Finally, the little girl lixiya was the first to find Zhao Chengfeng and Liuli. Her chubby little hand pointed to Zhao Chengfeng and asked Youya curiously: "sister Youya, are they your friends? That sister is terrible. "

The girl and the boy just noticed Zhao Chengfeng. Zhao Chengfeng is OK. Except that he hasn't shaved for a few days, he seems to be a pretty normal handsome uncle. However, Liuli's image is really a little scary for children.

But lixiya felt terrible, the girl and the little boy also felt some scalp numbness, they couldn't help looking at Youya.

Youya heard lixiya asked, this just thought of two people, immediately explained to the girl a little bit, and then explained the intention.

"Well, sister Youya, I'm glad you want to live in the house, but they..." the girl looked a little embarrassed, but finally nodded and said, "I can only arrange them to live in the guard's dormitory, and I must not let my father and the guard find out. But you know, it will be very troublesome."

You ya smell speech, bit bit lip, some hesitant, then look to Zhao Chengfeng.

"No, not necessarily."

Zhao Chengfeng smiles bitterly and shakes his head.

He is not absolutely aggrieved to live in the guard dormitory, but it is not realistic at all.

"It's impossible to live in a guard's dormitory without being found out. Don't mention living in the guard's dormitory. Even now the Lord of the city must have known that we are standing here. "

They had made two disturbances in the city one after another and had clashed with two big forces. As the master of the Black Street City, the Lord of the city would not have lived if he had not been aware of it, and even if they had lived in the Lord's house.

Zhao Chengfeng can be 100% sure that when the three of them stand at the back door of the city's main mansion, at least three pairs of eyes are watching them, or paying attention to them.

Even for the existence of Youya, the Lord of the city knew it from the beginning. Only Youya and these little fools thought their secret had not been discovered by the Lord of the city.

"You mean Lord, he knew I had come to the black street city from the beginning?"

You Ya is not a fool, just a little experience.

At first, she didn't expect that when she heard Zhao Chengfeng say this, she immediately realized it. Her face changed greatly. Although she still didn't understand why the terrible uncle knew she was here, but didn't come out to see her, and then packed her up and sent her home like a postman.

But as soon as she had this doubt, she didn't want to stay here for a moment. She even said, "what are you waiting for? Run quickly. If you are caught by Uncle... The Lord of the city, I will be finished!"

The three little guys also changed their faces when they heard Zhao Chengfeng's words. It was obvious that they were very afraid of their father, the Lord's majesty.

Although reluctant to leave leisurely ya, but still nodded together, agreed.

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "ha ha, don't worry. Since the Lord of the city acquiesced you to stay in the black street city from the beginning, he won't really pack you up and send you home now, so it's safest for you to live here for the time being. Of course, you'd better continue to pretend that he didn't find your little secret."

At the same time, he thought to himself.

"No wonder the city Lord's mansion didn't respond to such a big noise before. I killed so many people, and none of the guards of the city Lord's mansion appeared. I thought it was the Lord who deliberately let me fight against those big forces. Now it seems that there is the reason for Youya, the little girl

Although I don't know why the girl lost her family, it's obviously in the interest of the Lord. Of course, the Lord dotes on the little girl after all.

So she acquiesced in her activities near the Black Street City, pretended not to know, and even acquiesced in her children's help.

It is even possible that even if he really lives in the guard dormitory, the Lord of the city is still OK and continues to pretend not to know.

However, it is impossible for Zhao Chengfeng to do so.

Although it may be relatively safe to do so to some extent.

But there must be advantages and disadvantages. If he does, other forces will be more hostile to him.

And the Lord of the city, even if he was not against him, sacrificed him as cannon fodder, because he had no psychological burden.

More importantly, he has too many secrets to put himself under the eye of a marquis.

As for Youya, it doesn't matter. Although the Lord of the city doesn't know the specific thoughts and reasons, he doesn't seem to have any plans against her at present.

"By the way, what is the reason for the forbearance of count Zifeng before? Is it because you know the relationship between Youya and the Lord's mansion, or you feel the ambiguous attitude of the Lord?"

Zhao Chengfeng's heart moved, but then he denied his idea.

"No, he didn't know that. His forbearance was because he felt it. It was not easy to win me. I don't want other people to benefit from it, otherwise his attitude should not be like that. "

Anyway, if it's me, I realize that the other party may be from the city Lord's mansion, then I'm not going to give in, because it will seem that I have a big plan. I'd better go to the door to complain and cheat. It can not only reassure the other party, but also show the enemy's weakness and take the opportunity to express my position.

When Zhao Chengfeng was thinking, Youya was also thinking about his words. The more she thought about it, the more reasonable she felt. She couldn't help looking up at Zhao Chengfeng. "This uncle didn't expect to look silly at ordinary times. Is he still very intelligent?"

"However, according to my uncle's personality, why would he acquiesce in my leaving home?" Youya felt her chin, but she didn't understand, "maybe my uncle doesn't like me to marry that fool. By the way, uncle barrow has loved me since he was a child. Of course, he won't have the heart to watch me be taken by those bastards in the clan in exchange for a little bit of poor interests. Only those bastards who only have interests in their eyes will do so."

When she thought about it, she suddenly laughed and felt safe for the time being.

However, although I figured it out, I decided not to live under my uncle's eyes. And although this uncle is in trouble, he has a strong strength. He can be used as cannon fodder when it's critical, and he can also be used as a machine to make money. It's a pity to give up like this.

Thinking about this, he immediately made a decision and said with a righteous face: "although I admit that what you said is very reasonable, which makes me very surprised. Uncle, you can say such reasonable words, but now that we are companions, we must share weal and woe. Since you decide to leave, of course I will accompany you."

"However, we have offended the two major forces in the city. I can't think of a safer place except the Lord's mansion. Otherwise, we should leave the black street city and go to other gathering places."

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