a cruel way, he inevitably thought of the twisted so-called bushido spirit of Japan.

But this kind of ability and straightforwardness is really admirable.

Finally a frown, too lazy to care about her.

"Let her go, I'm not a nanny!" he said to you in the common language of the eternal world

You ya listen to Zhao Chengfeng said, can't help but open a mouth, finally a turn white eyes also took back the hand, no longer multi tube.

But in my heart, I really feel that Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli are strange.

First of all, Zhao Chengfeng saved the woman regardless. She thought they should be very close.

But then Liuli's action puzzled her very much. Although she didn't understand what she said, she could see that she seemed to be taking an oath of allegiance.

And in order to show determination, even without hesitation to cut the fingers, this kind of cruel, leisurely ya feel dead also can't start on himself.

Later, the two people's manner and performance made her more puzzled. She vaguely felt that Zhao Chengfeng didn't attach as much importance and intimacy to this woman as she thought, and even had some conflicts.

A woman for Mingzhi, even cut off her fingers, he even showed so cold.

"Since you are not close to her, why do you want to save her at the expense of a strong Earl and a powerful force?"

It's sick.

But he is so cold, the woman seems to be happy, her fingers are still dripping blood, but standing behind him, she looks happy.

It's not a disease, it's a psychosis.

She didn't understand what they said, but she didn't care much, because as far as she knew, her father's men talked in ways that she didn't understand.

There are no few other big powers that use secret language or have their own unique language.

So she didn't pay much attention.

On the other hand, the cadre of the purple wind Club frowned slightly when he saw that Zhao Chengfeng ignored him and even ignored his existence.

But he didn't do it in the end. Although he didn't believe count Zifeng said that he was not his opponent, even though he was the most respected Lord Zifeng, he was very confident in his own strength.

But he did not dare to disobey the orders of Zifeng.

Even this time, he didn't understand the command of Zifeng.

Because of this incomprehension, he became more and more disgusted with Zhao Chengfeng.

I wish I could crush each other to death, so that Zifeng can know that this bastard has nothing to fear.

But in the end, he could only grit his teeth and hum,

Then he waved to his subordinates, pointed to the slaves and said, "put all this rubbish into the market!"

"Yes ~!" A crowd of minions immediately swarmed to the slaves.

"No, no, help, my Lord, help me wait, help me wait!"

"My Lord, please help me. I'm willing to pay any price."

"My Lord, I'm the son of the twelve Chen family in XXX city. Please save me. I'll thank you after that."

"My lord ~!"

The slaves saw that Zhao Chengfeng had killed those slaves. Although they didn't know what their fate was, they had a glimmer of hope, but they didn't dare to escape because of Zhao Chengfeng's terror.

At this time see to fall into the hands of the purple wind, immediately all fear urgent up, have toward Zhao Chengfeng this side shout.

"Shut up, motherfucker, a bunch of garbage, no one can save you!" The cadre of the purple wind club gave a ferocious cold drink and sternly ordered to all the minions: "give me a smoke, who dares to call me to fight to death again ~!"


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