"Yes ~!" All the members of the purple wind society had their grievances. They were polite when they heard the words, and they all vented their anger on these unfortunate slaves.

Whips and fists are free to vent on these slaves.

All of a sudden caused a scream.

Holding his head, he squatted down and peeped at Zhao Chengfeng, but he didn't seem to look this way at all.

All the slaves were in despair, but they had to wait for their miserable fate.

Youya takes a look at the slaves and Zhao Chengfeng.

And the Viscount took a provocative look.

Zhao Chengfeng is still indifferent, as if he didn't see it at all. He just says to Youya faintly: "let's go, find a place to clean her and treat her injury. In a relatively quiet place, I also need to shut up and study some things. "

Leisurely elegant smell speech also drew back vision, didn't say more "why don't you save them this kind of words?"

After thinking about it for a while, he said, "in the current situation, there is only one suitable place. Come with me ~!"

Then he looked at Liuli, "can she understand me?"

"Let's go!" Zhao Chengfeng did not answer her question about Liuli.

Urge you ya to go quickly, for those slaves he did not look at.

It's not to say that he is really heartless. In fact, although he is not a softhearted person, he is not a hero who ignores life. You can't even be used to it as a native like you ya.

As a modern earthman, he has instinctive resistance to the act of selling people as goods, even strangers.

However, he is not the virgin who cares about the past and ignores the future. He still knows the truth of acting according to his ability.

If it wasn't for the fact that Liuli was a man from the earth, he would not have done much.

Because he knew that he did not have the ability to rescue these people.

If you do it by force, it will not only harm yourself, but also others.

Since it can't be saved, it's better not to see it, so as not to give those people hope and make them suffer more.

And he understood that the Viscount was deliberately provoking him by ordering people to beat the slaves.

So it's good for those people to be cold.

"Well, don't fight, take away ~!"

Sure enough, as soon as they left, the Viscount of Zifeng club was a little disappointed to see that he ordered people to beat these slaves.

He can't really let his subordinates kill all these people. After all, these are wealth.

"And all of these carried away ~!"

The last half of his sentence refers to the bodies of those slaves. To be honest, he doesn't want to care about these idiots at all, but these people are nominally connected with Zifeng club. If the bodies are exposed here, it is undoubtedly another insult to Zifeng club, which he can't tolerate.

As for whether other members of the lower class will have ideas, he doesn't care. What if a group of mole ants have ideas?

He looked at Zhao Chengfeng's back from a distance, squeezed his fist tightly, and spit a mouthful of phlegm on the ground.



"Can we still make an inn here?"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect that the place Youya said was the Lord's mansion. He couldn't help looking at her. "Is this girl actually the daughter of the Lord's mansion?"

The huge Lord's mansion, or marquis's mansion, is right in the middle of the four blocks of the black street city. From a distance, it looks like a medieval castle in Europe. All of them are made of huge stones and some dark metal blocks.

With a sense of massiness and dignity, compared with those messy buildings around, it's not unique. It's more like an elephant walking into a group of dogs.

The place where they are standing now is the back door of the Lord's mansion, but it is more like a stairway than a back door, because after passing through the outer wall, there is a tall ladder leading to one of the podiums of the castle.

Youya didn't answer him, but put her finger in her mouth and whistled at it.

After a while, in a window above the castle, three heads emerged.

Zhao Chengfeng saw clearly that it was a girl about fifteen or sixteen years old, a little boy and a little girl. The little boy was about eleven years old, and the little girl was even younger, maybe only seven or eight years old.

Three people see you ya are very happy, excited toward her wave.

Youya is alert toward three people put up an index finger in the lip, signal three people whisper.

Three people see this also followed to do the same action, but the face is still very excited, then disappeared in the window, a moment appeared in the door above the stairs ran out.

Seeing Youya downstairs, the three of them once again made an exclamation and excited action. Then the girl was like a butterfly floating down excitedly. Behind her, the little boy followed her like a deer. Only the little girl seemed timid and anxious, but she didn't dare to run down like the girl and the little boy. She could only move down a little carefully.

Seeing the girl floating in front of Youya and holding her hand, she said excitedly, "Youya, you've come to see me at last. I've been worried about you for so many days. It's so good that you're OK!"

Youya is also very happy in her eyes, but she pretends to be very mature and says: "what's the matter to worry about? I have promised you that it will be OK, of course it will be OK. Don't you think I'm ok?"

Then he twisted his body to prove his integrity to his best friend.

The girl looked up and down at her seriously, then covered her chest and said: "bless you, Youya, you are so brave and powerful, although I am still worried ~!"

Hearing the girl's words, Youya laughs with pride.

When they were talking, the little boy was anxious to express his existence and said, "sister Youya, these days, we have been according to what you said, and have not told your mother and father about your coming to the black street city."

Youya listened, laughed, reached for his head and rubbed it violently. "Ha ha, of course I know that, because I always believe that our little Jason is a little gentleman who is good at keeping secrets."

The little girl who is still trying to move down the stairs is a little worried when she sees the girl and the little boy talking and laughing with you ya. In order to show that she is also involved, she stops on one of the stairs, smiles, jumps and claps a few times, and then continues to move down.

"Xiaolixiya baby, are you ok? Do you miss your sister?"

Youya, of course, did not forget her. She opened her arms to meet her. Then she picked her up and raised her high, which made the little girl giggle like a silver bell.

Seeing her lovely appearance, even Zhao Chengfeng and the bloodstained glass behind him could not help but smile.

But the two seem to have been completely ignored by the three.

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