Zhao Chengfeng looks at him suspiciously,... This kind of words comes out from this girl's mouth, why is it so unbelievable?

He probably guessed what she thought, and he couldn't help laughing.

However, he did not expose her. Instead, he pondered seriously for a while, and then shook his head. It is not realistic to go to other gathering places.

The nearest gathering place nearby is the transmission point of May 9 city. It's also troublesome to go there, and it destroys his previous plan.

Before that, he deliberately killed a Viscount of the seven Chen family, and deliberately revealed his "true face" in order to lay a foreshadowing. Now it's obviously not the end.

He has to give them time.

As a movie says, "let the bullet fly for a while!"

In addition, other gathering places are three or four hundred li away recently. Three or four hundred Li. If he doesn't care, at most one day will come.

But now, whether it is himself or Liuli, there are problems that must be solved immediately.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he simply went to the territory controlled by the blue and white society. The special training room there was very suitable for his closure and the cultivation of Liuli.

As for the blue and white club, even the purple wind Club dare not act rashly. After the count of purple wind, will the blue and white club be a leading bird?

As long as you give me a buffer, find out the problem of solving the Taiji diagram in the sea, the remaining crystal nuclei in my body can make me go further and step into the void realm completely.

At that time, the whole black street city, which can threaten him, is the strongest one in the Black Street City, marquis baro. And he may not have the strength of the first World War.

And other people don't talk anymore.

With this in mind, he was about to open his mouth, but the little boy next to him suddenly said: "if it is really like what this gentleman said, my father has tacitly allowed sister Youya to stay in the Black Street City, then I know a place suitable for you to stay for a while!"

"Jason, do you really have any good ideas? So tell me about it. " Although you ya says so in the mouth, but the brow is tiny a wrinkly, in the heart dark strange this small fellow is much.

She had better be able to trick Zhao Chengfeng to leave the black street city immediately.

Although it's reasonable for Zhao Chengfeng to judge her like that, who knows if the dear uncle Barlow will suddenly change his mind.

But she also knows that Zhao Chengfeng's attitude is hard to be fooled.

It is Zhao Chengfeng to hear this little guy open, seem to be very interested, eyes encourage to look at this little guy, a look very looking forward to.

Although the little boy is the son of the Lord of the city, he is still young after all. The adult men he can contact are only his father and the guards and servants of the Lord's mansion.

All these people regard him as a child without exception.

In particular, although the Lord of the city kept saying, "you are a man, you should use men's standards to demand yourself."

But in fact, he was never treated as a man.

But Zhao Chengfeng's eyes at this time let him have the feeling of being talked equally, which made him a little excited, and even let him ignore Youya's slight displeasure.

His face was a little red. He nodded and said, "elder sister Elsa knows that place as well..."

"Ah, Jason, are you talking about the shop that my father just gave me to manage?" Next to the boy's sister heard here, it seems that the boy also thought of the place.

"Yes, there it is!" The boy nodded and said, "that place is in Beicheng district. It's not too far from the main residence, but it's not too close. I think it's very suitable for this gentleman and this elder sister to live in that place if they want to!"

"Well, that's a good idea. Anyway, I'm going to rearrange people there to take care of them. If this gentleman and this elder sister don't mind, I can arrange you to live there temporarily as guards in my name. If my father has really acquiesced in Youya's elder sister's leaving home, my father will acquiesce in living there. "

"Of course, the guard is just a saying. There are enough places for you to live there, whether it's cultivation or healing. Anyway, I'm in charge of it now. As long as I don't manage it, people won't ask more. "

Hearing this from the little boy and the young girl, Zhao Chengfeng was already excited. He just looked at the young girl and thought highly of himself... He is worthy of the title of the city leader. He has been learning management since he was only 15 or 16 years old.

However, he asked cautiously, "I don't know what kind of shop it is. Will it really bring you no inconvenience if we live there?"

"It doesn't matter. It's just an ordinary tool making shop over there. It's also engaged in some ordinary armed weapons and some auxiliary puppets. They're just ordinary things." The girl said with a smile.

But when Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he couldn't help but brighten his eyes. "Armed weapons, puppets? Isn't it true that weapons are immortal, illusory or fallen? Do puppets... Have combat power? "

He almost immediately thought of the dagger and the armor in his hand, both of which came from the goddess of the lonely cliff. He subconsciously thought that all the weapons were from the undead.

I couldn't help but move when I heard her say it was made.

"This..." the girl saw that he didn't even know this. She was surprised and subconsciously looked at you ya.

The latter rolled his eyes and didn't know how to explain it. At last, he showed his hand and said, "just think of him as a savage from the mountains. Don't judge him by common sense."

Zhao Chengfeng was speechless for a while. This kind of description is really unpleasant, but there is no way. After all, he does not know much about some common sense that others all know.

I can't help hating the authors of the books sold in the bookstores. No one writes encyclopedias in such a big world.

The girl didn't know what Youya said. She covered her mouth and puffed. Then she felt impolite. She quickly put away her smile and explained seriously: "in fact, generally, undead species don't fall into arms directly. Generally, there are only two kinds of arms falling out."

"One of them is that the armed men were killed by the undead when they were hunting, and then their arms fell into the hands of the undead."

"Second, some undead species will produce weapons, armor, jewelry and other weapons, and the just solidified part is the part of these weapons. After the undead species are exposed to light, these armed parts will fall down."

"But not all the dropped weapons can be used directly. They usually need to be modified. In fact, more weapons are made by craftsmen. Of course, the materials usually come from undead species or precious mineral materials bred in special environments. "

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